This was posted 6 years 2 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Fuji Instax Share SP-2 Smartphone Printer $99 @ Harvey Norman ($7.95 Delivery, Free Pickup, or Free Delivery with Shipster)


Looks like this deal has come down even further:

$7.95 for delivery or free with Shipster. Free pickup available at some stores.

Print out images captured on your mobile device with the Fuji Instax Share SP-2 Smartphone Printer. Small and compact, this smartphone printer’s portable design allows you to print photos even when on-the-go.

Key Features
Featuring a new laser exposure system, the Fuji Instax Share SP-2 Smartphone Printer can quietly print out a picture in as little as 10 seconds.
Get high resolution images as the Fuji Instax Share SP-2 can print with pixels of 800x600 dots at 320dpi.
Share images with friends and loved ones with the Fuji Instax Share SP-2 Printer’s convenient reprint button.
Know the status of the Instax Share SP-2 Smartphone Printer’s film and rechargeable battery through its high luminance LED indicator.

Related Stores

Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • Price beat @ officeworks?

  • Good price. I purchased it for $149 a few weeks ago :(

    • Would you mind to provide your thoughts on it, especially the quality of the prints?

      • +3

        Quality is good. The size is a bit small. Good for pic to put in your wallet. Film is about $1 per print.

      • +3

        I really like mine. Quality is kinda crap, but that's the film, not the camera. The benefit of these over the actual poloroid camera is that the poloroid tends to over expose, whereas these are as they look on your phone (but still with the poloroid look of soft and slightly washed out).

  • Too bad no officeworks near me with stock or i’d price match before they change it to 99

  • +1

    Bought it at $128 from the last deal 😪

  • Spewing got the last deal for $128

  • +2

    We just need deals on the film.

    • Do a bulk group buy of the film.
      It works out to be about AU$ 0.60 - 0.70 per film

      I did this, many years ago

  • +8

    Here I was thinking I could save hundreds by just printing my own smartphone…

  • +1

    This one or SP-3 at $ 157?

    • +2

      Mini has cheaper refills but square is much more "substantial". Like a real Polaroid almost.

      • Correct. I like the size of the square film, but they are heaps more expensive.

  • Can it print black and white paper sheets?

    • +1

      You can edit the photos on your phone to b&W then print them.

    • You can buy black and white film for it or just edit the photo to be black and white then use colour film.

  • Do we need refill ink in this printer?

    • +1

      No. The film itself has the ink built in.

      • tell me moar

    • +1

      It doesn't use ink, it's film; the process is chemical like polaroid photos.

  • +4

    These "instant" printers seem very expensive. Each print will set you back by almost $1 plus the cost of the printer. HP Sprocket comes in slightly cheaper at about $0.60 per print, but the printer costs a lot more ($158)

    I think I'll stick with my local BigW/Kmart for $0.15 per print for now.

    • +2

      There is also Canon Selphys system which is also much cheaper per print.

      However, Instax is just plain cool.


    • +2

      these aren't meant to replace your "normal" 6x4's

      these are great for traveling and street photographers for breaking the ice with potential portrait subjects, or for event (particularly wedding) photographers to add some nice value to their service.

      • +1

        Also, it's really uncomfortable printing my nude selfies at Kmart near the Toys department.

  • Nice, but bot sure if I need this… only printed out two photos in the last 15 years.

    • +1

      No, you don't.

    • +3

      That's two more than me.

      • -1

        Sell it to me for cheap?

  • What film do I get with this and how much?

    • +1

      they are 100pc for about 84 bucks on ebay. probably the cheapest.

      • Yeah, just wait for a discount code if in no rush - can bring it down to 70c per piece

      • I found some like this but I sent a message asking if they are really located in Sydney and they never reply. Given that their store ID is seacyshop-hk and they estimated 3 weeks to deliver from Sydney to Sydney, I am convinced that they actually ship from HK.

        Does anyone know for sure a bulk supplier based in Australia?

        P.S. Having lived in Singapore I realised that practically no eBay seller claiming to have a warehouse in Singapore actually does. They are all based in China or HK. eBay seems to have stopped punishing such players since my complaints had no effect. That's why practically no one in Singapore uses eBay. Would the same happen in Australia in a few years?

        • I've bought a 10 pack from them before and it took many many weeks for the packet to arrive. A month of so wouldnt be far off the mark. The item I bought was actually listed as Hong Kong though -…

          I've bought two orders from 'here2-buy' and they were delivered in a week, two max, and they're also listed in HK.

          Your mileage may vary, but that was my experience with them

    • Instax Mini film. Standard price is about $15 for a pack of 10 but they can be found cheaper in sales or bought in bulk.

  • These companies must be racking in a fortune from "hipsters" at $1 for a 2.4"x1.8" print. I haven't used my Canon Selphy in years because $1 for a 4"x6" seemed way too dear. My DNP RX1 dye sub printer does it for about $0.16 if I didn't have a few hundred prints to make the stores $0.10-0.15/print savings worth a trip.

    • It's more for the novelty. You aren't getting top of the line prints. I've got my Epson for that.

      It's something you pop in your camera bag when you travel or going to a gathering. Take photos, print em out for the kids, friends and family. Instant gratification. i wouldn't really do prints with this at home.

      Mind you I have a Epson equivalent to the sephly which doesn't get touched too much now - I find that one is a touch on the expensive side compared to my standard Epson.

  • Where should I buy the print paper?

    • eBay

    • Officeworks has packs of 10 for $14 at the moment. Otherwise, JB, Harvey Norman, Good Guys, Amazon, eBay, all have them

  • +3

    Thanks to the OP, ran out of my bed straight to officework near me after seeing this, they had last two left in cabinet behind register. surprised my wife with this niffty instax printer coz she is a big fan of it and she carries a bulky fujifilm instax camera around all the time 😁 now i dun ever need to carry that camera for her no more, nor wasting expensive film on unsuccessful shots 🤗

  • Nice - grabbed one for the missus for Christmas.

    They love all this oldschool polaroid stuff and I reckon this will come in handier than the Instax Camera as you still have the good photo saved on your phone in good quality, as opposed to having just the physical polaroid from the Instax camera.

  • Price matched by phoning Officework for $94.05
    Thanks OP

  • Bought this at the last sale at $128. Also bought a 50 pack of film for $48 at Officeworks so I can use it right away, and will buy more on eBay later. I prefer this size over the 6x4" and will be putting photos on the fridge using magnetic tape, or displayed in a cupboard door or stored in a drawer for me to look at randomly from time to time. I don't use photo albums or frames so the size suits me fine.

  • +3

    Heads up for anyone who bought within the last 7 days at Harvey Norman for more than this, send them a message on Messages or WhatsApp and they’ll refund the difference.

    I just said “I bought earlier in the week, my invoice number is … and I’d like to get a partial refund as per your price guarantee thanks!” They messaged back within 2 hours saying it’s been processed. Easy peasy. Thanks OP.

    • +1

      Thank you!!! Just messaged them via live chat and they confirmed within 10 minutes.

    • Thanks, how do they refund the difference to you?

      • However you paid. I got a notification from Paypal that it had been initiated and will be processed in a few days.

        • Thanks, I bought mine in store :( Apparently the policy is different at each store so I will have to go in.

  • Does this come with film?

    • +1

      no it doesnt

  • Thanks. Bought one from Officeworks $94

  • Thanks! Got the last one in Officeworks East Perth, WA and price matched for $94. Vic park and Cannington sold out.

    Anyone in WA keen on a bulk buy thing for film?

  • The only drawback I would say for this printer is it uses Wifi
    Not sure why they dont choose Bluetooth instead as you dont need to connect everytime
    Just turn on and it will auto-connect

    The Xiao Mi XPrint photo printer is using bluetooth
    But the device is way more expensive

  • Thanks! Merry Xmas to me :)

  • The HN site couldn't show the stock level of my local store so just went there this arvo. Quite a few available probably because it's marked $229 but scanned at $99. 😁 Happy Xmas!!

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