Found a Safe under My Carpet but Don't Know How to Open It

First time poster so go easy on me. So we are getting new carpets done in our house and when we ripped the old carpets up, we found a safe. Mostly likely there will be nothing inside but my curiosity is getting the better of me and I want to open it but I wouldn't have a clue how too. Any ideas? It isn't a combination safe so it requires a key. Would a normal locksmith be able to make a key for it? I did some digging and it looks like the safe company no longer exists as they got a 'winding up order'.

I took a photo of the safe

closed Comments

  • +3

    Not knowing what's inside would seriously keep me up at night.

  • +1

    There must be some OzBargainers that have honed their skills from one of these deals who can help you out…

  • jackhammer?

    • +2


      lol. No.

      Either use grinder or a rotary drill. Go under the floorboard and cut in from the side.

  • +6

    Is this going to be reddit's The Safe all over again?

    • That's what my mind went to first too!

    • I hope so. I also hope OP opens it before Oprah finds out about it.

      For anyone who doesn't know about this:

      • I skimmed that - did the guy find 13 pennies?

        • The original safe was opened years later by new tenants and had cobwebs. There were many after.

    • It's looking more like it, OP has gone DisabledUser274414

      • Guesses for what he found? Drugs? Biological weapon? The ark of the covenant?

  • I was thinking about a grinder (don't know if it's hinges on the right side) but not knowing what's inside may be dangerous to open up.

  • Lucky you! i would be curious too! Do you own the house? As locksmith will open it only the consent of house owner and might be a bit pricey ! Have fun!

  • Oh my god I want to know what's inside.
    I'd be using an angle grinder, and would've gone to Bunnings and been at it all night. Buy plenty of extra discs

  • +3

    It's quite obvious you need dynamite. Watch Loony Tunes for instructions.

  • Thanks for suggestions, I might call up a locksmith first before I bring in the power tools. I'll keep everyone updated!!

    • +5

      I'll keep everyone updated!!


      And that was the last we ever heard of him.

      • +1

        He found a bag of diamonds and is now in hiding - I guarantee.

      • +1

        What a troll.

  • It'd be a bit unfun if you open it to find… nothing inside…

  • are you in Melb? i have a cordless angle grinder we can use to open it

  • Wow! There could be 3.6 million dollars in fake and counterfeit old $2 notes with an old smelly sock in there.

  • +1

    It's like the author to a book series died.
    Now we will never know the ending.

    • Whoa did OP close their account :S

  • Wow, how exciting. A mystery..

    My first approach would be to see how its anchored to the floor. If you can take it outside, you will have more options open to you.

  • +2

    I think the drug syndicate who own the safe must have read this thread and have 'taken care of' the OP…
    Double mystery.

  • yeah, just found john wick's retirement stash

  • Did you try to open it just in case it's not even locked :)

  • *sigh
    we'll never know now :(

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