I have been using this website for deals for years, but I have not used the forum area.
For years I have used WP, but I have found that I am getting less and less use out of it.
How is OZB forum different to WP ?
I have been using this website for deals for years, but I have not used the forum area.
For years I have used WP, but I have found that I am getting less and less use out of it.
How is OZB forum different to WP ?
Ozbargain is home. Whirlpool is where I go when I stray.
I think whirlpool has a lot of useful information, probably mainly hidden amongst arguments etc. But I don't think the ozbargain forum is really a source of information, just 2nd opinions and advice for dealing with bizarre situations??
And Bazaar ones…
Whirlpool has gotten too big to manage, but its still a major source of collected information
The size issue means people there feels its not friendly.
Whirlpool is awesome for finding technical solutions to old technology problems. Got a device from five years ago that must be repaired? Search through that forum and it's very likely someone came up with a solution.
Ozbargain is Whirlpool from 2002.
OzBargain has more talented MS Paint artists.
WP is about tech…
✍ Emojis allowed here
And on Whirlpool.
really? 🐙
I tried to post an emoji but it's only showing "????"
I used to use Whirlpool Plus.
Don't know if it works without it.
Whirlpool has more boomers on it, Ozbargain is more gen x-millenial
Explains some of the posts here…
Can't vote on a comment on whirlpool. This is useful to see how other readers feel.
Less quoting previous messages on ozb. You don't have to read things twice.
Less repetitive comments on ozb. The replies in whirlpool are spread out on multiple pages and some times multiple threads(Part 1,2,3…). No one has the time to go through those to see if someone else has already made the same comment.
More people write multiple paragraph replies on whirlpool. Most comments on ozb are short and easy to read.
tl dr
No up/down vote internet points on whirlpool, making it much better than here automatically.
And…downvoted :D
I think the up/down votes are a good quick indicator to see if others agree/disagree with you.
Why is it important to know if some random, anonymous users on OzBargain agree with you? Votes mean very little little actually, if you think about it.
See, I just positive voted your comment even though I don't agree with you.
Why is it important to know if some random, anonymous users on OzBargain agree with you?
Because when we interact / talk with others in real life, people either agree/disagree with you and this is just an extension of that?
See, I just positive voted your comment even though I don't agree with you.
I still take the upvote as you do agree with it.
@tranter: There's that aura system in whirlpool that makes it a 'goal' to achieve higher status and you get into a 'secret section' The Pool Room. A delight for sociopaths with no friends and too much time on their hands, it's their playground.
Here is better, clear upvotes downvotes and protectionism for downvoters without repercussions.
if anything, comment votes help direct people to the comments worth reading, instead of those comments being lost in a sea of text.
I hear you, but it alsi leads to competition and groupthink which doesn't foster good conversations.
The extreme example of this is that downvoted comments get minimised so you won't even read them but you're free to read the upvoted replies. Book burning, anyone?
There is also flawed logic in that every statement can be evaluated positively or negatively, and even if so, that opposite opinions would elicit equal compulsion to vote.
Then you have the miraculous situation that people's opinions don't all fit a stereotypical template that will satisfy everyone.
"I came out of Ribs and Burgers once and saw an injured possum joey, which I nursed back to health."
"-1! Hope you enjoyed eating animals at R&B you monster!"
"+1. That's sweet of you."
"-1. Should have taken it straight to a vet."
'-1. R&B?! Worst pepper steak I ever had!"
"+1. Man I love R&Bs. Never had possum though. Once you fattened it up was it gamey?"
"-1. You shouldn't interrupt God's will!"
"-1. You ruined the ecosystem you monster! A tiger quoll could have happily eaten him."
"(Hmm. I don't get the joke. Might be a nurse joke. Won't say anything or people will know I'm an idiot)…-1"
@peterpeterpumpkin: Very well said.
I think the biggest issue is the ability to negative vote on comments. I believe one day that function will be removed.
I have a feeling the function still persists on OzBargain because it fits in with the quirky nature of the site. jv, anyone?
I don't have a problem with negative voting on deals though because there are strict guidelines and it actually serves a constructive purpose.
10% of the population is worth listening to. Rest is garbage. Same on Wpool and Ozb. Wpool has a larger user base so you do the math.
On the flipside, Ozb has a disproportionately high number of poor srudents. Can get more tips on saving 0.00005c per square on toilet paper.
whirlpool users dont buy high yield investment AMG mercedes benz's.
we do.
Okie I just started here, what's the deal with these 80k AMG Benz so called investments ? What's the history ?
It has been mentioned multiple times even in this thread alone so I guess it was some kind of significant event here ?
Oh some guy was looking for an $80K investment vehicle in a thread here ages ago I'll see if i can find the link
With a bank starting with a capital W.
ozbarginers are all about looks. we only wear TM Lewin Shirts. only use enloop batteries. when we start a new job, we dont rock up in base model cameries, no sir. we need to impress. because like the saying goes "first impressions count". therfore as broke recently graduated university students, we need to come to our first job in a brand new AMG mercedes benz. we also need to mention the word AMG to remind everyone its not just any other merc.
just read the first and last page, got the idea.
with CBA selling Colonial first state asset management, ANZ trying to sell off onepath, and NAB selling off MLC, not long westpac will likely to try to sell of its investment unit, BT.
the let's hope the new owners will not cut staff…
to be fair to these graduates, these "investment arm" staff there do wear smart and like brands….and like to impress each other with that cars they drive…
just don't talk about saving a deposit for a house, and even owning a standalone house within 20kms of Sydney.
Only an Ozbargainer drinks out of date soup packets.
the date is "best before", not "expiry date"
Whirlpool = sanctimonious, know it all nerds. Mods are pretty bad and over the top. I stopped posting because it was annoying coming back to find half your posts deleted for minor violations eg. spelling mistake
Ozbargain = a site to save money but half the threads are about bad drivers. It's a decent site.
r/Australia = anti-LNP circlejerk with terrible moderation. It's pretty much the left wing Australian version of t_D.
Pretty much every subreddit is an echo chamber.
Nah the city subreddits (eg. Brisbane Sydney etc.) are fine. It's just r/Australia has been hijacked by terrible moderators and SJWs. People who ask legit questions there get downvoted to oblivion.
It's just r/Australia has been hijacked by terrible moderators and SJWs
Well PC-babies and SJWs are everywhere*
But by design, reddit really is basically a DIY echo-chamber creation toolkit, with each sub being an echo-chamber. Like-minded people join subs and tend to spout similar views. Nothing wrong with that, but something to be aware of.
*I was really surprised to see them here on OzBargain, I thought people here were kind of stronger and more sarcastic.
OzBargainers are less likely to explicitly claim that they make $150k a year.
Yes, I realise that users in WP like to claim that they make 200k in IT as a minimum, all of them…
May be in another currency ?
these days, $150k is below the WP poverty line :)
unlike WP, Ozbargain is not infested by greenies, SJWs and angry feminists (that I know of anyway).
Live notifications.
WP still going?
I thought the entitled old white male userbase couldn't shove their heads futher up their collective bandwagon a$$es without being absorbed into subspace.
Either way OzB is much better. If you want technical info much better forums out there than whingepool. Haven't used it in years.
Reeee evil white males!!! Whirlpool has been full of lefties and sjws for a long time. If you comment that work for the dole is a good thing, you get your comment deleted for trolling.
Gone from right wing a$$holes to lefty a$$holes?
In the end still a forum full of a$$holes
Stand up comedians come to ozbargain for material while they visit whirlpool to fix their laptop.
Whirlpool is a lefty safe haven
Whirlpool - a place to whinge and attempt to get money
Ozbargain - a place to whinge and attempt to save money
Neither of them really meet the second part well though…
i have noticed an increase in the use of the word "hyperbole" here by would be nerds. im assuming these are ex WP nerds who got out-nerded and ended up here.
i was at a work supplier christmas lunch last week, and there was a nerd, he actually looked and acted like that robot guy from star trek. it was a very awkward.
It's not whirlpool. It's whingepool.
In The News section, its whirlpoo
because thats what gets thrown around in there
Question: "I want to buy/install [insert any electrical item], whats a good option?"
Whirlpool Response: "Installing/buying [any electrical item] is a difficult, licensed trade that should not be attempted by anyone, you will kill yourself. Your house will burn down, your insurance will be void and you will become homeless."
OzBargain Response: "Gearbest / Xiaomi/ Joybuy /banggood's 3-cent untested, non-compliant, unregulated [electrical item] is a good option. I love them and keep 50 spares in my cupboard, along with 1000 unused envelope batteries."
the other Whirlpool Response: LMGTFY
Ozbargain support facts with broknowledge, while whirlpool is Google. When you go to the gym who do you listen to, the guy with broscience or the personal trainer with educated Knowledge.
Because I know who I want to talk too!
you got downvoted by a nerd. i upvoted you to counter them!
broscience ftw
We got to support us bros! We don't get that in whirlpool. Just who has the biggest package competition aka earnings.
no, the competition there is who can write the most long winded posts padded with official-ese important sounding words
aka i take more nootropics than you! ha!
@payton: that screen shot is a reply and a half. its like a school assignment: please reply to this post, anything less than 2000 words is an instant fail.
@tranter: well you'll just have to reply to that thread on how upvotes have been clinically proven to lift mood and engender a charitable, efficient and harmonious society. 2000 words minimum.
The extreme moderation killed WP for me.
It's not even that great of a general tech site tbh.
I don't even know if tech support for a normal person is needed anymore nowadays.
20 years ago with your PC running dos and windows 3.1 there are many ways things can go wrong and you need someone to help and they will go to newsgroups…
nowadays people are changing computer / cell phones at least once every 12 mths and most of the apps are online, tech support is not required so much anymore.
one hot topic in WP is strata, and whereas the bush lawyers there will go mad, but the advice are state dependent so it is pretty much useless…. i.e. adverse possession.
better yet.
most of the reason I go to WP is because I work in the ISP industry, and it is funny (and sometimes sad) to watch randoms claiming to have insider knowledge of the ISP you are working for, even though 99% of the time it is just complete BS. But because I am not an authorised rep of my company on WP, I just gotta bite my tongue.
You don't know how many time I have to argue with the mod in whingepool about my comments being removed. I do understand there is a need for mod but some mod are playing Dirty Harry, "Do you feel lucky, Punk".
they got picked on in school, girls didnt (and still dont) talk to them. they work in an IT nerd lab. you gotta give them some form of power trip!
Whirlpool = Germany
OZbargain = Australia
Whirlpool mods = that grumpy neighbour enforcing recycling use, complain to police and council rangers on noises and parking, no friends visit them, driving 20 yr old cars.
Ozbargain mods = running neighbourhood street party ?!
Just like whirlpool, the forum discussions suck you down, but the deals lift you back up. Except for price jacked ebay sales.
OzB mods don’t nuke every second post for “offtopic”.
The mods on WP are so ridiculously overzealous it’s impossibly to use sarcasm or jokes or have a bit of a laugh without the post being deleted.
Ozb moderation is far more enjoyable and relaxed.
Not if someone reports you, regardless of how ridiculous.
One is a bargain website and one is a forum aimed at IT professionals?
the people on WP are just a** holes… alot of the good people from WP left and came here coz of that fact, which made WP even worse and irrelivent…
nothign to gain there heres you can save some $$
Firstly, if OzBargain wasn't here, I am not sure what I would do with myself, maybe be more productive at work? What horror!
there are still reddit…
BTW is newsgroup still alive ? those aus.* groups ? It was the only forum 20 yrs ago.
OzBargain, Whirlpool and Reddit is all you need.
Unless you're looking for a specific community, then they have their own boards. Most use Facebook groups now.
WP is lame. Can't discuss anything remotely controversial, for example IvP
Was previously a big user of Whirlpool especially the PC section (12000+ posts, started the PC suggestions wiki etc.) but these days the only time I end up on whirlpool is when I search something on Google and I'm taken there. Much prefer reading these forums, especially with the moderation on here compared to on WP.
As per a previous poster, the mods here seem better.
WP mods have an agenda, and ban things that are against their viewpoint, and very very rarely review their judgement.
One very senior moderator on there is particularly arrogant.
idk about snr but stormcat is horrible
We're bigger arseholes :D
Whirlpool forums are simply better, period
Period missing from your statement.
Less critical and lots of self justification here.
Threaded is one the things I dislike about OzBargain (and other forums).