This was posted 6 years 2 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Mac] Subnautica and Super Meat Boy Free @ Epic Games


Free game being given every 2 weeks through 2019, haven't seen this posted yet.

Subnautica is first up from 14 December to 27 December.

Super Meat Boy is free from 28 December to 10 January.

Never actually used the store, not sure how it works.

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Epic Games
Epic Games

closed Comments

  • +49

    Considering subnautica is $35 on steam and has a 9/10 rating - that's one hell of a deal. Great find.

    • +11

      its a great single player exploration game with a great story, well worth playing through to the end.

      • +15

        You mean like steam reviews, that get brigaded for some of the most silly reasons? Steam reviews aren't that useful.

        • -3

          These days everything is the result of brigades and coordinated manipulation to those who disagree with the results (I could suggest the same for the salty guys down-voting me). Or, maybe, the game is objectively shit and everyone agrees.

          • +1

            @daitro: Sure most are because the game is crap. But there has been plenty of cases where user reviews are brigaded on the most silliest of reason.

            • @Pacify: Exactly I remember shadow of the tomb raider got bombed because it went on sale. Says nothing about the quality of the game to potential buyers.

              • +1

                @gottacatchemall: Yeah it seems to me that user reviews might be good to have two separate scores: 1) game quality, and 2) company quality. While a game may be good, it's probably the case that you still shouldn't support a company with poor behaviour.

            • +1

              @Pacify: Cool, which plenty cases were these?

      • Actually I just listed steam because I couldn't be bothered typing on my phone too much. It had really high reviews on a whole bunch of sites when I googled it

    • I was hanging out for less than $10 and here we are.

  • +13

    unreal tournament is free at the bottom of the page. i clicked on it and it told me thanks, added to library or whatever.

    • +1

      It's the new Unreal Tournament which is fully open sourced and developed by the community with occasional updates from Epic.

      Epic Games updates have dried up ever since Fortnite took off though. The game is far from being complete. Better off with Quake Live or Quake Champions.

      • The game was already dead by early 2017, fortnite just buried the corpse.

    • +1

      Yep, great pick-up. I feel like this actually needs it's own post as a bargain. I had a play with it on the weekend and it's almost a full-featured game.

      It has a tutorial, single player mode with bots, a 'challenges' mode and online multiplayer. A few bugs here and there, but still heaps and heaps of fun.

      • +1

        It's not a bargain, forum post probably exists already. It's a free game that has always been free.

  • +9

    Incredible game.

    I highly suggest people don't read into the gameplay too much as a lot of what makes it so amazing is finding out all the stuff on your own and facepalming when you discover something that you wished you did hours ago.

    • +5

      Play with permadeath to have a relaxing time interspersed with moments of sheer terror as the thought of losing all that gameplay hits you as you start to drown :D

      • +2

        Do the same with Meat Boy too

  • +2

    Own or free to play? Couldn't see anything saying either way.

    Subnautica would be an amazing pick up for free. Great game.

    • +1

      People online seem to imply keep, but here is what they say:
      "The store will also feature one free game every two weeks throughout 2019. Epic is funding these free releases so you always have something new to come and check out. The first free game will be Subnautica, available from Dec 14th to Dec 27th, followed by Super Meat Boy from Dec 28th to Jan 10th. "…

      • +2

        A store is where you buy something to keep. They say "The store" not "Your account" etc. I think it's implied it is to keep.

      • +5

        It'll be the same deal as with Steam. You keep the games forever, IF you redeem them in the two-week period.

        Sometimes games are free to play for a period, and it's usually promoted differently ("Free play period" or "Free Weekend").

  • +2

    Heard good things about Subnautica

  • +4

    Subnautica was my favourite game this year. Definitely give it a go.

  • +6

    Subnautica VR is seriously scary the lower you go but the game even without VR is seriously fun.

  • +1

    Thanks. Good games (including new UT!)

  • +5

    I purchased Super Meat Boy six years ago and only got around to playing it a few weeks ago.

    Once I started I couldn't put it down until I finished. It's such a tough but fair and rewarding game. Highly recommended!

    • +2

      If you enjoyed Meat Boy be sure to check out The End is Nigh too — it's by the same guy and is very similar to SMB. I just started playing it and have been having a great time. It's currently in 'the trove' if you get Humble Bundle this month.

  • +3

    Subnautica is good with Xbox controls.

  • This store is legit?

    I assume it might be a bit of a shitshow on the 14th…I hope their servers are up to it!

    • +15

      Epic owns Fortnight and Unreal Engine so they're hardly a small operator.

      It's great to see such a big player sticking it to Steam.

      Epic starts at 12% commission.

      Steam starts at 30% which is ridiculous for any online distribution platform yet Google, Apple are all happily taking almost no risks and charging 30% to the developers who take almost all the risk.

      • +3

        Oh right, I didn't realise it was the same Epic! (I'm at work, so website is blocked)

        I thought it might have been some potentially scammy/spammy new game store! But if it's that Epic, then obviously not (data breach aside).


        • +9

          That'd be a very good point if "review bombing" wasn't such a craze nowadays.

          • -5


            "review bombing"

            Oh, that concept invented up by game journalists to villainise those damn dastardly & entitled consumers using the only means they have to express their frustration with the state of AAA development? How dare they indeed!

        • +11

          Who cares. Just google the game and find actual reviews

          • -5


            Who cares.

            You do simply by commenting. But yeah, who cares about consumer rights. This place is the polar opposite of reddit's opinion on this. Fascinating.

        • +5

          Whats your point? There is this thing called the internet. You can google reviews on it.

          Steam ratings are overstated. And the user reviews are quite useless except for trying to determine whether the game is riddled with bugs.

          I never rely on reviews on the platform selling a product to me. No way in hell I'd buy a dishwasher based on the reviews on the good guys website. It applies to everything.

          • -4


            You can google reviews on it.

            Your smug condescension aside, tell me, where can I view that user's play time with the game? Whether they got the game for free or purchased it themselves? You know, because people will play a game for 30 minutes and then make a positive or negative passing judgement on it. It's an important metric and it's why Steam added it, because it's smart. You're not getting any of this anywhere else on the internet.

            Steam ratings are overstated.


            never rely on reviews on the platform selling a product to me.


            • +1

              @daitro: Steam review system is absolute garbage and the fact you're going to such lengths to defend it is comical.

              Anything beyond the ability to buy a game is completely unnecessary in a launcher.
              The only reason Steam has half the "features" that it has is to drive ad revenue.

              Only a few days ago, CS:Go, one of Valve's own games, got absolutely smashed with 25k (yes, thousand) negative reviews from this review bombing bs.

              So yeah… crap system getting abused and no great loss if it didn't exist.

              • @Deviner: When there is no1 hackkng its avtually a fun game, just remember if your coming from css spray the chest as rifle recoil will give you a hs, as opposed to sources first couple bullets goin into the face when you aim there.

                I stick with an aug for that reason.

      • +1

        Not to mention to publish anything on the Apple App Store you need to own a Mac to publish the apps. You also need to pay a yearly subscription fee to be a developer.

      • +1

        While I agree with you 30% is a big cut, unless there is a serious competitor you'll probably find Steam makes the most money for a developer even accounting for the 30% cut. In this case, they can charge what they want as there is no real competition. The best thing for everyone (apart from Steam) is some healthy competition.

        Edit: Steam also does a heap of things right in areas that other stores have failed. E.g The steam library folder being transferable and between machines. Last time I used Origin or Uplay backing up your library was a nightmare. For this, I'm still happy to stick with Steam.

      • +1

        If you want a refund on a game you need the following;

        Your public IP address(es) (IPv4), which you carn find by searching "What is my IP address" in your internet browser, if you use multiple devices, please include all IP addresses .

        Date when you created your Epic Games account .

        An invoice ID for any Epic Games purchase you made on the account (the Invoice ID begins with an "A," followed by 8 digits, example: A12345678) .

        Locations (city, state/province) where you made purchases on the account

        Original display name for the account

        Last 4 digits of the first payment card used on the account

        Date of your last login

        Names of any PlayStation, Switch, Twitch, or Xbox accounts connected to your Epic Games account and the dates when they were connected .

      • Oh….it's another competing platform……..alongside GOG, Steam, GamersGate, Origin, Uplay……..and probably others that I don't know of…which means they won't provide a steam key for those wondering if they will give out a key to redeem in either of these other platforms…..

    • -1

      I searched Google after AVG blocked the site saying it was a phishing site.Surprised by the search results. I will keep away from them.

  • +4

    Subnautica was one of the best games I played in 2018, so yeah, awesome!

  • +1

    Subnautica only came out of early access a while ago, that's a pretty amazing deal. I own both of these but will be keeping an eye out for deals in the future. Thanks OP.

  • Ooooh and I'm intrigued by what this Unreal Tournament alpha is. Quake Champions is kind of dead now so this might be my next nostalgic shooter hit.

    • +1

      I swear I read they were stopping support for that yesterday, maybe I'm mistaken.

      • Interesting, I'm going to download it and give it a crack. Maybe they're anticipating some extra revenue from the store to keep funding development lol

    • +1

      CTF is coming to Quake C soon, which should be fun and give a boost to the numbers (for a while at least).

    • +1

      Unreal Tournament has been mainly developed by the community with occasional contributions from Epic Games but Epic have stopped updating it ever since Fortnite took off.

  • +12

    I'm gonna have so many launchers I'll need a launcher for my launchers soon.

      • Nice 2008 meme

    • +2

      You could check out Launchbox

      • That looks pretty nice. I've been thinking about loading up my PC with some emulators so I might check it out.

    • +1

      Check out Playnite. I've combined all my steam, GOG, uPlay, Rockstar and Origin games into it. It's a piece of cake to use.

      Launchbox is also good, but I prefer that only for emulators and old school games. It's not very good at handling a large steam library.

    • yeah, i facepalmed when i realised i needed a another launcher. Still installed it though..

  • +8

    Oh boy here we go, time to install yet another launcher

    • Yes getting to be a bit of a collection of them now.. Steam, GoG, Origin, UPlay, and now Epic. And then there's the Microsoft Store games that don't seem to belong anywhere.
      There's also but not sure if that counts.

    • +10

      It's free mate.

        • +3

          sit to decay in yet another launcher no-one wants to open to play one game

          I'd be curious to know how many apps you have installed on your phone that you haven't opened in months…

          • -6

            @soulblade64: What kind of retort and terrible false equivalence was that supposed to be? Are you that dev from Blizzard? dOm't yOu gUyS HaVe pHoNeS? Your phone has a single launcher. Everything is there. You open it every day. Not at all comparable. Try again.

        • +6

          Oh no another program. How will my PC ever handle it.

          • -5

            @ScruffTheJanitor: Man, I thought you didn't care? This is the second time you've come to tell me how little you care.

        • +3

          I've never seen Subnautica heavily discounted.

          • -5

            @Pacify: You may want to expend the effort to look a little further, mate. Inb4 an arbitrary declaration that "that's not heavily enough".

            • +2

              @daitro: Which? The $40 humble bundle? Outside that the cheapest its been is $20 USD in 2018. Yeah, you could have gotten it cheaper while it was in early access, but that was a long time ago. That one time it was available for $10 us during early access was the only time its ever been that price.

              Realistically, you get getting a US $20 game for free, at the price of a downloading a 100mb launcher, which quite a few people will already have due to fortnite. Whinge more.

              • -3


                the price of a downloading a 100mb launcher

                I like that you imply the only price to pay is the file-size. As if running yet another launcher isn't a price. As if another friend list isn't a price. As if no user reviews isn't a price. As if no community forums isn't a price.

                • +1

                  @daitro: As if the game developer getting screwed isn't a price.

                  • -8

                    @bargainpersona: I don't care about the game developer being screwed. I'm a customer, not a shareholder.

                    • +3

                      @daitro: More money in the developers pocket should lead to better games on average.

                      • -5

                        @bargainpersona: Prove it.

                        • @daitro:

                          • A ton of people will already have the Epic launcher from Fortnite.
                          • You don't need to run the launcher, ever. You only need to run it when you want to play one of their games…
                          • While it may be annoying to have multiple launchers, it makes sense to encourage competition and not allow Steam to have any greater of a monopoly of this space…

                          You sound like a Valve employee or something…

                          • @Deviner:

                            A ton of people will already have the Epic launcher from Fortnite.

                            And what of the other ton of people who don't have it because they don't play Fortnite…?

                            You don't need to run the launcher, ever. You only need to run it when you want to play one of their games…

                            So you do need the launcher then… it's not like GOG style where you can just download and boot the game without using their brand launcher….

                            While it may be annoying to have multiple launchers, it makes sense to encourage competition and not allow Steam to have any greater of a monopoly of this space…

                            Well you already got GOG, Uplay and Origin amongst the rest…….so steam hasn't got it all….

                            You sound like a Valve employee or something…

                            Man I sure would love to work for Valve….maybe even make Half Life 3 happen…. ☺

  • +4

    What the heck, how. Subnautica isn't that old, and its such a good game. Can't recommend it enough, by far the best game in its genre to date

    Oh I see, its Epic trying to promote their launcher

  • whats wrong with installing another launcher?

    • +4

      Not enough rockets

    • +2

      When you forget which games you own and double up buying them in multiple places haha

      • -4

        Sounds like you need one central place for all your games. It's the best thing about PC gaming. It's called Steam. You should check it out.

        • +2

          Steam is not often the best price, the publishers with own launchers (EA, Ubisoft) have had some great deals on their stores in the past. GOG also has some great seasonal sales at times.

          The best thing about PC gaming is you aren't stuck with one store (Steam) unlike consoles where your only option is PSN store or Xbox store. Let's you get some awesome deals by shopping around.

          • @Agret:

            Steam is not often the best price

            And the beauty of not being the best price is developers are free to sell their codes outside of steam on stores like GMG, HumbleBundle,, Amazon .etc, subverting any costs steam would take. Hence why places like exist. I believe Origin is the only other store to offer such a similar feature.

            What you're neglecting to acknowledge is convenience often trumps price. I will always pay extra to purchase GTAV on steam rather than Rockstar Social launcher. I will always pay extra to purchase Ubisoft games on Steam over uPlay. You're also neglecting the fractured community. People like you will say, "but we have discord!" yes, you do, and the fact it was necessary tells you a unified PC gaming community was direly needed. Hell, Epic will never have a community as they've flat out stated there will be no reviews and no forums (which makes no sense given there are fornite & unreal engine forums).

            • +2

              @daitro: And you are neglecting you are on Ozbargain where price trumps everything. On a site like Ozbargain people like you are definitely not the measuring stick/standard to go by.
              Also, there are a lot of people that are just happy to get the games they want to play free or cheap and who do not care about "unifying the PC community" - in fact increasingly people worry about their choice being curtailed in any situation where one company dominates a market. Steam tries to sell "curating of games" as an advantage - the real meaning for this is limiting and censoring consumer choice and that is definitely not an advantage. Sorry.
              But either way, I wish you a good night, lovely weekend and a Merry Christmas.

  • +2

    Wait, free as in free? Almost bought this a few weeks ago.

  • Wonder if this will support VR?

    • Don't see why it wouldn't, its in built in the game. Subnautic in VR would have been brilliant, if it ran better and had better controls

      • +1

        does it not utilize steam vr?

        • I don't think so, no.

  • +1

    I’m guessing it’s Mac version will also be free?

    • +2

      Yes they both free on Mac also.

  • +2

    Subnatica and super meat boy also free on MAC.

  • +2

    Subnautica was a game that surprised me. One of my all time favourite games. This is probably somw marketing for their upcoming standalone game.

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