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40,000 Qantas Points When Purchasing a Phone (from $72) & Cancelling Plan at Vodafone

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Buy and cancel for a $72 phone. Instructions here. Total cost around 160?

Sign up for a $80 Red Plus month-to-month plan on Vodafone (with 40,000 QFF bonus points)
Add the $99 Vodafone Smart E9 phone
Trigger coupon pop-up for $25 discount (move mouse to close the tab)
Cancel plan when points are credited and pay off the phone in full (min cost $74).

via gluwell14


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closed Comments

  • +3

    Wow…let me try first

  • What can you buy with that many points?

    • +1

      A domestic

      • +2

        A return PER-SYD is 36k points

      • +8

        I don't want to be removed from my house by the police at 2:30am just because I earned 40,000 Qantas points though. It was all her fault, anyway. The female officer won't believe me.

        • /r/mensrights

        • Was about to ask if you had replied to the wrong comment… Hahaha

      • +2

        "Hi Qantas can I have one domestic please."

      • AVO

  • Is this for real? The points are worth $460

    • But u have to take the $80 plan contract which needs to be cancelled within two month in order to benifit from this deal. Not sure if that effects ur credit rating tho.

      • +8

        It will, credit check applies

        • I have never seen credit inquiries done by phone companies in my credit report. Are these hidden?

          • @nvdshams: I've definitely seen them on my d&b credit report from many years ago.

          • @nvdshams: contracted phone plans all affect your credit rating in the short term. It doesn't affect much and returns back to normal quite quickly.

        • It's a credit check, not a similar credit enquiry that is done when applying for a credit card.

          It does not affect your credit rating as it does leave a credit enq mark on your record.

          • +3


            It does not affect your credit rating as it does leave a credit enq mark on your record.

            Contradicting statement.

            • +1

              @ronnknee: You're right. I meant to say it does not leave a credit card application enquiry mark on your record. It's recorded under utilities which isn't considered for the calculation of a credit rating or credit card application.

              • @DogGunn: Ah I see, so it won't hurt doing this?

                • @ronnknee: No. The recording is made to ensure that utility companies are not abusing the credit check functions to gather information on people. CC / banks aren't interested in it for CC applications.

          • -2

            @DogGunn: It 100% does leave an enquiry on your credit report. And brings down your score slightly

            • @Topdog: I don't know who to believe lol

              • @illumination: When you apply for a post-paid mobile phone contract, you are applying for credit and the telco can do a credit check on you. This will show up on your credit report as a credit enquiry (regardless of whether your application is approved or not) and can impact your credit score.

                Remember that credit providers look at multiple enquiries in a short period of time as an indication of increased risk, so only apply for credit if and when you need it.

                Source: https://www.creditsavvy.com.au/learn/how-do-phone-internet-b…

                Which telcos do credit checks?
                Given that credit checks are likely to be carried for customers looking to sign up to a postpaid phone contract – be it over 12, 24, or 36 months – the following telcos are likely to do credit checks:

                • Telstra
                • Vodafone
                • Optus

                Other smaller carriers that offer contracted phone plans may also conduct credit checks. These may include Southern Phone, Woolworths Mobile, TeleChoice and Dodo.

                Vodafone Credit Checks
                Vodafone says it is unable to provide any reason why your phone plan application would have been rejected. However, it does say that the credit report from its assessors may be able to help. Vodafone may submit the following information to credit assessors as part of the application process:

                • Information submitted in your application.
                • Payments more than 60 days overdue and are in collections.
                • Any cheque of $100 or more that has been dishonoured more than once.
                • Any serious credit infringement committed by you.
                • Advice that payments are no longer overdue.

                Though there is no publicly-available methodology, it can be assumed that the dearer the phone plan, the more stringent the credit checks will be.

                Source: https://www.canstarblue.com.au/phone/phone-plans-bad-credit/

  • Why do you have to bundle a sim only plan with a phone? Just get a sim?

    • Will cost you more with a sim only plan as you can't get the bonus points on a month to month contract but you can if bundled with a phone.

  • +9

    Keep in mind this will trigger a credit inquiry, same as when you apply for a credit card

    • +1

      May I ask why a triggered credit inquiry would cause an issue to your credit rating?

      What does it do to your credit rating?

      • +1

        New to credit checks etc. Would also appreciate an explanation :)

      • +8

        It will deduct some points from your score, after a few months it will increase provided you're a good customer and pay your bills.
        In Aus we have 3 credit bureaus (well there's a 4th one in Tassie but that's not really relevant) Equifax, Experian and Dun and Bradstreet.
        You can access your data for free directly in a detailed report or use some online websites that offer you a restricted type of access (they do this in order to push more credit deals your way). Those sites are:
        https://www.getcreditscore.com.au/ (Equifax data)
        https://www.creditsimple.com.au/ (D&B data)
        https://www.creditsavvy.com.au/ (Experian)

        • +1

          In Aus we have 3 credit bureaus (well there's a 4th one in Tassie but that's not really relevant)

          Haha I don't think you meant this in a mean way but it sounds mean

          • @illumination: hehe just a stab at Tas Col (not Tasmanians personally), I don't like "credit bureaus" because they make money from our data and then sell it back (genius business model though).

    • +8

      If you can't get a loan because of a credit check for a mobile phone, I suggest staying away from debt.

    • lol why the downvotes?

  • Apply to existing customers or only new customers?

  • +1
  • +2

    I got denied for this the other day despite having good credit so if you don't have a credit record at Vodafone (I have the highest credit at Telstra) be aware it's not a slam dunk that you'll be approved.

    • Highest at Telstra.
      They ask 2 questions. How long have you lived there and how long have you worked there. 5 years and above for both and you have the highest credit.

      • I used to work there, there were 3 levels, Shit, OK and Good. Only around 25% of people were signed up straight away as good (4 devices). The vast majority got OK (good enough for 2 devices). After 6 months everyone got moved up a level if they paid. But yes the credit checks are a joke which made me even more surprised to be declined by Vodafone.

  • This is hilarious - I love it. The question is should I go for it….

  • +1

    If it had no credit check id be all over it

    • Do you live off the grid? jokes

    • +1

      I agree, and also if you were not essentially entering into a contract with a forfeit clause. The clause in question says "Two monthly plan fees waived when Eligible Customers sign up or upgrade to any Red Plan, Red Cap Plan or Red Plus Plan. Excludes rate plan change, Business Flex and Business Advance Plans. Forfeited if you cancel." So if you cancel, they can charge you for those 2 months (e.g. $80 * 2 + cost of handset). So it's a good idea to get a screenshot of them saying you won't be charged for cancelling.

      • +1


        Here is a screenshot of them saying they will not be charging if you cancel.

        Take this with a grain of salt though and may be get your own transcript just to be extra safe.

        Again there is no guarantee that Tio will rule it in your favour even with a transcript but most company will try to avoid a TIO complaint.

        It is not worth it for 40000k point which equate to an average of $280 when you could be paying close to $240 and a credit hit for it.

  • +9

    This may not be an $88 (or $74) phone. The figure is stated based on getting the first two months free i.e. no monthly cost, and cancelling in that period. However, the terms of that offer state that this benefit is 'forfeited if you cancel.'

    The guy who posted that page then made an enquiry if you cancelled after 10 months, would you lose the benefit and was told no. But given a 12 month term, and you've paid $800 in monthly fees then, to get the $160 benefit, that's a lot different from not paying anything at all in monthly fees and cancelling almost straight away.

    I'd expect if you cancelled in the first two months at least, you would forfeit that offer as per their terms in which case you'd be up for another $160, so $234.

    • It says the points are paid out after 30 days so can they really demand the points back if you cancel at 31 days?

      • +2

        It’s the two months free part, which he’s including in the calculations. This is the risky part.

      • They probably can't demand points back but they could definitely slug you for the $234

      • That could mean anytime after 30 days meaning if you cancel before points are in your account they may not pay

    • +1

      How the ‘two months free’ deals usually work is that they give you a credit on your account in your third month. So you’d have to keep the service for at least three months and then hope you can get a refund on the credit sitting on your account. Too risky IMHO.

      • Why not do your own chat and save your own transcript.

        Than if they do try to charge, refer to chat and threaten a TIO complaint based on the transcript if they do charge..

        • +8

          Lots of effort for 40,000 qantas points when I can just open a credit card for less cost and more points (Westpac offering 60,000 right now, for $50 total cost and same credit check).

          • @ihavecentsnotsense: Credit check for a credit card is not the same as the credit check for a phone (in terms of impact). Also keep in mind that with positive reporting we have to be more selective about the credit card offers as all your balances and open cards are now visible to lenders. Also if you read the post, there's confirmation from Vodafone that they will not charge you for the 2 months if you decide to cancel the month to month contract.

            • @points4life: Yes, and I’ve never encountered a call centre operative/online chat rep who doesn’t know what they’re talking about /endsarcasm

              And, if they do, then great! It’s still less points than what is routinely offered by credit cards.

              If they don’t, it’s a lot of hassle to follow up, with no guarantee of success, and still a hit nonetheless to your credit check.

              A credit card deal is heaps better and the new credit reporting is actually a good thing because it’s now clear that you’re making all required payments and how much the credit limit is. If you make your required payments and keep the credit limit low on each card, the new credit reporting will actually make it easier to be approved.

            • @points4life:

              Also if you read the post, there's confirmation from Vodafone that they will not charge you for the 2 months if you decide to cancel the month to month contract.

              After 10 months, why did you beat around the bush and not ask what happen if you cancel after 2 months as you are planning to do?

              • +2

                @highdealer: To not draw too much attention to the potential "flaw" in the promotion. In any case, looks like all the cheap phones are now out of stock and the second cheapest option is gone too.
                For me and many others it's worth the gamble, can understand it's not for everyone.

          • @ihavecentsnotsense: Hmmm
            I signed up for both a credit card and this deal.
            This was by far easier with points credited in less than 2 weeks.
            Also no minimum spend levels for 3 months.

      • Entitled to your opinon and neg, but ordered last week and received the phone with a first month invoice for $0. Not credited back in the third month as you suggest.

        First two months are free, pay for the phone only. Also receive benefits of 150gb/month and using $5 roaming if heading overseas during the break.

        In regards to how/when the points will be credited, find out next month. If the worst case is $234 for a backup phone and minimum $400 worth of points, still a net gain and isn't as risky as you make out IMHO.

  • +1

    I dont have any credit defaults and was declined for this yesterday (no history with vodafone).

    • Wow didn’t know telco company can decline you for a mobile phone plan. Good to know.

      • +2

        I signed up with Vodafone last year. They did the credit check and it all passed fine (I don't have any credit cards or debt).

        Then I pointed out they put me on the full price plan and not the discount plan. She said the whole application would need to be done again. Got to the credit check and it failed.

        Then they said they can't continue cause it failed, even though it had just passed prior.

        I suggested it probably failed cause they checked so much but they didn't think that was possible and that it instead did a 'deeper' check and they couldn't provide any more information.

        Then they told me to get a credit report to find out why it failed.

        I ordered a free credit report and it just had 2 Vodafone enquiries on it.

        In the end I ended up with no plan.

    • +4

      ozbargain website tracker to vodaphone

      • Lmfao

  • +6

    I highly doubt you'd get the FF points before you get hit by $80 monthly cost. Especially after this Ozbargain post.

  • The Huawei Y5 2018 4G is an extra $50?
    Worth it?

  • It can prove to need $234 + a credit hit and lots of planning, emails, and chats to get 40k qff points

  • +1

    Too risky? Has it worked for anyone?

    • +1

      No one knows! You’ll have to wait at least two months lol

  • +3

    not worth trying for me, too risky…

    • -1

      Cmon live a little

  • +3

    Thanks for sharing OP, please don't crash my site Ozbargainers!

  • Has anyone being able to trigger that $25 discount on the phone? I can't seem to get it.

    • Nope :(

    • same, can't trigger $25 discount code on chrome on PC

      • are you using adblocking software? Make sure you're running a clean browser and just hover your mouse outside the window as if you were going to close it. Should trigger.

        • no adblock is disabled, going to try in firefox

    • Yes, but I did mine on Sunday night when it was first posted in the forum.

  • +1

    Stack with Vodafone network guarantee to return device (don't open box) for the device installment back too, lol

    • If you read the T&C, that won't work. Points are not given when you try this.

  • +2

    I'm going to sign up for 5 services to get the 20% off bundle saving. 200k points here i come!

    • Pretty sure terms state a time period before you can receive bonus points again…

    • Haven't seen you in a while Broden

  • +1

    i can't seem to see a coupon code… this bit 'Trigger coupon pop-up for $25 discount (move mouse to close the tab)'

    nothing is poping up for me.. where exactly am i moving my mouse to?

    • yeah not working on chrome or firefox, desperate trying IE now

      edit: no go on IE either

    • As I understand it: Move the cursor out of browser window and wait for a short time. And presumably if it doesn't trigger after say 20 seconds, then they have removed this.

    • I got the chat popup instead asking if I need help…

      • ask them to give you code now or else!!!

        • Yeah on it now

          Edit: Got old mate Steve from the screenshots in article OP posted, no can do though.

    • I tried on chrome and Firefox no pop up.

      • +1

        I think I'll go ahead with it, not too big of a deal losing out on $25 discount I guess.

    • Yeah, same I don't get the pop-up

  • Qantas pionts are 7500 per month

    Total min cost is
    $80 + Handset

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