• expired

Woolworths Rewards Bonus Points 3x ($50 Spend), 5x ($100 Spend), 10x ($150 Spend) @ Woolworths, Caltex, BWS & BIG W


This deal is back!

Be sure to go to site and enter your card number before shopping for some great bonus points on minimum spend!

Woolworths Caltex BWS BigW

$50 spend - 3x
$100 spend - 5x
$150 spend - 10x

Fine Print:
*The following purchases will not count towards your qualifying spend amounts, and you will not earn any points on: smoking products, gift cards (including iTunes), mobile recharge, Woolworths Mobile, Woolworths Insurance, travel cards, tickets, cash outs, delivery charges, donations, purchases from woolworthsflowers.com.au, Carpet Care, lottery, Pre-order Kiosks, BIG W Photos, BIG W eBay, BIG W Optical (standard points only apply for BIG W Optical), lay-by fees and purchases using a Caltex StarCard, a Country Age Pension Fuel Card or on a charge account. Additional exclusions for participating Caltex locations include: any services, FuelPay, AdBlue, StarCash, tolls and petrol purchases of more than $150.
The full Caltex exclusions list is available at woolworthsrewards.com.au/terms.

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (952)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    $50 spend - 3x
    $100 spend - 5x
    $150 spend - 10x

  • +1

    Give your festive season a boost with big bonus points every time you spend $50 or more!
    Available at Woolworths, BWS & BIG W in-store or online and at selected Caltex fuel outlets*.
    3X POINTS every time you spend $50 or more in one shop*
    5X POINTS every time you spend $100 or more in one shop*
    10X POINTS every time you spend $150 or more in one shop*

  • +1

    Spend $150 in one hit for an effective saving of $7.50 (redeemable only after spending a further $500)

    Such deal.
    Very discount.

    • +4

      These things are good if you're already going to spend. if you spend extra just to get these bonuses though, you fall into their trap.

      • Indeed. I usually activate them without reading the details. If I happen to meet it, woo, an extra few cents.

    • Why not redeemable until spending another $500? I can't seem to find this stated anywhere in the T&C's

      • +1

        It’s not. Rubbish comment from the poster

      • +4

        He mean you have to spend another $500 to get 500 points without this promo. If you spend $150 you only get 1500 points. You need 2000 points for it to convert into $10

      • +1

        You need 2000 points saved up before you can cash it out for $10 saving.
        Usually at 1 point per dollar, spending $150 at 10x the rate gets you 1500 points.
        Thus you'd need to spend another $500 across other shops to make the 2000 points and save $10.
        Or, spend $200 at woolies this weekend to save $10 off your next shop.
        Not great, but better than nothing.

        • +2

          Yep I see now, but for the most part people just buy groceries etc anyway, so just a bit back for something you already do, so not too bad I guess :) Another way of putting it is 5% off, over time, for 20 seconds of effort.

    • +1

      Its another form of saving- if you going to spend anyways, its better than nothing- I was planning a $200+ shop at Big W for their half price chocolates for gifts that I need, coupled with my 10% staff discount, 5% off egift card and this 10x points offer I think its a fantastic deal.

      • +2

        So ended up spending about $400 and the 10x points posted immediately onto my account

  • Does the activate button actually work? When I click activate, my membership number just disappears without any acknowledgement.

    • It said my offer was activated when I entered it… maybe a browser/frame issue? can you try another browser?

      • Chrome deletes the number when I click activate and internet explorer says wrong card number. What's your browser?
        There is a login link on the main site. it doesn't work either. can you try that for me too see if you can login?

        I've never been able to login since they changed from everyday rewards. It's a horrible website.

        • "I've never been able to login since they changed from everyday rewards. It's a horrible website."

          You need to login with your card number, not a username.

          • @Cheapskate Paul: Card number, username or email, no luck. There is a spinning wheel on the login button keeps spinning but nothing happens.

        • Yeah I am using chrome too, maybe click on the "I don't have my card" then it lets you enter an email instead - that could work? Edit - ensure you also put in password as well if you do this.

  • +4

    These deals are great for me because I do all my neighbours shopping and some of my dad's friends and they let me keep the points.

    • lmao

  • You can get a temp card then activate also.

  • +3

    This will go great with the 10% off staff discount day on Saturday. Buy wish gift card at 10% off, pay for grocery with the wish gift card for an effectively 19% off, get 10x points. Lucky i have been waiting to shop on Saturday.

    • Good idea

    • I have a household card (husband is permanent staff) so I'm planning on doing this but where do you get the 10% off Wish gift cards?

      • Opps i made a mistake, i mean 5% off wish gift card from the woolworth website through cashreward or shopback. I keep think 10% for some reason. Only 14.5% off.

    • Is it 10% staff discount day at woolworths this saturday???

      • anyone can share a bar code?

  • Still waiting for my last 10x to be applied to my acocunt…

    • You might have to contact them and ask about it. It should definitely be credit by now as it is past 7 business days since last offer.

      Last time i spend $151 and got 760 points applied instantly, but i should have got 1520 points so i had to contact them twice before they credit me the other 760 points.

  • +2

    Went out this morning and filled the car with fuel, then did my shopping around $300 spent. Arrived home to see the email activation required. Seriously woolworths why do you have to activate every bloody offer, they should be automated. Missed out on points. Same with the stupid samples they offer, every time there is a free sample surprise surprise not in stock, as soon as offer period over its suddenly in stock. Woolworths and their rewards system is a joke.

    • Doesn’t start till Saturday anyway so you wouldn’t have got it anyway.

      • It’s active as of yesterday mate

    • Coles is the same. You have to activate to get their flybuys bonus points.

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