7% - 10% Cheaper Electricity

7% discount from Origin energy (maybe QLD only). I had a door to door a visit from TRU energy rep offering 10% of my standard domestic electricy rate. I called my provider Origin and asked if they could price match, they said the best they could do would be 7%. I thought for anybody who hasn't already got this discount it an easy take, just call and ask for it.


  • You should be able to negotiate your electricity rate with most companies. That said, check the wiki for electricity comparison, http://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/list_of_price_comparison_si…. I'm with Neighbourhood energy (I think its called something else now) where 10% off is their standard plan.

    That said, this is more appropriate for forums, MOVED.

    • Hi Neil

      I've been trying to find out who offers the most competitive prices in Victoria. I'm currently with Red Energy and my previous quarterly bill was $240. The most recent one I received increased $100+ to $380. I've done the comparisons on several websites(Goswitch, switchwise, switchselect etc). Neighbourhood Energy seems to rank the cheapest on most of them. Even though they offer good rates. What are they like with regards to bill enquiries, resolving problems, customer service etc? Have you had any negative experiences with them? and would you recommend them?

      I've read horror stories of people swiching to "cheaper energy retailers" only to discover incorrect charges/billing, increasing the rates once you sign up, forcing you to change to a smart meter etc. Neighbourhood energy currently have a special discount of 12%, which sounds too good to be true.
      Maybe I'll just call up Red Energy and ask if they can give me a better offer/discount. I'm only receiving 5% at the moment.

      • Here's a comparison of the rates, from their websites.

        (Red Energy)

        (inc GST) (exc GST)
        Peak 21.4500 c/kWh 19.5000 c/kWh
        Service to Property 64.9000 c/day 59.0000 c/day

        (Neighbourhood Energy)

        (inc GST) (exc GST)
        All kWh 20.96¢/kWh 19.05¢/kWh
        Supply Charge(¢/Day) 62.93¢ 57.21¢

    • I agree, I got sucked in once years ago and ended up costing me more than the provider I was using

  • Look at the base rate as well, and the service charge if you don't use a lot. Sometimes, different companies' rates can differ by more than 10%. There's no point in getting a 10% discount if it's 10% more expensive than the other offers.

  • i would be very skeptical of anything a door-to-door sales person says.

  • TRU Energy has a history of offering big discounts in recently deregulated states (especially to ignorant regional customers) and putting the rates up above the default rate. In NSW's Essential Energy network for example, customers who have signed up with TRU last year on a 10% discount are now paying more than customers still with Country Energy on default rates. My recommendation would be AGL (fair pricing promise) or Origin.

  • I've just taken out a 12 month contract with Origin (Qld) and I am getting 10% discount.

    • Yeah, but you are getting a 10% discount off WHAT?

      These retailers are like the Insurance companies - they offer a cheap rate the first year to get you in, and then increase prices later. This is a goofd tactic for them because most people (who aren't OzBargainers) don't think to re-negiotiate every year.

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