Prices dropped from $299 to $269. Enjoy :)
5% Pricebeat at OW - $298for $255.55
(Thanks to BH1 & Polarq)
Also, this once back again for $10
damn, needs to be > $75 for the price guarantee cover :(
Which card is that?
Westpac American Express Altitude Black
When did you buy it, JB has a 2-3 week price guarantee..
Edit its HN whoops.
Dammmmmmnnnnnnnn. Just unboxed mine from TGG yesterday.
Thanks, I just found that too. Unfortunately it's not letting me submit the form - I'll have to go in store tomorrow!
No price matching on eBay orders 😥
Why doesn't HN Have something like that :(
They do 7 days before and after your purchase.
Don’t buy this watch for the apps. There aren’t any
i have the previous version of this watch (the s2) and can confirm. Because it uses tizen OS rather than android, there's very few apps. Having said that, the core functions of the watch (even the prev gen one) are excellent, so i dont regret my purchase at all (wearing it right now!).
What apps would you want on your watch? (serious question)
I bought this a few weeks back from HN for $238. Great value. It has a great user interface, looks like a real watch and is tough. I have been using Spotify all the time when I don't want to carry my phone- cleaning the house and covered in water. The UBER app when on business so I don't have to dig my phone out when my hands are full. Listening to music in my hotel at night or in the shower. Being able to answer phone calls when my hands are full or the phone is downstairs. Notifications and checking emails. Having a flashlight always on my wrist, weather checks. Voice response to messages. Having favourites on my wrist to call without having to dig out the phone. Works beautifully with my Bluetooth headset streaming over my wifi when my teenagers have stolen my phone, used the PAY application once or twice when I forgot my wallet and my phone was not available.
Use the health app all the time to track my eating so I can fit in my pants….have all my loyalty cards on my wrist for shopping…
If you love social media it is weak but then again it is a watch so the UI is limited anyway…..
Any chance I can return and rebuy? My wife bought this about two weeks ago for $298.
Just buy one from Harvey, and returned it to the old store.
Harvey doesn't allow change of mind though. Will be tough
Even if it's unopened?
Well, I called in yesterday to the Harvey online and they said as long as it is still brand new shrink wrapped, its ok to returned for full refund. If Harvey franchise wouldn't accept, they can always call to verify.
how do people find this watch? Looks pretty cool but im afraid I will buy it and never use it haha
I previously had the Gear s2. I mainly use it as a watch and as a notification alert. Does that well enough.
It's good at tracking steps (not sure how accurate), and consistently auto tracks walks, runs, etc. (for health) - the s3 seems to be even better with health with better built in watchface
It's got a speaker which is pretty cool - you can play spotify on it. Fairly useless though I'd say - but, you can go on runs without a phone which is nice (with BT earphones).
The frontier is very large, but I think I'll get used to it.
Prior to the s2, I was not wearing any watch, but I like having easy to glace at notifications (which I can reply to). There was once previously I wished I could take a phone call on it, which the s3 now can.
i also have the s2, and as per above comment find it to be a very good watch for notifications, accepting and making calls (via your phone, it doesnt have 3g itself) and typing quick sms replies. Can also do spotify and uber and a couple of other things reasonably well.
How do people find this watch?
I keep all my watches in a watch box in my bedroom.
Damn Nerds and their bedrooms.
They all have one night stand
But too many books to fit on it.
I use it daily. Definitely useful, especially when I can't look at my phone because my boss is sitting right there!
The health stuff is interesting as well although I'm not sure how accurate the heartrate is..
I guess you can use Samsung pay with this one but not Google Pay?
Yeah, they've got a shortcut to launch Samsung Pay but unless there's an app for Google pay you won't be able to use Google Pay (ie it's not preinstalled)
google pay doenst work on this, i think, only samsung pay. which is a shame, coz not as many institutions in AU support samsung pay as google/apple pay
It works on every terminal that accepts NFC payments, i.e. tap n go, it doesn't need to have specifically samsung pay enabled. Not sure if it does here, but US models can also emulate magstripes for compatibility with all terminals.
Price match with office works to get it cheaper ?
Should I get this or the gear Sport? I will mostly use it for fitness stuff,sleep tracking and Samsung Pay.
Buy a Garmin
Not any more, sold out almost instantly.
Comments suggest there's no standalone calling function what does this mean?
Means that you cant use watch to call without connecting to phone bluetooth. No cellular
Need to be nearby your phone to make/receive calls via bluetooth.
Just got it from office works $255.55
Thanks OP
Thanks OP and thanks BH1. Ordered one from OW in chaddy (who are ooStock BTW)
Cheers Guys..👍🏻🍻
OW has now matched the prices with HN :(
That's a good price for a good Smart Watch, I originally paid $599 when it first came out. Daily use, and it's a great tool combined with a silent phone. So can get notifications via vibration, it tracks body metrics, and can take a voice call. Still get ~2 days between charges.
I replaced my band with a nice metal one, and a new watch face. YOu can use Samsung Pay with it, but never used that feature on the watch.
I have a S3 and sport and alternate them every 2 days, due to the battery life. Works great, managed to get the Sport for $176 when Tel$tra had them on special earlier this year.
Thanks OP, got officeworks to price beat it, $255, can't complain :)
Can you make calls without a phone with this?
Only if it's within range. Otherwise no. The newer galaxy LTE watch can
I got mine for $239 @ Bing Lee ebay sales. 3 Days for a full charge.
Thanks Op, Got mine from OW for $255.55. Would be great if the post is updated with OW price beat! :)
Thanks mate.. added 👍🏻
Best value is to get it from officeworks.
$255.55 is a good deal. Just got mine after seeing this post in the morning.
Thanks OP.
Bloody officeworks, just as I was contemplating the purchase they have reduced their price to $269. Maybe its a sign not to buy it :(
I wonder if this is better than fitbit versa, which is now $196.
Can probably price beat with OW at Deal Gadget as they have them at $265 with free delivery. It is local stock too. They also have the classic if that's what you are after. It's the cheapest I have seen the classic for local stock.…
Edit: Seems people were successful with OW price beat with a previous deal for a Iphone with the same merchant
Yeh might have luck at a good store but pretty sure this site is blacklisted with the guys on the phone
Are these guys reliable? Considering buying the classic off them.
oh wow, I wonder if I can get my money back from my credit card company via Complimentary price guarantee cover??
I got it when it was $299