Hello all,
I currently have a home loan with Bank Australia with an offset account linked to it.
I have been living with my partner for over 10 years in a defacto relationship.
My partner now has substantial savings sitting in a account with another bank earning next to no interest. I contacted Bank Australia and they said we can have multiple offsets pointing to the same home loan. But, she will need to be on the home loan and the title of the house. To make any of those changes that would involve refinancing and contacting the titles office (stamp duties fees).
We would prefer to keep things separate at the moment eg separate accounts.
Has anyone come across any banks/credit unions that offer separate offsets pointing to the one home loan under different names?
Speaking to a financial planner they said the AMP offer it but would prefer to avoid them if possible.
I know when my wife and I signed up to loans.com.au because her name was on the loan but not on the title they wanted her to get a form signed by a lawyer to say she understood what she was getting herself into (loan under her name and title not) before they would give us the loan.
So you should be able to find a bank that will do it without having to get the title on both names… Although that was a while ago so things have probably changed.