I'm gifting a 2 litre bottle of Moet to someone for Christmas
How would I go with wrapping this.
I tried so many wine bags but not sure if it'll hold
I don't want to just hand someone a bottle of Moet
I'm gifting a 2 litre bottle of Moet to someone for Christmas
How would I go with wrapping this.
I tried so many wine bags but not sure if it'll hold
I don't want to just hand someone a bottle of Moet
Drink half of it first then it won't weigh too much.
Use wrapping paper
Just need to sticky tape the paper to the bottle and sort of roll the bottle up in it.
Cellophane? Maybe. Twists better than paper
Another alternative is take to a shopping centre which has gift wrapping for charity. Unsure if they are doing this in your area. I did this for my presents and wrapped each present for a gold coin donation.
Try and see if can buy a gift box that it fits in. Even it is just a plain box, could still wrap it up in Christmas paper.