Free schnitzel and chips.
First 500 only.
12.30 to 2.30pm Friday 7 December.
Free schnitzel and chips.
First 500 only.
12.30 to 2.30pm Friday 7 December.
They will give the fake loveaduck kind. Lol jokes, its just pr
500 is a bit excessive for PR lol.
This isn't Domino's or Macca's giving out freebies
Well what do you know? There's 72 in Australia and I haven't even heard of them!
Me either, but id be expecting butterflyed breast 400g breast makes 2, so aprox $2 a snitzel $1 worth chips and aprox $2 staff costs…
$2500 for the pr isnt that expencive… And before someone yells my staff costs are to low, they wont roster extra staff on so they were already there, the extra is just incidental.
@Seedy seed: That's true (although I have doubts on pricing) but you've forgotten all the people who would normally pay full price for one. Indirect costs related to the PR. That's the part that's going to be expensive. They'll be losing out on a heap of sales.
@Seedy seed: what does the senator call them “ brown skinned immigrants “ the $2 staff costs are generous based on how many meals they make per hr.
The pricjng was just ment as sort of a guide, obv the chicken still needs crumbing ect but if they have 73 stores i doubt they do that instore. With that much volume they prob pay 6-8 a kg for breasts.. as for that side of things, you cant make an omlette without breaking eggs. The idea is they get afew newbies in.
As to volume, we do heaps of meals at work, yet we still butterfly 12kg chicken every day just for snitzels/parmys… Id hate to think how much they use…
Id hate to think how much they use…
Worldwide over 50billion chickens are killed for their flesh per year, the majority of which is, like that in this deal, completely unessential.
completely unessential.
Most things in life aren't necessary, we need schnitzeled chicken as much as we need chocolate, or the desire to drive nice cars etc.
Driving cars and eating chocolate don't involve the necessary torment and killing of another sentient being.
necessary torment
Hmm, do you mean unnecessary? Anyway, what's different from a roast than a schnitzel? And it's not even "tormenting" - they aren't still alive when they are schnitzeled.
I could go on about how the chicken will be killed anyway because someone wants chicken and also will but I won't.
@fantombloo: That's assuming all chickens are tortured before being killed, which isn't exactly correct.
Humans aren't going to magically stop liking the taste of chicken any time soon, so as long as they have a somewhat decent and cruelty-free life, I don't see a problem.
All broiler chickens are in chronic suffering from their unnatural growth due to selective breeding and other manipulations. The mortality rate for broiler chickens not slaughtered rises sharply after 6-7 weeks because they are physically exhausted; it is in fact the reason they are slaughtered at the age they are, as at that point the rate of return starts to diminish.
Most are "farmed" as part of unnaturally large groups and in terrible conditions. Chickens, like so many animals, have preferred social structures that may be seen in nature. What we do to chickens is no different than orphans being rounded up in the thousands and housed communally in cramped conditions where they eat manufactured feed and walk through their own shit until they're killed.
All killing is tormenting. The chickens don't run to the slaughterhouse, they are hysterical as they are rounded up and thrown like basketballs into boxes before they're trucked in the thousands then killed.
Humans aren't going to magically stop liking the taste of chicken any time soon,
No, but perhaps they will start realising there are more considerations than taste, perhaps even greater and ethical ones.
@fantombloo: I'm well aware of their possible and potential living conditions, so much like the purely disgusting nature of human beings and their unspeakable desires, your condescending tone is unnecessary.
No, but perhaps they will start realising there are more considerations than taste, perhaps even greater and ethical ones.
It's hard not to with people like you around spoiling every enjoyable moment with their preaching.
Please explain.
You're unaware of your immediate and overly obvious stance in this thread?
You're unaware of your immediate and overly obvious stance in this thread?
I am aware of that but I am not aware that implies a condescending tone.
@fantombloo: You ranted about chickens suffering and being kept in poor conditions, and I told you this place uses RSPCA approved chicken.
From the RSPCA website:
The RSPCA wants consumers to easily identify and access humanely farmed food when shopping and encourages consumers to ask for RSPCA Approved. If shopping for chicken, look for RSPCA Approved chicken.
From the Schnitz website:
100% Australian RSPCA approved, grain fed, hormone free, lean chicken breast.
So your problem is not really with chickens being kept in poor conditions, it's simply the fact that people eat chicken.
@betweenrows: RSPCA approval means nothing substantial to the chickens. If you care to explain how that approval makes life for the chickens qualitatively better (and specifically to the 3 points I raised here) I'd be eager to hear it.
So your problem is not really with chickens being kept in poor conditions, it's simply the fact that people eat chicken.
Even though I've not implied that above you're actually correct. Not that I care at all about what other people eat - they can eat whatever they want - just who might be harmed in the process. Eating chickens always hurts chickens. It's unnecessary. You can draw your own conclusions about whether unnecessary harm is a good or bad thing. Personally, yes I have a problem with it.
Was that really nessacary? If you dont like the deal for chicken go post a celery one. :/ Not saying you cant have an opinion but no need to push that sorta thing…
How do you know if someone's a vegan?
They'll tell you.
Hint @thevofa: your approach is not thoughtful but overly assertive. If you respected other people without grouping into extremes - i.e., all or nothing clarifications - you'll be more effective at promoting thoughtful consideration, rather than gun slinging.
Thanks for the advice. Please tell me exactly how I should approach you to get you to have thoughtful consideration and I'll do just that.
Think about religious people as a comparison: I immediately shutoff from people jamming their convictions on me.
On the other hand, if people demonstrate their world view(s) through respectful living and considered dialogue, I'm all ears to "learning"
Remember that convictions are highly individual; laws are universal (although dynamic) which we all "must" follow, while convictions are… individual and represent an opt-in.
Getting deep. Coffee time.
through respectful living and considered dialogue
I thought the above was that. Please tell me where it ain't, or how you'd do it better.
Getting deep. Coffee time.
Is that in your new environmentally friendly reusable cup?
Surprised it only took me 5 minutes to order and receive!
What it looks like
I have a feeling I just met heaps of Ozbargainers lol
Schnitzel looking good, chips no thanks.
Haha funnily enough the chips were actually quite nice. Schnitzel was nothing special though - have had and made better
😲 [surprised]
@Iforgotmywallet: Guess it shows not to judge a book by it's cover :)
But yeah honestly I was 😲 [surprised] too!
I got there on the dot of 12:30pm, and there would have been at least 40 people in the queue in front of me. A 30 minute wait for a piece of chicken — no thanks, I'm not that desperate.
Haha yeah that's exactly what not to do. I knew it would die down so I went at around 1:30 :)
Lol at 40 people and 30 minutes queueing for a piece of chicken.
Yeah, I would have gone much later, but had other places to be. Standing in the burning sun for 30 minutes for a piece of chicken — OzBargainers sure are a weird (read tight-arse) bunch.
That's awesome! What's the catch though?
They are giving away 500 free schnitzel and chips and will make no money off them!