Just wondering if anyone knows how many sets of keys we are supposed to be given when renting a property in Victoria. We have always just accepted what we were given (which is usually one set) but I'm sure I read recently that we are entitled to one set for each person on the lease. I'm wondering if it might not be the case in Victoria.
The agent has told me we get what everyone else at this property has been given (one set and some random keys that don't work). We were also not given any keys at all for our front screen door. She has reluctantly agreed to get us keys for the screen door - but only after weeks of silence from her - and me contacting her about something else (loungeroom leaking roof).
This link suggests that the tenant(s) should ensure this on taking possession (a set for each person named on the lease):
But it is probably not enforceable, unless you wanted to not proceed with the lease.