This was posted 6 years 3 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch/PS4/XB1] 50% off Starlink: Battle for Atlas Sets and Add-Ons: Starter Pack $57, Ship Kit $25, Weapon Kit $10 @ EB Games


Went in for my weekly walk around/walk out of EB today and asked if anyone had traded in any of the Starlink garbage. Wasn’t really up for paying $50 for a plastic spaceship. The girl there told me that they are all on sale and are 50% off. So, all the weapons and ship kits were half price.

The starter kit is now $57, which is about $5 better than the last price (albeit without postage tacked on top. And only 50% off EB's retail prices)

Weapons packs are just under $10 (Normally $20)

Ship kits are just under $25. (Normally $50)

Just in time for me, because a: merry christmas me!! :D and b: almost finished the game and need a few other weapons to clean up some things I couldn’t do with out the right elemental damage.

YMMV: But I also got a free stand for my ships and a free character (Startail) thrown in. Might be worth asking about them…

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  • +1

    I'm waiting on a sale on the digital version with all DLC.

    • +1

      I'd recommend doing this. The physical items 'expire' in seven days and need to be re-linked to be used again. I understand why Ubisoft have done this, but it's rather annoying in my opinion.

      Having said that, I've enjoyed the game itself. And the physical items are well made (and look great on the display stand). I would probably go for the digital all-in-one edition if I had my time over again.

      • I need to check this game out but Katamari and Smash have all my attention. HMMMM decisions…

  • 'The girl there" never talked to me. If she did, I'd have just given her a Starlink.

  • +1

    I haven't started this game yet but I got the kit waiting, what's some weapon packs you recommend for that "clean up" content? $10 ain't bad.

    • I'm also interested in the answer to this. $67ish for starter pack and some weapons sounds like the price I want to pay. Could possibly splurge for an extra ship or pilot.

      • +1

        You will need a gravity weapon (purple) kit and a stasis weapon (As for the stasis weapon, that I still haven't found a place to use it in game.)

        I guess if you wanted a weapon kit, get one with gravity weapon in it. I think the best value would be the Nadir/Shaide ship kit, because you get the extra character, extra ship and the most OP weapon in the game. The extra ship/character comes in handy when you die in battle, you can just swap ships instead of going back to a check point.

        *spoiler alert*

        The base kit for Xbox/PS comes with three weapons, fire, cold and kinetic instead of the extra character that Switch comes with.

  • I'd much rather just buy it digitally and not deal with connecting the little toys to the game, but if anyone out there has played it, with the little ship toy things, can you rip the bottom of them off like an amiibo and just use that to sync it to the game?

    I'll buy this version if I can do that, and then give the toys to the kiddo or something, but knowing her, she'll eventually break them so I gotta know if I can rip off the little NFC bit and use it on it's own or if it's in the middle of the ship or something annoying like that?


    • I agree, I would rather just be able to unlock content in the game or just buy it all out right, but at the moment, the prices online for the extras is astronomical (excuse the pun)

      I like these kits because I can sell them on later when I'm done with the game. The other thing is, the kids love playing with them. I just load the game, load the ships in when the game asks for them and give them back to the kids to play.

      I don't play with them on the controllers because they are quite large and heavy. I don't think they would break very easy, but they would be pretty easy to strip down and just use the chips as they are not NFC, more like proprietary USB. Nothing like Amibo/Skylanders.

      You can clip them on and you get to play with that weapon/ship for 7 days before you have to sync it up again.

      • In the US the digital price is reasonable at US$60 but somehow that translated to AU$120. Way, way too much! Gave in and got this for $51 with EB's ebay deal, not planning to buy any DLC

  • I want the game but the whole toy concept and switching weapons/loadouts mid mission annoys me… Especially when i watched some playthroughs of people changing the loadout several times per minute.

    • Nah, doesn’t happen. I found once I had a certain setup, I kept it. You would only change if you went to another planet and it required something different. You don’t shoot enemies on ice planets, who are ice, with ice weapons.

      The best part is, once the toys are synced with the game, you can take it off the controller and swap between any weapons, ships or characters from within the game. You can even setup loadouts so it’s really quick to just select the load out you want and keep battling.

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