• expired

$20 off Uber Eats Order (New Customers)


Hi all. Just heard on the radio (in Adelaide) that there is a $20 discount for Uber Eats orders by using the code "starving". Give it a try, worked for me :) cheers.

Valid for new user's first order only up to $20 AUD. First 10,000 users only. Valid in Australian cities where Uber Eats is available. Expires midnight, 31 Dec 2018 AEST

Referral Links

Referral: random (1443)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +1

    Not eligible. Thanks anyway OP.

  • Not eligible but cheers OP

  • +1

    Not eligible.

  • Not working for me (existing customer)

  • Same

  • not working for me either, may be targeted

  • Not eligible

  • Not eligible, thanks anyway OP

  • Same ^

  • Are you sure its for existing customers. Got the same as everyone else, not eligible, but thanks for the post.

  • Nada

  • +1

    I heard the advertisement and it said only for first time customers.

  • Nothing for me, in Adelaide also

    • Can confirm, does work for new customers in Adelaide.

  • Not eligible as an existing user

    • Does if you meet the updated criteria

  • +6

    and the crowd goes…mild

  • +1

    Valid for new user's first order only up to $20 AUD. First 10,000 users only. Valid in Australian cities where Uber Eats is available. Expires midnight, 31 Dec 2018 AEST

  • "Oops, you’re not eligible for this promotion".

  • +1

    Just downloaded the app, thinking about ordering but may wait for tomorrow. Any idea when it expires or how this code works? OP says midnight on 31 December but OzB says tomorrow

  • Works for new users

  • worked for me. i have never ordered before from uber eats. y the neg votes??

  • It may sound like a novice question but because I have never used the app (or any other food ordering app) can you apply the code and order it now at most restaurants for tomorrow? Can you apply the code and save it as credit for your next order?

    • +1

      I have applied the code on 2 accounts. And will order one today and one tomorrow

      • Make sure you haven’t used up your card payment method limit. If the limit’s reached it will say too many cards attached to account

  • +1

    Where do you enter the code or is it like hey you codes where the code is saved to your account and you just order within the offer period - 31st Dec? Sorry for the noob question

    Edit - you can enter after downloading the app and account ->promotions -> enter code

  • Added it to a new accouunt, would only add via APP not desktop though.

  • Cheers OP :)

  • Nice code, stay classy uber eats…

    • +4

      January 2019's code will be MALNOURISHED.

      • EATINGISCHEATING saves approx 100%.

  • How to sign up using a referral code?

  • Worked for me. Silly question but where is says first 10,000 does that mean that the first 10,000 people to add that promo code to their account or the first 10,000 successful first orders made using that discount? I want to use it later tonight or tomorrow (before the 31st obvs)

    • I loaded a similar coupon to my account a few months ago. It's still there and expires 31/12/18. So I'm guessing it's first 10k people to apply it to their account. I've loaded it to a few more accounts for when I'm in Sydney.

  • -1

    Pc alert

    Starving f$_&#n really? Noone even knows the true meaning of


  • Thanks OPP

  • +1

    thanks op nice one, just had breakfast delivered free👍

  • The commercial radio channels in Vic are also promoting this with the same promo code for each working day.

  • +1

    Fatties starve?

  • Thanks op got 2 hsps with can of drink for $13 delivered

  • +3

    Worked for me. Was planning on getting take away this evening anyway. The place I wanted to order from does Uber Eats so I got dinner for $5 cheaper after use of the code plus got it delivered (decided to rain just as the driver got here).

    The mark up on Uber Eats is ridiculous and including the $5 delivery fee really makes it uncompetitive compared to pick up.

    • +1

      +1 for the delivery fee plus markup making pickup a better option.

      • +3

        Yeah, I'll definitely be picking up next time. Take away price for the smoked meats with chips and the extra side of coleslaw is $26.50 according to the restaurant's website's menu… total price on Uber Eats though before the discount was $41!

        Uber Eats needs to change from a % based commission to a flat fee… this middle man is hurting both consumers and providers.

  • +1

    Thanks! Worked for me
    Paid $2 for some pork belly

  • -2

    How to make a new account?

  • +1

    Works in Sydney, Macquarie Park, First order. Got my dinner sorted for 20c. Thanks OP.

  • Not eligible, maybe targeted?

  • +1

    Sorry all if I didn't hear the ad correctly, it was a last second hearing and posted it straight away, so no one missed out. Hopefully some got to take advantage of this though :)

  • -1

    Is there any work around to create a new account even though I’m an existing user to take advantage of this?

    • They block you if you make a new account

      • +2

        How would they know?

        • They know if you used the same device to register. Blocked me 4 times so far. I asked them why I was blocked and they told me that.

    • Unless you know how to change your phone imei otherwise it won't work.

      • IIRC you don't need to order from the app, the desktop site works fine.

        • Oh! Didn't know that. Good to know. Cheers

  • THAT explains why I was smashed yesterday!

  • +1

    Worked for me, just paid $5 delivery fee

    • Meh.
      They paid me to have my food delivered.

  • +1

    I applied the $20 promo but then also applied a separate $10 promo that was available on the app. Now I can't delete the lesser promo and it also gets automatically applied, defeating the purpose of the $20 first time code.

    Wow. What a ripoff app. Nice one Uber eats.

    • +1

      Fyi, Same for Uber taxi app etc. Dont bother with customer support either. No interest from them. New email, new number ($2 sim) is the only reset.

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Just worked for me in Sydney, bought a $15 meal so it came to free after the $5 delivery fee.

  • Thanks OP! Worked for me too. Had the app installed previously but never ordered anything yet.

  • -1

    So never used before and the code applied. But at final check out it says this promo is not available for this account.. But its in my promo list? And I've never used uber eats before. Have used uber taxi service itself once before, but not eats. Not impressed by anything uber..

    Edit. Ah ffs..now the promo code is gone, and it says i have already used it, but I have no order history.

    Luckily i screenshoted the checkout details before with the $20 off price. Think I'll just try ordering again at full price and do a chargeback using the screenshot as evidence

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Worked for me

  • New user - used the refer a friend then tried to put this one in. Could not use this code. Dang it.

  • Thanks, I’m a new user and it worked for me!

  • Heads up I heard on the radio another code "Tempting" may also work for the same promotion.

    • Where did you find the t&cs for the original deal.

  • Nice.

  • Thanks for sharing this deal, just redeemed :)

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