Origin Energy 'One Month Free Electricity' offer

A while back Origin had an offer to rebate the cost of one month's electricity each year for up to two years following each 12 month qualifying period, which was the best deal (8.3% discount) in NSW at the time. I signed up for it in March 09 and supply commenced May 09, but after recently recalling this offer and going through my bills, turns out I'd received zip.

Just curious how many people who signed up for this offer received their discount automatically, how many didn't and had to call up Origin to inquire about it, and how many haven't asked because it slipped their mind after 12+ months.


  • Interesting, I would also like to find out what other people had encountered. I signed up to a 5% discount deal which I only found after googling with Energy Australia late last year. Conditions are a 2 year locked contract with exit fees if breaking. I have checked my bills and they indeed include the discount before GST.

    I did compare other electricity providers at the time all all there was, were free 12 month subscription to magazines which I wasn't at all interested. Anyhow Energy Australia from March 2011 is runby TRUenergy.

    I am hoping after my contract period is up to find another good deal.

  • I've signed up to it and the discount was applied automatically on my fourth bill. It was a bit of a pain to sign up, went through a fair bit of hassle to confirm I was indeed on this offer.

    Might want to given them a call and confirm your acct is registered for this deal.

    • The contract that was mailed to me after signing up detailed the offer. I also have screenshots of the online forms showing this was the offer I was signing up for. The credit was belatedly applied to my account after chasing it up.

      Basically what I'm trying to tease out is whether my case is a one-off, or if there's a broader issue of the offer not being honoured and people missing out because they haven't gone back and checked.

  • Energy Watch offer a 10% discount for NSW residential customers off the government regulated tariff.

  • I have family members that get it, usually it's the 13th month you get the freebie! ;)

    • Which provider is this through and how?

      • Origin, a dude knocked on their door, told them about the deal, signed them up, sure enough every 13th month they get an average 1/12th of the last year's total!

  • Thanks for the heads up, I will watch my bill. If I were you I would call them and get it sorted out. They signed me up to the wrong plan when I started but a phone call set them straight. Surprising really since the sign up was by web form and you'd think this data would get transferred correctly but maybe a human did the transcription.

  • Also, if you decided to get solar power installed, you automatically become ineligible for the 1 month free.
    Not that they tell you this unless you ask.

  • I signed up using the 1 month free offer. They rebated 1 month's worth of the 'access charge' on the first month's bill. I haven't finished a year with them, so I haven't got the rebate on the electricity usage as yet.

  • I got it. They just forgot to tell me.

  • I've just come up to my second year on this deal with Origin and I noticed that my 1 month free discount was not applied on my fourth quarterly bill (like it was last year).

    I called them up to ask about it and I was told by the sales dept that the 1 month free offer was only for 12 months, after which you get no discount!!! The rep reckons the contract I signed was only for 12 months, but from what I recall, there was no lock in contract, you just got the rebate whenever you stayed with them for 12 months, if you moved away from them, you got nothing (which is just as good as a lock in contract really).

    Then the same rep said they don't even offer this anymore…

    stralya: How recently did you sign up for the 1 month free offer?

  • I signed up with these robbers to their one free month deal and noticed that there supply charge was higher than the state regulated price. I queried this and got the following gem of a reply :-

    "I can confirm that the Queensland Government Standard Gazetted rate for supply charge is $7.47 exclusive of GST per month. However as you are on a market offer of One Month Free this alters the daily supply charge.
    This is due to the increasing cost relating to maintenance of your electricity infrastructure such as the power poles, service lines and meter etc.".

    I am off contract at the end of the month - you know where Origin can stick their power pole!

  • I never got my free month as well. I switched over to another company after my contract was up. Have you gotten that money back after a year?

  • Well, I've spoken with someone from their complaints dept and had a rather interesting conversation.

    After initially being told I was no longer under the 1 month free contract as it had expired, I was told I was actually recontracted in October last year so I wouldn't get the rebate until later this year. Considering my initial contract began in April and I have received no correspondence since, how did I get recontracted?

    When I asked them to show me when/how I got recontracted, all I got was "Let me look that up for you, erm… err… I can offer you a rebate of $X for your inconvenience! And then you will get your rebate in Oct as well!"

    Clearly something shonky is going on here and I suppose I could cause them a lot of grief if I demanded to see evidence of when I agreed to be recontracted shrugs I cbf and took the $$$

    If anyone else had the same issues with this deal, then it might be worth chasing up!

  • The credit now appears to have been applied in my case, after I called them back in March to raise the issue. They never called me back as promised, but I was calling them about another matter yesterday when I got bounced around through different departments and menus, and somehow ended up hearing an automated voice that told me my account balance, which was in credit.

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