This was posted 13 years 11 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Nutritional Consultations - Melb


Im looking for people to come down to the Endeavour College Of Natural Health student clinic in Melbourne,
right next to Melbourne central station!

Call (03) 9662-4856

Wednesday 8-11am
Thursday 8-11am
Ask for Rebecca N!

Its FREE (as a referral by me!) for a nutritional consultation

1.5hrs initial consultation- tailored to your needs, budget and lifestyle!
Supplements available at a 10% discount from RRP.

1hr return consultation ($5) to follow up on your treatment, aims and goals.

We offer Iridology (Iris photos available at an extra $20), tongue and nail analysis, blood presure readings.

Take a natural approach to health!
Don’t want to be on blood pressure medication?
Is there a new years resolution you are still trying to achieve?
Losing those stubborn 5kg?
Or just having some tummy troubles..

There may be a simple explanation, i would love to help you!

You can email me on [email protected] if you have any questions about this service, i would love to help answer them!

Thanks guys!

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Endeavour College of Natural Health
Endeavour College of Natural Health

closed Comments

  • +1

    Is this legit? How can they afford to do it for free?

    • +3

      Im guessing its free cause this is sort of like work experience for the students.

    • +3

      Sounds like they up-sell while you are there

      "Supplements available at a 10% discount from RRP"

    • Because "it" is nothing of value. Look up the definition of "Nutritionist" in Australia.

  • -1

    It is a student clinic, so we are not paid!
    We run many modalities, including massage which is $35.
    Consultations are normally $10 (initial) and $5 (return)
    We are offering free consultations if you come as a referral by a student.

    It is definitely legit, if you have any questions please feel free to ask.

  • -1

    You are correct JLove.
    We are offering you services at a heavily reduced cost (other practitioners up to $150 per 1hr)
    All treatments are run by a qualified supervisor at all times.
    It's a great CBD location for those who need support with their health but are on a budget!

    • Thanks NutritionBeck, for being accountable, & answering the questions.

  • What exactly do you guys do?

    Also how long do the sessions generally last?

    • -1

      I am practicing Nutrition, we base our treatments on a holistic approach.
      We can help manage many conditions such as acne, gastrointestinal upset, depression, weight loss and much more.

      The first session lasts 1.5 hours and entails a chat about your symptoms/reason for coming, general background and history of health, blood pressure reading iridology tongue and nail anaylsis.
      We formulate an individual treatment plan for every person.

      We offer a 2 week follow up return (1hr) consultation to support you along the way and follow your treatment.

      Hope this helps!

      • +1

        we base our treatments on a holistic approach.

        Who teaches holistics ???

  • +1

    Iridology = psuedoscience. ANYBODY can call themselves a "Nutritionist" in Australia. A "Nutritionist" is NOT a Dietician. This is a scam to lure people who are gullible enough to buy into holistic/alternative medicine into buying overpriced and worthless supplements. This is not a bargain because the "consultation" is with somebody who has no professionally recognised medical or dietary health qualifications. It's like if somebody at the bus stop came up to you with a pair of pliers and offered to pull out your wisdom teeth for free - you wouldn't call it a bargain; you would either shake your head in disbelief or run away screaming. This is the same thing. Please go away and take your worthless homeopathic sugar water with you.

    Jean-Baptiste (Nutritionist and Holistic Health Specialist)

    • I am not claiming to be a dietician. I am not claiming to be a homeopath.
      I am studying at Endeavour College for a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutrition.
      I have not spent 3 years of my life studying for nothing thankyou.
      You are obviously mistaken and i have no idea why you are rambling on about this then call yourself a "Nutritionist and Holistic Health Specialist", a little hypocritical.

      • +4


        Worlds #1 Bookshelf removalist

      • -1

        I can call myself that, because it means absolutely nothing. I can sign any future posts with my genuine health professional qualifications, if you would prefer?

        You can spend years of your life studying to hunt and capture fairies and leprechauns for all I care, but you posted on this site claiming to offer something of value for free and I have a right to comment on the service that you ostensibly provide.

        • -1

          Thankyou for informing many people of your ignorance of the health profession that may actually make a difference in this world.

        • -1

          LOL, your a student of imaginary science Beck & yet you have the gall to call Jean-Baptiste ignorant!!!!

  • -1

    Free voodoo is still just voodoo. No bargain.

  • +4

    I just read this thread and can now claim do be :

    Dr. jv
    Phd in Patheomorphic Nutrition and Masters in Inverse Holistic Nutri-Health

    • +1

      (turns head and coughs)

  • +3

    Hey, if someone posts a deal for a plasma and there are people who are interested then isn't that up to them? The fact that I personally prefer an LCD is my choice, and if I think plasmas are a waste of money it is up to me, but I wouldn't go bagging someone who has different ideas on things.

    For someone who is interested in a consultation with a nutritionist they may be interested in the chance to do it for free.

    If it's not for you, ignore it.

    **For the record I don't really have an issue with plasmas (before someone starts arguing about the pros and cons) it's just an example.

    • +4

      what if someone was trying to sell you a cardboard box and was claiming it was a plasma ???

      • Stan: I want to have babies.
        Reg: You want to have babies?!?!
        Stan: It's every man's right to have babies if he wants them.
        Reg: But … you can't HAVE babies!
        Stan: Don't you oppress me!
        Reg: I'm not oppressing you, Stan. You haven't got a womb! Where's the fetus gonna gestate? You gonna keep it in a box?

        For all the Stans - that box is still a bargain if Stan gets it for free!

      • +2

        Spot on. The alternative medicine industry relies upon misrepresentation to dupe gullible people into buying worthless crap. The whole point of the voting and commenting system at Ozbargain is to warn people away from overpriced or worthless crap. Just because the first "consultation" is free, does not change the fact that this "bargain" is a bait designed to lure naive consumers into spending money on expensive bottles of water and lawn clippings.

        • "The whole point of the voting and commenting system at Ozbargain is to warn people away from worthless crap."


          But it's not to dictate beliefs, science - or lack thereof.

          "Just because the first "consultation" is free, does not change the fact that this "bargain" is a bait designed to lure naive consumers into spending money on expensive bottles of water and lawn clippings."

          There are plenty of free introductory gym memberships that are posted,do you have a problem with them? It's obvious they want to get you in the door, give you a taste in the hopes you go back and spend more money. But you can run outdoors for free, or do pushups wherever you want - so a rip off - right?
          Not if you are into gyms.

        • +1

          There are plenty of free introductory gym memberships that are posted,do you have a problem with them?

          last time i was at a gym, they didn't practice voodoo…

        • +2

          Mine did, sadly. I didn't find out until it was too late…

          …I'd already used a machine witchcrafted rock hard abs.

  • where's rack when you need him

    Dr Rack,

    PHD in Racks

    • +2

      nice racks…

  • Anybody had trouble making appointments?

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