someone crashed my car plate now it is bent is it illegal to drive with a bent car plate?
and where is a good place to get it fix in Adelaide?
Someone crashed my car plate now it is bent. Is it illegal to drive with a bent car plate?

He could, but that wouldn't cost the other party anything. Could be what OP is going for…
bend it back with your hands ?
Or place it face down on something like a towel and hammer it flat with hammer/brick/rock/llama.
Somewhat ironically I went to our local soccer match this evening and they had two llamas on display as a promo at the entry point. Wish I’d taken my car plate.
If it's readable from the relevant angles (and distances), it's fine. But as others said, you can just bend it back.
someone crashed my car plate now it is bent
Get the other driver to pay for a repair or replacement.
Yeah I got her number already but I don't where to fix it
You could start on the bent part.
Get a new plate made at RTA or relevant authority and charge them for replacement.
Just buy a new one. Otherwise when you come to sell the car it will be obvious the car has been in an accident of some sort and this may deter a buyer
You should disclose this when selling a car.
Nope. You shouldn't lie or misrepresent the truth, but OP would have no obligation to disclose.
Yep actually agree with this.
You shouldn't lie or misrepresent the truth, but OP would have no obligation to disclose.
Just clicked across from Dating & Relationships, had me worried for a second.
Take it off, put your foot on one side and your other foot on the other side.
Is this what we've come to? A nation of hardy folk who could fix a bore pump or a broken down car with a bit of rusty coat hanger wire and some electrical tape a nanny nation where we can't even bend a bit of metal? Maybe there's an app or a government dept. that could help out..for a fee of course.
In WA they are plastic and snap rather than bend.
No, in WA mine are metal. When a previous car was in a smash I took the bent plates to the licensing centre and got new ones for $17. Sent the receipt to my car insurance company who already paid for the rest of the repairs and got a refund with no fuss.
I don't know what you have on your car but the blue and white ones are plastic, they have been standard issue for about 20 years and most new plates issued are the standard blue and white.
@[Deactivated]: I’m gonna go with dp1 and say in WA they’re metal.
Have owned 5 cars and all of them plates (standard issue blue & white) are metal, readily bendable metal.
Even my friends’ ones are metal too, I know because I remember they complaint about having plates vandalised (bent) and they had to bend them back.@zonra: Dealerships often put a clear plastic casing over the number plate which might be confusing seano2101. Having stood in a 2 hour queue at the licensing centre with my bent plates I am intimately acquainted with all its qualities! All cars I've driven since 2001 have been metal plates.
I suggest you do the following in strict order:
Dispose of car for free on Gumtree to rid the issue of a bent plate
Purchase new car with new straight plates
Or, swap plates for free in carparks
Then you can fill up at petrol station for free too
So can the car they swapped it with. win win 😊
I started with "3" first. I messed up. It's all on fire. What now?
rinse and repeat?
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You must be new around here… it’s MS Paint or nothing… :P
That is beautiful
This is outrageous. Time to sell the car and move on
That's Darwin's theory of evolution shot out of the water :(
Actually reminds me of car plates on Doctors cars in a private hospital I used to work. Front and rear plates were deliberately bent out the each side of plate 2 inches which I suspect was to fool cameras recording incidents… A few cars were like this, hate to be hit by a car with these blunt knifes facinng forward.
nah , it's for downforce , more grip
hate to be hit by a car with these blunt knifes facinng forward.
What would you prefer to hit you?
I dare say those cars were expensive European luxury imports. The number plate mounting position is much smaller on many of these sporty and luxury cars, making it necessary for the owner's chauffeur to bend the edges of our large plates to make them fit in the space provided.
harness the power of telekinesis to bend it back.
On second thought should of just bought the Delorean.
Easy. Just get another car to hit it and flatten it back jb place. A nice co-worker done that to my front plates yesterday, not sure if intentional. Someone once also done the back of my car too! What kind souls.
Not taking a jab but can you not just bend it back by hand?
I always see plenty of wrinkled up plates on the road.