This looks like a good deal - 4x smart plugs for $79 delivered. Anyone with feedback please let us know!
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This looks like a good deal - 4x smart plugs for $79 delivered. Anyone with feedback please let us know!
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These are $20 cheaper than last time. Good find!
I've been using them for like a month or so already. Pretty good when i'm not bothered to turn on the Buddha altar lights and schedule it each night and morning or better yet turn those old 'night security deterrent lamps' into a 'smart lamps'. Smart app is really handy if you wanna turn your lights on 'remotely' outside of your home internal wi-fi although can be pretty creepy if someone gets a hold of your smart app account details and mess around with your switches, turning them on and off. I also use them on my phone chargers when charging overnight, prevents overcharging your phone and wearing out the battery life. Pretty fine stuff i should say especially with google assistant.
although can be pretty creepy if someone gets a hold of your smart app account details and mess around with your switches
Ah … OoooK.
@sgtdanny69148 - Can you set a schedule so lights turn on and off at a certain time automatically ?
When you say scheduled above I wasn't sure if this is what you mean or you manually do it every day and night.
Yes, scheduled as in set on at (time) and off at (time). So for example for the night deterrence lamp switches, i set for it to turn on at 8pm and set it to turn off at 5am and you can even choose what days of the weeks it applies to or if its just a one off, if you want it to do so every single day of the week and basically just forget about it then you select all the days listed.
Same here keen on reviews
Good price for 4. ($20 each, delivered)
You can get a similar item on eBay for $14.58 delivered…
these come with power monitoring, S26, the one you listed, doesn't seem to do this
Do those sit far enough out to not cause issues with switch?
No energy monitoring
hehe, a little reading goes along way (and uses negligible energy)
Wish this had USB charging too.
People don't care if energy companies know exactly what appliances they're using? In that case get all the smart electrical you can.
What do you mean?
These tell you how much energy they are using, not tell the energy companies what you using
You're thinking of a smart meter, which sits in your power box and reports usage data back to your power supplier. This is not the same thing.
In any case smart meters provided by your power company don't have the ability to tell what appliances you run. How could they?
Some appliances do have a mac type address over the power network, not sure if they can do anything like power companies remotely turning them off when power grid usage too high etc
It's actually quite simple to infer what devices are using power by current draw, how often it's switching on/off, times of day. Power factor changes will also advertise if it's inductive (i.e. motor), capacitive (i.e. electronics), or pure resistive (i.e. heater).
You can tell a lot by the slight fluctuations in your power usage.
i've been using one for a few weeks and they seem to work as you'd expect them to, so I brought 4 more, thanks OP!
Cool idea, but what will everyone be using the smart switches for?
External lights - so that when i'm in wifi range i can ask google to illuminate the path from within the car.
Toggle annoying switches - i've got a few power points which are behind things couches etc
Necessary? Prob not, but a little automation makes my life easier
Well said. Wish I could plug one into the wife for abit if automation when in range.
These are great. Bought a 4 pack in November for an elderly friend that was worried about her power bill. They are super easy to set up, the app is good. Alexa works with them with no issues and finds them easily. The power use statistics are fun with a daily graph dividing into calendar months usage as well as real time display. Scheduling is easy enough but tedious if doing a 24 hour on/ off for the fridge or freezer, but a tick box for a full week would be good instead of having to tick each week day for each setting to achieve this. Also schedules can't be saved to use on another switch. An app update wiped out one switches schedule which was annoying. Overall I'm very pleased with them and they are great value imo.
Been using these for a few weeks as well and they're fine, in fact they're markedly similar to the Topersun ones I had bought off Amazon AU. You can also connect them using the 'Smart Life' App for connectivity instead of Kogan's app which i also tried and its almost exactly the same minus UI stying differences and also connects to Google Home & Assistant for home the same integration.
Kogans Wifi Bulbs are also the same as the Topersun ones too. again no qualms, it just works and havnt had any issues yet.
It looks like Kogan uses the Tuya API for control so most of the gear should be useable with Automation controllers like Home Assistant etc.
Some discussion here. So in this case you don't use the Kogan app and set the gear up through your Tuya account.…
Another benefit of power monitoring is that you can set your controller to check for consumption of say a freezer in the back shed which may have broken for several days before you notice. You can also get is to notify when for example the washing machine has finished it's cycles, etc.
Thank you for posting this!!
Has anyone set up in Home Assistant?
I have and it works fine, no more difficult than any other similar device to set up
Any idea if these can be made to work locally only, without an active cloud connection?
Most are cloud based anyway
no power monitoring, no warranty, but will do the same
Can I use this as a home wifi extender and extend the range of the wifi signal?
no, its a smart power switch to turn things off and on and monitor how much power things use
I prefer Zigbee (not WiFi) because of the mesh networking and not overloading some WiFi base stations that serve limited devices. Is that sensible?
I have more issues with my Mi zigbee PowerPoint then my broadlink WiFi powerpoint
Worth mentioning that the 2-pack is also a reasonable deal at the moment, $49 delivered.…
Maybe more of interest to people for whom 4 is more than needed.
I just bought these: Hyleton smart plugs from Amazon - 2 pack for $30.99. Although they don't have energy monitoring.
So you bought a completely different product that has less features for less money?
Just saying - some people won't care about the power monitoring, so why spend extra on a feature you don't want.
unless it had energy monitoring, then your isnt cheaper, as its a completely different product
is this the real deal? any smart plug better value than this?
I’ve been trying these out for about a week.
They switch off randomly. I was even testing one out to see what my fridge’s consumption was like, and it turned off randomly. Fortunately, I was still getting acquainted with the Tuya app and caught it quick. I have since found that this happens a few times in a week.
I bought a 4 pack and they all have this issue - it is not simply a case of “one bad egg”.
I've only used 1 out of the 4 pack for the Christmas tree lights, so it was scheduled to only light up at night.
In your case you needed it to be on all the time, i'll have to try mine on an always on appliance.
On paper they seem really good. Keen to hear other peoples experience with these