Some good prices. Enjoy :)
Link to All PlayStation VR Sale/Deals (Total 165) - Feel free to find the game which you like or let us know if you find steal. I will add into OP :)
Some good prices. Enjoy :)
Link to All PlayStation VR Sale/Deals (Total 165) - Feel free to find the game which you like or let us know if you find steal. I will add into OP :)
Hey Askhole!
Can we get these in physical discs?
I'd love to make the most of the PSVR I got during Cyber-Monday, and don't go online on PS4 (or even have my credit details) on there.
I wasn't really impressed by Superhot, played it once and forgot about it. Tbh though that's been my impression of pretty much everything PSVR.
Damn that’s a shame! I didn’t realise it required the move controllers, I’ll have to pick some up.
Loved superhot VR. Kind of short, but decently replayable, and damn it's a decent workout. Make sure you have plenty of room in all directions though so you're not punching walls or chandeliers.
I've heard a lot of things about resident evil 7 in VR, so I'm going to grab that. Even though I do awfully with horror games.
My other recommendations aren't on sale, but they're something to keep an eye out for in future:
Beat Saber is amazing, but I don't know if it's ever gone on sale yet. It's absolutely worth full price, ozbargain be damned.
I'm not usually into racing games, but WipEout Omega Collection is brilliant. Though, I didn't get motion sickness with it but my dad got it bad, so YMMV.
This is part of the PlayStation Christmas sale - there are reductions across hundreds of titles - ps4, PS3 and vita. If you have games in your watchlist best to check it to see if any of your desired buys are on sale. Chances are several will be :)
PS. If you're into PSVR, Moss is also supposed to be good and also currently reduced. It wasn't discounted in the last sale cycle.
PPS. Astrobot - mentioned above - is a must own title.
You reckon they'll drop the prices of the consoles themselves?
Stores might do something special to squeeze coin on Boxing Day but this sale is digi software only - not hardware related at all.
The move controllers are still heaps pricy.
Waiting for the price to hit around $80
Super hot requires move controllers beat saber also requires it. I wanna play it but can’t til I have those controllers.
Get some used PS3 ones for like 1/4 the price if you're happy with 2nd hand.
Buy a PS3 bundle for cheap off gumtree and flip the PS3 console + games = free move controllers
Recently purchased a PSVR.
Astro Bot is a load of fun.
I think I get motion sickness from playing Resident Evil though. Am I the only one?
They say it’s best to stop immediately when you get motion sickness instead of trying to ride it out. That way you’ll recover more quickly. Aside from that I’ve heard you build up a tolerance to motion sickness so over time you should feel less sick.
Try running a fan so the breeze hits your face and also try ginger tablets. Also if a game has motion movement (slight rocking of screen with walking motion) then try that, it all helps fool your brain.
I've got a pile of PSVR games and equipment and I've really put the time in over the past 18 months but it's just not for me. Those tips helped me though.
Im one of the unlucky ones with motions sickness :(
I got it from rigs and resident evil however Astro bot is amazing and my wife and I have not yet been affected
I play a lot of PSVR and follow all the reviews. Decent picks from the sale include (not in any specific order):
Not all these games will suit everyone (some are horror, some are puzzles, etc), so I recommend typing the game name into YouTube followed by ‘PSVR review’ eg. The persistence PSVR review
PSVR Without Parole, Shugghead Gaming and Polish Paul VR are probably the best reviewers
Remember, the more you buy the more you save :)
Have fun!
That's a decent list.
Do you reckon EB Games would price match games (discs) to the sales on the PSN network (digital) ??
Cheers in advance!
Thanks OP! I'm picking up Superhot on VR, great reviews and it's on sale too. Any other recommendations?