Australia‘s government signed a bill into law last week giving law enforcement agencies the right to force technology companies to reveal users’ encrypted messages. Another way of putting it: Australia‘s tech scene will soon be located on the Wayback Machine.
The new law gives Australian law enforcement agencies the power to issue cooperation notices to technology entities with the purpose of gaining access to specific users’ encrypted messages and data. These entities may include companies, websites, or anything else that transmits data to an end-user in Australia.
@I3IGN0sE: Call me whatever names you like, I'm right. That's all I care about.
Are there really people out there pretending that non-Whites have nothing to do with these things? My grandparents didn't need concrete bollards in their 100% White Australian city.
I can see that you're fairly low IQ but I'm genuinely curious, if you would care to try to explain it to me as well as possible. Do you actually not recognise the correlation, or do you just deny it because it's "racist" or otherwise unpopular? Is this behaviour conscious or subconscious?