• expired

[XB1/PS4] Clearance Games @ Target (Inc. Evil Within 2 - $10, Dishonored 2 - $10, Burnout Paradise Remastered - $15)


We've seen some of these prices before and this could be leftover stock from the last clearance but thought it was worth posting. Should be nationwide prices as I confirmed at two seperate stores. Only listed some under $20 and those that I managed to scan but there are more games.


Found some games at $5 and more at $10 at another store but most were gone by the time I got there. You may have better luck at your local store.

Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare $5
FIFA 17 $5
Battlefield 1 $10
Portal Knights $10

Agents Of Mayhem $10
Evil within 2 $10 for PS4/ $15 for XB1
Dishonored 2 $10
Pokemon Moon (3DS) $10 and
Injustice 2 $10 (thanks to ozzymandious)
Burnout Paradise Remastered $15 https://imgur.com/a/Tx21hj2
Titanfall 2 $15 https://imgur.com/a/t5HwnpO
Star Wars Battlefront 2 $15
Farcry Primal $15
Halo Wars 2 $19
No Man's Sky $20
Quantum Break $20
Yooka-Laylee $20

Thanks to Rob359 whose already spotted:

Mass Effect Andromeda $10
UFC 2 $20
Raid $10


Related Stores

Target Australia
Target Australia

closed Comments

  • Would be keen to see a pic of the Pokemon moon scan. Thanks for the post OP!

    • +2

      If it’s for price matching, it won’t work. EB and JB will refuse as it’s a clearance price.

      • Rip. Understandable though.

    • +1

      I did see the tag for it but didn't take a snap of it. Sorry. There were hardly any 3DS titles left on the shelf.

      I'll be going past another Target today if time permits and take more photos if I can spot any more games.

  • +8

    Come-on Amazon!!

  • I picked up Skylanders Imaginators (Switch) for $2 yesterday from Newton SA but it was the last one on the shelf.

  • +6

    Dishonoured 2 is incredibly beautiful. Loved it, didn’t mind the first.

    • Personally I wouldn't say beautiful. Stylised, curiously different and unusually themed while being attractive and engrossing - sure, but not beautiful.

      Awesome story, great sequel, captivating characters and addictive gamepad.

      Assassins Creed Origins is beautiful.

      (Beauty is subjective, I know)

    • FYI, Dishonored 2 is $9 at EB Games. Just saw it on their site.

  • +2

    Cheers OP, just grabbed The Evil Within 2. Looking forward to getting spooked!

  • No man's sky still refuses to drop to a reasonable price

    • +8

      $20 is a very reasonable price for the game that it is today after many updates.

      • +3

        A few months ago there was a listing on eBay for it on PS4 for $10.79 which I grabbed. May still be on there. It was a store with buy it now, new condition sealed etc.

        • +1

          that was before the NEXT update in July that completely changed the whole game and it gets only positive reviews now so I doubt it will be dropping below $20 for a new version any time again soon. I also picked up a cheap version from the repoguys on ebay for $11 at the start of the year so it is great value now for the amount of content they have added since July.

          • @Teh White Mamba: Yer now it’s third person which is great for me

            Anyone know what Version is better PS4 or XONE?

            • @Twisty: The xbox version probably won't be discounted for a while because it only just launched whereas PS4 has been out since 2016, Amazon have matched this $20 for PS4 version if you have prime.

              • @Teh White Mamba: Is there any difference tho between the two systems on this game?

                • @Twisty: nah they are the same game PS4 just probably had an exclusive window for console release or something

                  • @Teh White Mamba: Thanks
                    Unfortunately I couldn’t find it or Evil Within 2 PS4 at my Target

                    Guess I’ll wait for it to come down in price on PSN it if not from amazon, pity I’m not a prime member anymore

  • Any Nintendo switch game?

  • In case anyone's interested, Quantum Break is selling for 12.49 on the Microsoft store with free delivery.

  • Cheers!

  • +1

    Evil Within 2 is $15 on Xbox one :-/

    • +1

      Hmmmm…wonder why it's more expensive. I'll update the post. Thanks.

    • +1

      Just noticed that also, damn u target

  • Thank you, was looking for a PS4 game as a gift.
    This is perfect timing.

  • Can't find Primal on the site?

  • Thanks! Got the last Burnout Paradise @ Frankston.

  • +2

    Evil 2 & dishonored 2 well worth the $10.

    Hah swbf2 clearance price hasn't it been $15 with other retailers on special?

  • BF1 $59 oh come on Target lol

    • Main post has been updated and found the vanilla version for $10 if you can find it. The DLC and season pass has been free a few times now.

      • Ahh my bad, well i just got back and got Burnout paradise thanks mate !!

  • Thanks OP Merry Xmas!

    • That's my first Merry Christmas for the year! Merry Christmas Ivalice. 🎄

  • +2

    Definitely looks like they are getting out of gaming

    • +2

      Seems like they have been trying to get out of gaming in the last 2 years. Surprisingly though, they have stuck around.

      Similarly, this one looks like another stock clearance exercise to rid of slow moving stock.

      If Amazon's deals in the last 2 months is anything to go by, Target may just stop selling games.

  • Fallout 76>? haaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • are these prices still in store?

  • I'm not sure why this is tagged as expired, as I picked up a copy of Burnout Paradise on PS4 at my local store today, but cheers anyway OP.

    • I can't seem to unexpired the deal but assume you've tried already by reporting it.

      I had no way of knowing when these prices would last or if they were permanently on clearance. Good to hear that you managed to pick something up you wanted at these prices.

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