See a really good deal at telstra web store. Outright price is only $408. It might be wrong pricing. Pick and checkout as soon as possible before they found. :)
Samsung Galaxy Tab Outright $408 @Telstra

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That's damn good! But having said that, it has been superseded by the Tab 10.1. I'm not a fan of the 7" screen tablets.. screen size is too small for my liking. I think Apple hit the nail on the head with iPad screen size.
Pretty sure there will be a Honeycomb release (if only an XDA release) for the Galaxy Tab at some stage…You should see the price drop even further, as they are about $50 less with a staff discount at the moment. I work for Telstra, and I was shocked the price was so low.
The first thing I thought was 'what is wrong with them' - the tablet, we all know whats wrong with Telstra :P.
sounds great, anyone can hook me up with staff discounts? pls :)
What's wrong with telstra ??
Ipad isn't even HD its silly having a low res 10 incher on a tablet. 7" with the same or similar res is much better for a lot of people. These things get heavy after a while reading etc.
What u mean by HD? iPad res is 1024 x 768 which is 4:3. Are you referring to 16:9 aspect ratio?
You realize that the device is turned around from portrait to landscape? A 16 x 9 on landscape will give you black bars on the top and bottom.Stop just talking about numbers and specs.
If it was sxga 1280x1024 then it would be able to play HD content nativley 1280x720. As it stands it ain't HD, therefore it is a joke considering the size if the thing. And don't get me started on 4:3 lol.
Aspect ratio has nothing to do with whether it's HD or not…
NextG version. 850 / 1900 / 2100 Mhz Yummm.
At this price, why not get a Nook Color? There's a bigger modding community support it. Including 3rd party transfer fee, it only work out to be $320.
Nook does not take sim card for 3g/ hspa browsing.
Nook hasn't got GPS.. deal broken
Optus has it for the same price. What's funny though the cheapest buy now on Ebay is $550. Who would of thought the retailers would be cheaper!
If you want to use Optus 900 / 2100 Mhz 3G network buy the normal model.
If you want to use Next G 850 / 2100 Mhz buy the Telstra version.
I think Vodafone is deploying 850 Mhz network as well so Telstra version for me it is.
Can you tell me where I find the "normal" Optus model at the same price? I tried to find a link but did not see any outright offer at the same price.
this is all thanks to apple when they release ipad 2 with same price as ipad 1.
when i saw this 7" galaxy tab original price $1000, i was like wtf is samsung think, they try to rip people this locked?
It's an 850/2100Mhz version, dont buy it if you aren't on Telstra. For other carriers use the 900/2100MHz
is it upgradeable to 3.0?
There's no official release (yet and there may never be).
I don't know, but I imagine there's a good chance there's a port available on xda, but it'll be buggy cause the source code for 3.0 hasn't been released yet, so the xda guys will not have been able to tweak it… android 3.0 developed for completely different hardware… you can only upgrade to 2.3.
Thats not true.
The reference hardware for Honeycomb is a Tegra2 platform. But HC can run on any ARM device if there are drivers available.
My NookColor runs honeycomb really well, its a Ti platform, but its all ARM arcitecture. So this could run HC too, provided there are enough people in the dev community who can be bothered getting it working.
Here's a link for you to read tawar..…
I got it from a little bit lower down.
I want to buy the Telstra version so later I can use BUT I got a optus sim with 1gb. I want to use that now. What now?
You will be fine with Telstra version because it can still use the 2100 MHZ network. Optus uses 900 Mhz network for remote areas.
If as above Optus have it for the same price then buy it from Optus…why limit yourself to not getting the 900Mhz in regional areas.
Is it locked to telstra?
usual telstra policy is that if it's outright, it's not locked.
so Telstra have drop the price to $408
I want to buy the Telstra version 850mhz.
BUt is it upgradeable to 3.0 android?
- can I use optus sim in it?
(i want to use later with next G
is this online only?
Up to 1000 hours
wonder if you can use it as a mobile phone. any idea, thanks in advance.
yes bob wang you can.
you like saying Bob Wang right ?
is this available in store to check out with this price?
Not sure but you can buy it online and pick it up at a telstra store
nice nice. just bought 1. thanks.
I'm such a fool. Now that JB hifi are offering it for $360.
Id grab one of these for $300-350, but $400 is still overpriced in my opinion for this device, its original price was laughable. If anyones in Adelaide and can get me a staff discount happy to meet up with you :)
same here, considering complete version of 10.1 is due by Q3 in Australia, i would rather wait and get one from the states($499 as for 16g ). or i will grab it for $350 or so. please pm me if anyone happy to share staff discount with me at melbourne.
fyi - the 10.1v is due here in mid April. $729 outright on Vodafone.
10.1v is only for Australian tho, i think 10.1 is more complete version.
Just went into a Telstra store. Their instore price was $720 and they wouldn't budge.
Also, they said that if I bought it online, I'd have to wait for it to be sent to them before I could collect, but they had them in stock and one on display.
Wow…. that's not right. This is one of the inconsistencies that let's Telstra down. Ask them to check pricing on KnowHow!
We actually brought it up on their display Galaxy Tab to show them and they still flatly refused to let us buy it at that price.
The first sales person wasn't even interested in taking to us at all when we asked if we could buy one outright at $408 and said "If you can get it that cheap, good on you" and then left and talked to a different customer.
The second one went away and checked to see if there was anything about them coming down in price, came back and said "We won't sell it to you at that price in store, you'll have to buy it online."
Telstra customer service is always CRAP…
Ask them to scan it, it will come up as $408. They can also call the Strathpine store, where I just bought one.
Is this due to the difference between a Telstra owned Telstra store and a Telstra licensed store? I think from quick search online Strathpine is a Telstra owned Telstra store. Nyman, which store did you go to?
Edit: Nyman, I see from your profile you are Toowoomba based - I think if I read the Telstra website correctly Toowoomba Telstra Store (Shop GC108 Grand Central Shopping Centre) is Telstra owned whereas TBC Toowoomba (146 Herries Street) is only licensed.
Good point perkinma
It's almost a year old now - wake me up when this is $299
I reckon $250 is about right, considering what sort of bang for Buck is available in the next few months.
That will cost almost as much as ur NC. :)
Let me rephrase, $250 would be a bargain, the nook was a bargain for $200 at the time. Things are moving fast in the android tablet wars.
Dont take it perosonally Stumo.I have a NC too and have to agree with u that you would want to see the price come even lower. I cant believe that Samsung actually sold that at a RRP of $999. what a joke.
Just rang my local Telstra Shop and they confirmed 408 price. I've got one on hold for pickup :)
Great find OP!
Been waiting to get this at the right price, just thought it's worth a mention most of the new Androids on Gingerbread are not a Mobile phone i.e. you cannot make regular calls from it (not counting VOIP such as Skype). To the best of my understanding the new Samsung tablets, while is faster and very good looking is crippled just the same as the ipads! So for the all in one while traveling this works great, just pair it with your bluetooth headset and you have your fone and your computer up and running, with one lses item to lug around or you can still talk using the TAB, but look kind of dorky with a huge fone on your ears LOL!GOOD ONE Stumo, excatly what I mean.
I like your humour!
went to Telstra 2 hours ago. didn't have black. didn't buy.
Didn't know they came in black. Hmmm the white backing is terrible…gets so dirty if
use without a case.
For those having telstra rep problems get them to scan a box. It'll scan as 408.
Edit double post
According to Whirlpool, they're cheaper still at JB HiFi
I could not find a galaxy tab at JB. only ipad 2
they $360 instore at JB. fact.
Most have none left.
yep, looked over the sales clerks shoulder, none left at most jb stores in melbourne, 1 or 2 at suburban stores but likily to be sold out as well
This is a great tablet, on par with Ipad (or better, if you are anti-Apple).
I am selling my Leather case for this, hardly used.
$30 plus post.Pix:…
Contact me at
I bought one of these from JB Hifi in Sydney. It's a Telstra branded version.
I've tried using it with my Optus sim, but can't get any 3G service. Is this due to hardware or software issues?
As far as I can see the cheapest sim only plan on Telsta is $49 a month - way too much compared to my $30pm Optus plan!
lol that's because the Optus network runs 900MHz (and sometimes) in non-metro areas whereas the Telstra version is only 850/2100MHz enabled.…
You shoulda seen if JB coulda done the Tab on the plan with $10 MRO….It's bull crap that these dont apply to other tablets:…Optus runs both 900 and 2100, so the Telstra tab should be fine if you are in a 2100 zone.
But have you added the APN for Optus yet???
Probably trying to flog them off now android 3 is out.