What Do People Spend Money on That You Think Is Stupid and Extravagant?

Hard one to word correctly in the title…

I have seen a few examples lately of silly and over-the-top things that people pay loads of money for, and it honestly makes me a little angry that people waste money on such nonsense.

My list includes (they're mostly vanity related I notice):
- $1000 sneakers
- $20 pairs of socks
- Butler's pantries - so now you have a 'Good' kitchen, and an 'Actual' kitchen… (mod: language)
- $2000 iphones

I'm certainly guilty of wasting money from time to time, on clothes or booze or furniture etc, and I make a decent living so this isn't a whinge about "Why do people have money and not me??". I am just absolutely gobsmacked sometimes at the stuff people spend their money on….and yes it is their money to waste obviously

What's on your list of "WTF Expenses"?


          • @Quantumcat: haha.. I'd be more than happy to buy $300-500 bags as presents and not think twice!

        • I was of the same mind until I experienced my friend's collection. They're hand crafted pieces of visual, tactile and functional artwork, jewellery and style. I can easily see how someone would get $5,000+ of enjoyment out of one (or ten) and apparently the classics from European fashion houses hold their value if they're taken care of.

          • +1

            @Scrooge McDuck:

            I was of the same mind until I experienced my friend's collection

            Oh no.. you've been sucked into the dark side! :p

            Have you hever had to buy one? It's mi-goreng for the next 12 months (without the egg, because eggs are not cheap!).

            • @bobbified: Hell no! I'm not a provider! If my company isn't enough for a friend, they're not a friend at all.

              My friend has a wealthy older husband to keep the accounts topped up.

              • @Scrooge McDuck:

                My friend has a wealthy older husband to keep the accounts topped up.

                hahahaha! This friend you're referring to sounds like a "friend", not a friend! :)

          • @Scrooge McDuck: You could say the same about a McDonalds burger. They are all hand crafted pieces of visual, tactile and functional food. Dosn't change the fact that they are mass produced garbage that anyone can walk in and buy if they have the money.
            Damn, now I feel like a burger…

        • Better resale value than cars tho.

          • @MessyG: Hate to admit it, but I've seen that happen before with the limited edition ones.

            But the bag was only used a few times in a few years so I can't imagine the owner had much enjoyment out of it.

            What I've noticed from the conversations is that some of the brands increase prices as more and more can people afford it so that their products don't become mainstream. Interesting….

      • I'm of two minds about shoes i.e. heels. A tall thin girl in a sheer dress and matching heels can be stunningly elegant and endearing in the same way as a baby giraffe who is just finding its feet. Especially so when she stays anchored to your arm for stability and needs to be carried up and down the stairs.

        But the comfort, athleticism and sense of a fresh pair of runners is alluringly sexy.

      • Just buy a Stone Glacier pack and be done with it.

  • Anger Management Course !!

    Which I think you should really spend the money on based on how easily you can get angry :)

    You should thank those people who spend the money, they are the ones who drive the economy.

    • +1

      punching bags at the gym is way cheaper and you don't need to tell anyone the circumstances regarding your anger problems :)

      • +1

        nah. Punching a bag of sand in a gym is way overrated.

        For OP's case, he will just buy a bag of garden soil from Bunnings, when on sales, and hang it in his garage. :)

    • +1

      Haha only if i can get a Groupon for that course

      More than happy for people to drive the economy, but it depends if those same people are the ones complaining about struggling to make ends meet, or the house prices, or that public transport is too expensive, etc etc

      • Rich people gets rich by making poor people hand over their money. Poor people don't understand that buying expensive items to show off doesn't make them richer. In fact, it will only make them poorer, and the wealth gap larger.

        Education on financial planning should be part of school curriculum.

        • +2

          Rich people gets rich by making poor people hand over their money.

          Everyone gets rich by convincing other people to hand over their money.

          Unless we're talking about a posh mugger or the government, noone's making anyone do anything. And the government makes rich people hand over money to give to poor people.

          • @HighAndDry: convincing is just a formality.

            • @ausdday: Yes, all those poor shoppers in Woolworths, having no choice but hand over their money to the cashiers…

          • +2

            @HighAndDry: Amassing wealth is not a zero sum game.

            • @Scrooge McDuck: You're right, but enough people don't seem to understand it that I've given up trying to explain it. In most cases, treating it as a zero-sum game, (which it arguably is in the short-term) is simpler and doesn't affect arguments too much.

              • @HighAndDry: If you're a carpenter and I'm a metalworker, and I trade you a straight through exhaust for a speaker box, we're both wealthier after the transaction.


                • @Scrooge McDuck: But not everyone is privileged enough to be given skills and education and it's not as if employment is at 0%. People are forced to work for companies that underpay and exploit their workers and they don't have a chance to participate in your rich man trades.

                  • @[Deactivated]: Well everyone is 'privileged' enough to be 'given' (should be earn / work for) skills & Education. Australian education system is mostly free? You don't need 'privilege', just sign up to a public school?

                    People are not 'forced' to work for companies that 'underpay' (not even sure what you mean by underpay considering there is a legally agreed minimum wage???). People CHOOSE to work for companies, if they do not wish to work somewhere simply find another role with commensurate/higher pay or quit?

                    Not sure how you logically come to these conclusions?

                    • @DaneD: Hi,

                      My name is tshow (pronounced Ai-bruh-haem). Some call me Peter but you can call me Bob.

                      I identify as centre right, have been in full time employment or employed whilst studying since 15. I have never been a recepient of any assistance fund or welfare and have only used medicare twice, both for a short consult.

                      I would consider myself a creative, if not a tormented artist as apparently I am terrible at conveying sarcasm.

              • @HighAndDry: You're both wrong.
                Trading is a non-zero sum game (ie win-win, or win-neutral) when looking at the short-term.

                In the long-term it is actually a zero sum game. Just because economies haven't hit peak theoretical capacity doesn't mean a ceiling doesn't exist. As far as we know, it does exist and that in effect makes it a Zero Sum Game.

                The only ways it is not a zero sum game is if:
                - universe-breaking, we manage to create something out of nothing
                - we manage to steal resources outside our universe

                …..currently if we start mining deep sea and other un-mined areas for resources, we can increase our theoretical limit. The next step is to take resources from orbiting satellites (aka asteroids) which can increase that theoretical limit very high. The next step is to start terraforming Mars and using its natural resources, which boosts our threshold. Then it is to start deep space manual travelling to catch other satellites and terraform other planets. And lastly it is to bend Space (create wormholes) to be able to steal resources from anywhere in the universe, amassing them, and causing more trade to occur which exceeds the limits to the limit of the universe. And our universe is not unlimited, it clearly is finite properties (0 Kelvin, Planks size, Speed of Light, Border of Universe etc etc).

                • @Kangal: I see you too have played the paper clip game..

            • @Scrooge McDuck: Only a fool (or an economist) can think something can grow infinitely from something finite (Planet Earth).

              • +1

                @Kangal: Why must we be earthbound?

                Have the stars not set the horizons where the shore once did?

                Have man not the ability to master the forces that once demanded our folly?

                Wake up my brother(?) for our grasp no longer exceed our reach. Embrace Prometheus' fire. To some it was a garden. To the crusaders a cup, the holy grail, bestower of immortality. I have tasted, nay, reached inebriation from the cup but still it overflows.

                Today I share with you immortality. I share with you… knowledge.


                • @[Deactivated]: We are earthbound because we do not have the capability to escape our home.

                  Part of this is political (not enough competition and funding), and part of it is economical (how do we afford the resources), but a big part is technological (we don't have the knowledge of how to do it in a practical-viable method).

                  Terraforming Mars will be a huge step in human achievement, which is unfortunately looking more and more impossible each year that passes (and we do nothing/little for the cause). Not to mention the ethics of space travel.

  • +33


  • +6

    we reddit eh

  • +2


  • -5


    • But it's so tasty!

    • Medicare. I've spent more on it than I'll ever be able to use.

      • So far. Once you hit about 85, you'll use it and then some.

        • Doubt it. Based on today's fee schedule (fair since I am paying for it now) and that I'm also insured, I would have to be an exceptional outlier to utilize my share of the contribution.

    • …As in bodybuilders?

      • My reading is, it's stupid and extravagant to overeat to the point of insulin resistance such that one needs exogenous insulin rather than simply removing the cause.

        If I wanted to make that point, I would've targeted Metformin, since type 1 diabetics have no choice in the matter of insulin usage.

  • -1

    Wine fridges

    • +1

      Depends on what wines you have and what other options you have to store them. Apartment dwellers without a basement and with expensive wines they're storing long-term might find it a good investment.

      • Each to their own!

  • +7

    Novated lease of European Luxury cars.

    A lot of these are over $100K, 30-50% depreciation in 3-4 years. Then go ahead and rent another car for the same if not higher price with the "trade in" of their rented car.

    I love cars but these are pretty crappy mid range forgettable common cars. There is a reason why these dealerships look like shiny monolithic palaces…

  • +6

    valentines day… Urrghh

    • +3

      To symbolise my love for you on this one obligatory day out of the whole year, I give you a dozen amputated now dying roses and an overpriced box of sugar laden, addictive and unhealthy confections.

      How romantic!!

      • +1

        ohhh you so nice… lub you long time.

    • -2

      any holiday really. waste of money.

      • You must be fun at parties

        • +1

          that's implying i get invited to parties

          • @HKS: Well I wouldn't be surprised if you don't get invited all that much

  • +5


  • +19

    Bottled water!

    • +2

      Yes i second this. I work in a supermarket and see people buying water bottle packs all the time (Some even buy the extra fancy imported ones). Sometimes i feel like asking what's wrong with the water from your tap.

      • Sometimes i feel like asking what's wrong with the water from your tap.


        This is what's wrong with tap water… (it's probably been over-exaggerated). Nevertheless, I still drink from the tap most of the time anyway.

        There is something seriously wrong when a 500mL bottle of water costs more than a litre of petrol!

        • +3


          Melbourne, Newtown or Byron Bay?

        • +1

          Earthy* name definitely does not check out!

        • +12

          I take it you avoid tap water, so what's your excuse in regards to loss of IQ?

          • -4

            @smartazz104: Are people here actually making the claim that fluoride ingestion is not negatively correlated with IQ?

            Oh the people on Ozbargain are SOOOO smart.

            Harvard discussion of research: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/fluoride-children…

            Article from Scientific World Journal: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3956646/ referenced by US National Library of Medicine.

            Wikipedia.. many countries, including Israel, China, Japan are against water fluoridation.. now why would that be…

            "Many European countries have rejected water fluoridation, including: Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland,[58] Scotland,[59] Iceland, and Italy.[60] A 2003 survey of over 500 Europeans from 16 countries concluded that "the vast majority of people opposed water fluoridation"."

            …but the downvoting plebs on Ozbargain know better! - they believe a government would NEVER make health determinations over substances that were wrong (smoking, asbestos, roundup, lead paint, leaded petrol..)

            • +3

              @[Deactivated]: Well, I read your two links, and it's obvious you didn't.

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: "but the downvoting plebs on Ozbargain know better! - they believe a government would NEVER make health determinations over substances that were wrong (smoking, asbestos, roundup, lead paint, leaded petrol..)"

              You've stated an obvious non sequitur there, saying that if governments have ever been wrong on something (the safety of a product) then fluoride must be a problem.

              Tobacco smoking and asbestos were in use long before modern governments evolved. It's actually government action on behalf of doctors and scientists that's eliminated asbestos use in Australia and is heavily curbing tobacco through high taxation.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: earthy should follow the links he or she provided:


              "When considering the risks and benefits of fluoride exposure, the level of intake needs to be
              considered. "

              "Fluoride released into the ground water in China in some cases greatly
              exceeded levels that are typical in the U.S. "

              "These results do not allow us to make any judgment regarding possible levels of risk at levels of
              exposure typical for water fluoridation in the U.S"

              As the paper says, more studies are required to reach any conclusions.

        • So get a carbon filter for the fluoride.

          • @idonotknowwhy: @idonotknowwhy Carbon filters do not remove fluoride. Need to use a reverse osmosis filter.

            • +1

              @Cluster: Good to know (not that I have a problem with fluoride, more that I won't be spreading misinformation), thanks

        • Well said @earthy

  • Ozbargain

  • +11

    Wifes friend bought an $800 pair of those fluro green/yellow Yeezy's .. they also bought a $300 sleeveless t shirt that had the words "Balmain" on it.

    • +13

      need a shower just reading this yick

  • Anything not from ozbargain

  • +6

    Coles Mini's from Online Classifieds - argh!

    • Haha. Maybe you bought some of mine ;)

  • +6

    Any car costing more than $40K

    Buying things for adult children like apartments and cars - do you plan for them to never grow up and leech off you forever and fail to form any adult relationships?

    • I mean, it's definitely splashing cash but the apartments thing isn't a terrible idea. It's an investment, but also the children then have the chance to save up and get a headstart on their lives that most people won't get (due to renting). That being said, they need to have the right attitude

      My dad would pay off my uni tuition up front each sememester (maybe $2500?) for the FF points, and i would pay him back throughout the semester, then repeat, meant i had no HECS debt by the time i was done. Definitely nice to not have that debt hanging over you from Day of Being An Adult #1

      • +1

        That's great that your dad could do that, means you don't have hecs & get a bonus for paying up front so you pay less overall. Yours isn't the kind of thing I was thinking of though, since you always paid it back in a timely manner. I was thinking of parents who basically supplement their adult children's lifestyles so they don't need to work, or if they do, they spend all their money on frivolity and never learn how to take care of themselves or others.

  • +2

    2 ply

    • +34

      remind me not to shake hands with you

  • Watches and whiskey no ones drinking

  • +1

    You know what makes me angry?… People who drive in the bus lane.

    • +9

      I know a lot of nice bus drivers.

  • +4

    New cars, and second hand euro cars.
    New flagship phones - especially every year.
    iPad Pro.

    I tend to consider people with the flashy gear as not as well off and they get nicer things to make themselves feel better. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

    • that is presumtuous.

      Chinese are almost very wealthy and the wealthier they are, the flasier they seem lol.

      • Yeah true. There's always someone richer though.

        I was thinking about the friend of a friend that bought a car that costs more than annual pretax salary.

    • +1

      Last year I bought an iPhone 8 Plus a month after launch on an eBay coupon deal.
      Wrote the depreciation off on tax, sold it to buy another phone a year later.
      Cost me zero dollars to have it for the year. Without the tax write off it would have been maybe $200/300.

      Wouldn’t have minded if it cost me a few hundred either, that’s what the average Australian would spend in a year.

      In fact I did the same with the iPad Pro, might have cost me something for the year, nothing too large, to be honest I I couldn’t even be bothered to work it out. I can afford it and I’m a tech head who likes these things.

      Buying and selling at the right time is the key to owning nice gear.
      Paying retail then putting it in a draw a year later, now that is flushing money….

  • +3

    Lets get specific: BMW

    • +5

      BMW stands for Big Money Waste.

    • Have one. Still agree..I do love it though hehe

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