Being Unfairly Charged Fine for Late Payment on Administrative Funds of My Property

Hi. I missed a payment on administrative funds of my property, they charged a fine every 14 days it seems. I paid the first fine on the day the second fine was made, in the morning, cash transfer. They will not let it go, they threatened me to fine me more if I continue to complain.

I don't know the rules on this thing, are they right, or am I right? If I'm right, how do I lodge a complaint to the court?

Sorry if this place is off topic, I don't know where to ask lol.


  • have you paid the outstanding administrative funds ?

    by bpay ?

    • yes i paid the first fine + all things excluding the 2nd fine. I didn't even know there was a second fine the time I paid it, received letter days after. I have a sheet from them indicating I paid all overdue money on the same day the 2nd fine was made. They tried to claim I payed on the day after, but I have sheet as proof.

      • +2

        If you have proof all overdue money was paid on the day they gave you the second fine, and if the sticking point is that they say you paid the day after..then keep pushing it.

        I would sent them a letter detailing the dates and your proof. Ignore them from that point onwards.

        Threatening you with more fines for complaining sounds like utter bullshit to me

      • +1

        Making a payment doesn't mean it's immediately received, and certainly not in cleared funds. Your payment was probably received the next day, meaning payment was received late.

        It's always when money is received that's key - they don't care when you paid it, it's no good to them until it's received.

        • +1

          bpay should be treated as received on same payment day regardless of funds clearing.

          • @dcep: Depends when OP paid it. 9pm? Eh…

            • +1

              @HighAndDry: for bpay paid within business banking hours

          • +2

            @dcep: Should be, but isn't. Most bills will state that you need to ensure you leave enough time for payments to clear. If bpayed on the due date then the monies will be received late.

            • @robbyjones: Nono, This is a known fact that bpay payment process date = must be treated as received date,
              Else they're in breach of bpay policy and shall not be offering bpay as payment option.

              No bills will state bpay must be of cleared funds.
              If you got a bill that says bpay must be cleared payments by due date, please post it here.


  • +3

    I paid all overdue money on the same day the 2nd fine was made.

    This may mean that you didn't pay before the deadline.

  • Maybe the due date was midnight day prior and you made the payment 1 day after due date which is same date they issued fine

  • If you have the proof that you paid them on time then tell them to take you court and see how they come off then. By 'administrative funds' are you talking about body corp?

  • so… you had a fine. EG. due on the 13th of the month.. and you paid it on the 14th? or you had a fine due on the 13th of the month.. you paid it on the 13th.. and they issued you another fine on the same day? and they are trying to claim that you paid it the day after? how is that possible.
    you have physical proof it was paid on the same day. why are they lying to claim another day?

  • +2

    They cannot legally fine you, they can charge you interest at a per annum rate though.

  • Check your owners corporation rules. They have specific rules around it what they can do about late payments. It should be outlined pretty clearly what the process is.

    You can take them to the administrative tribunal (the equivalent of VCAT that's in Victoria) if you still think it's unfair.

  • As a final note of caution - just remember that free advice is worth exactly what you pay for it - sfa

  • What is this administration fee?

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