Extra shot 750ml iced coffee.
Usually $3.99, marked down to 99cents.
Best before date 23 December.
There are 5 rows of bottles behind the front row. I.e. ~20 in stock
Extra shot 750ml iced coffee.
Usually $3.99, marked down to 99cents.
Best before date 23 December.
There are 5 rows of bottles behind the front row. I.e. ~20 in stock
Damn auto collect.
Dam auto correct.
Didn't even know they still had these! Thought Bold Espresso phased them out..
Old milk, going cheap. Get yerr old milk!
Every Coles and Woolies have many things reduced to clear as they are approaching best before this date. This is not a bargain.
i actually agree with this comment. are we going to start posting giveaway food at homeless shelters as well now?
many things reduced to clear as they are approaching best before … This is not a bargain.
I'm not following your logic.
All food is approaching its best before date. This product is just closer to it than other foods.
This will turn in to Espresso yogurt!
yeah but if we posted every damn time a supermarket is clearing out old stock we'd have as many so called 'bargains' as chinese sellers trying to post their cheap chinese made crap on amazon as 'bargains'.
Maybe you could post a bargain and show us how it's done.
… as many so called 'bargains' as chinese sellers trying to post their cheap chinese made crap on amazon as 'bargains'.
They want your money, my money, scotty's money and whoever joins OzBargain next Friday morning's money. It is a matter of record OP does not want our money.
It is undeniably a saving and OP's 2,987th post proves he already knows what is a bargain.
ah i forgot, post enough 'deals' and the garbage slips through the cracks because of seniority and 'respect'.
So far this deal has 16 votes which is pretty good considering it's a store specific deal. Looks like the community disagrees with you.
We come here for bargains. There are sound reasons why Moderators have not unpublished this one.
Will be 5 cents on Monday arvo
Thanks OP, just got three with BB date of 23.12.2018. Thanks to the SodaStream I got a few days ago I have just discovered the wonderful world of caffeine withdrawal as I have not drunk any Coke Zero for over 48 hours and this just might get me over the initial hump of adjusting to my new non soft drink world.
Damn, I have also rediscovered my lactose intolerance and for the last few hours have regretted slamming down that ice coffee. Going to have to be careful when drinking the remaining two bottles.
Nice find altomic, thanks :)
Bit of a typo. It's called Ice Break, not Icebreaker.