This was posted 6 years 2 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] FREE - 7 DRM-Free Games if You Own The Games Already on Steam via GOG Connect


Another round of free games via GOG Connect.

You will get DRM-free copies of the following games provided you own them already on Steam:

  • Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
  • Age of Wonders III
  • I have no mouth and I must scream
  • Trine Enchanted Edition
  • Shadowrun: Dragonfall- Director's Cut
  • Shadowrun Hong Kong - Extended Edition
  • Shadowrun Returns


Note: Thanks to ThaalSinestro who posted info about a new round of games on GOG Connect in his post about the GOG WInter Sale. I just thought the freebie games deserev their own post as it is easy to not notice in the other post.

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closed Comments

  • Anyone able to get Shadowrun Returns? It thinks I don't have it on Steam. It sees Oddworld though.

    • +1

      Yeah i got it, only game i had.

    • I have oddworld on steam but it still says no eligible game found?

    • I don't have an issue with Shadowrun Returns but it said I don't own:

      • Shadowrun Hong Kong Extended Edition
      • Age of Wonders 3

      Both of which I have.

      • Age of Wonders 3 came up fine for me, so keep trying. It should work eventually.

        • This is getting frustrating… been trying all morning going as far as to download the games and run them in steam to see if that does anything. doesn't pick them up still.

          EDIT: Finally! It worked… yeah, I read that some people have had to run their Steam installs for the game to register with GOG. The whole point was to get to download the non-Steam copy to play. At this point I may as well just play it on Steam - lol

    • Just tried again and now have it. As Lysander said, keep trying every few hours and it will eventually be eligible.

  • +1

    You have to keep trying. It will see your games eventually. Had similar issues but worked after a while.

    • Cheers mate.

      I'll give it another try when I get home. I wouldn't mind getting all of Shadowrun on GOG… I prefer the standalone installs on my laptops and not mess with Steam.

  • Thanks. No new ones this time around as I already had a couple of them.

  • Yay, finally got one - Trine. Cheers op

  • +1

    I misread that as Age of Empires III :'(

  • how is this a deal if you already have the games on steam?
    am I missing something here?

    • +4

      Yes. They are DRM-free and they normally cost money to buy.
      DRM-free means you can download the games and back-them up on a hard drive. Also, no invasive and nosy software such as Steam required to play the game.
      This is a big advantage to those of us who do not like the nanny and spy activities of companies and governments.

      • +1

        Also means you can play the games without any internet connection for as long as you want, as often as you want. Sure Steam has "offline" mode, but there are limitations.
        (and also means a company can't suddenly remove access to all your games because they don't like what you say in forums)

  • Still not picking up the missing games


  • Try a different browser? Log out and back in?

    • I had to load up the games in Steam first (one of the recommended fixes)… which meant 4.6Gb of downloads whilst I went and did my errands this morning.

      • Did you get them this way?
        I am sorry you had to go through all of this hassle - maybe let GOG know so they can fix it for next time.

        • I don't think there's much GOG can do about it. They know of the bug (the recommended fix was found in their FAQs).

          Can't really complain. It's a freebie at the end of the day.

          I'm just glad I can now just install all the Shadowrun games on my laptop to play on the go. It's a series I've been meaning to play for a while but just don't get around to it when at home. Makes more sense to play it when traveling on flights etc.

          • @Mugsy: So, Shadowrun worked but not Age of Wonders 3 - is that right?

            • @Lysander: AOW3 worked as well after I downloaded it in Steam and ran it once.

              • @Mugsy: That's good. Otherwise we would have had to find a "creative solution" for AoW3 for you given that you already bought it on Steam. ;-)

                • @Lysander: Truth be told, I think I got AoW3 via freebie giveaway… either that or it was via a Humble Bundle.

                  • @Mugsy: Must have been HB - I do not think it was ever free (so far).

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