So I remember all the noise about GST on low value imports - and cant seem to clarify the exact position via ATO, searches or online material.
The way I understand it is:
- The GST obligation of small value (<$1000 AUD) imports falls to the overseas supplier.
- That overseas supplier should apply 10% GST to orders that will be imported to Australia
- Australian Customs only applies GST to >$1000 imports at border entry, not for <$1000.
Is this correct? What if the overseas suppliers (such as a specialty equipment supplier) doesn't apply GST at the point of sale. Will it cause grief at point of entry into Australia or will it just fly through under the radar. Its camera gear - but tray/brackets/clamps
Surely someone here at Ozb has experience with this sort of thing in recent times?
I recently received a item which that a pre order from before the changes came in. The store did not ask/collect any GST when it shipped (item cost $160 AUD) and still don't for anyone that orders things from them today.
The item arrived as per normal ATO/customs/delivery company never chased me for any payment.
Unless the store is super popular with Australians they ATO wont chase them up as it likely wont be worth it.