Not quite as cheap as the eBay deal posted earlier this month. But pretty close and still way cheaper than super cheap autos price. Seems a good price for last minute dad gift for Xmas.
Down from nearly $100 to $59.39
Not quite as cheap as the eBay deal posted earlier this month. But pretty close and still way cheaper than super cheap autos price. Seems a good price for last minute dad gift for Xmas.
Down from nearly $100 to $59.39
Do you have a link of the item on ebay?
But i hate fastway so much.
this is the model i bought, just need the one to suit your pressure washer.
Plenty of companies drop shipping from sydney. Just search "lance 1L" and set location to AU
Agreed. Bunch of useless unprofessional muppets running a courier business.
What is the advantage of using this as opposed to just simply doing the hand wash way? This seem to be cumbersome to use as it needs a gerni to operate.
I think the theory is that the foamy suds are meant to loosen and then remove lots of the dirt, prior to hand washing. Reducing the risk of putting swirl marks in your paint.
Edit: I don't have one, so can't say whether it works as suggested.
Professional detailers will try to remove as much surface contaminants as possible as it reduces the risk of scratches, which lead to "swirl marks". Doing a prerinse and foam pre-wash is fairly effective at doing this.
The big foam is just psychological benefit. Most of the detergent never touches the car .. but it looks good with the foam and makes you think it is doing a good job.
Incorrect. The advantage of the foam is that it is thick so it has time to sit on the paint and work on loosening the dirt rather than just sliding off.
But then you can’t take cool photos to post and think you’re a total pro!
Rinse the car first to get most of the loose dirt off, then use the foam gun to add soap for lubrication. Don’t expect to foam, rinse off and be done as it won’t work. Need to follow up with the 2 bucket method. The key to it all is lubrication to avoid adding scratches and swirls to the paint.
I've got 3 black cars, haven't needed to bucket wash for about 2-3 months. They all get snow foamed with this lance and Bowden's Snow Job. Dwell for 3-4 minutes and rinse with the Gerni. Anyone that says snow foam lances don't work either haven't used one or are using inferior products/methods. You should never rinse the car before using a foam lance, it needs to be thick to sit on the paint and allowed to work.
You’d need to be foaming every week for that to work. It won’t get off heavy dirt but if you foamed every week you could keep loose dust off.
@iShibby: I do on the one that lives outdoors. The other two are garaged so get washed once a fortnight. Foaming or 2 bucket washing, my cars still get washed at the same rate, it's just much much easier with a foam lance.
The Pressure washer manufacturers make their own version of the foam sprayers. (these are not the foam bottles from a few years ago which were not that good that came with the washer).
I do not know how well these perform compared the the foam cannons, the Gerni and Ryobi one are priced very well.
Gerni Super Foam Sprayer… $24.98
Ryobi Variable Flow Foam Sprayer… $19.90
Karcher 0.6L Foam Jet Nozzle FJ6… $29.90
I lost my pressure washer' foam attachment. So which one is better? the deal or the link you attatched?
The Meguiar's one holds a litre where all of these look a bit smaller. I use the full litre on a CX-9 but less on my smaller cars.
They also all look like they're fully plastic, the Meguiars one is brass up top so a little more durable if it gets dropped/knocked over. I wouldn't pay $100 for it but was happy paying $60. That said, the $25-30 ebay ones probably come from the same factory.
You use a liter of car wash per car?! I don't think you are doing it right.
@nobarginsarehere: 100ml of product, 900ml of water. You don't fill the lance with straight product.
@whitelie: You use straight product on the ones with a variable knob on top.
Like the Karcher, Ryobi and Meguiar.
Then you vary how much product mixes with the water.
Gives you complete control.
@nobarginsarehere: Not according to Bowden's who make the foam.
"Mix to a 1:9 ratio -100mls of Snow Job in 900mls water. Or 50 mls in 950mls of water if you're more of a cheap bugger for 80 washes in the 2 litre bottle.
With our technique we use just 500mls of the mixed foam solution per wash, or two washes in the 1 litre cannon bottle"
Although I generally use more than 500ml on a sedan and large SUV but filling the canon with straight product, I'd imagine you'll use a lot more than 50ml of product. Pre-mixing it produces a foam that is more than thick enough to dwell for 3-5 mins in the shade. I guess if you were using a car wash product instead of a dedicated foaming product you may need to use straight product.
thanks mate
I purchased the genuine karcher one and it didn't work!!!
Also leaf blower to dry 80% of the car. Finish off with Bowden after glow or similar to dry the rest.
Cool. I never think of that way.
I price beat at Supercheap auto (less $1) and joined their member for $5 and received $10 voucher. That brought it down to $53.39.
I paid $24.99 on ebay for the same thing but not branded Meguiars and no wash. Just search Pressure Washer Foam Lance Gun Bottle and you will find them from around $20.00.
seems okay if you want it today.
You can get a similar canon from ebay for about $30 delivered, but they send it via fastway couriers from sydney