I'm only on my 3rd or 4th consecutive SIM with Kogan and my 40 GB SIM stopped working for data today, but it works for calls. I have about 19 GB of data left.
I'm currently in Randwick NSW.
Anyone else? (Before I contact them…)
I'm only on my 3rd or 4th consecutive SIM with Kogan and my 40 GB SIM stopped working for data today, but it works for calls. I have about 19 GB of data left.
I'm currently in Randwick NSW.
Anyone else? (Before I contact them…)
Thanks for the confirmation.
Mine just started working now as well.
agree must be some catastrophic event happened with kogan hours ago.
There's been a Vodafone outage for the past few hours, especially in NSW, I'd say it is related to that and should come back soon.
Both Optus and Kogan was off on my dual Sim phone. The withdrawal from not being able to read ozb was terrible.
I heard it's due to Voda outage.
Happened to me.. On lebara (also vodafail)
Possibly linked this this, or not.
Millions hit by smartphone outage after Ericsson software problem
Mine stopped working about an hour and a half ago but its working now.