I cant be the only locksmith on this site. I found this on the book of faces, they say it's half price, so thought I would throw this out there for new guys, apprentices or guys looking for some extra/new automotive gain entry tools. I think these are the Snap On of entry tools for quality.
I have a heap of Access Tools stuff and it would have to be the best on the market for what it does. These are my go to tools for entry. I bought a much more basic kit than this one and it cost me more than what this kit is being offered at. This one even comes with a book that I didn’t get with my kit. Thinking about buying this kit as it has way more tools in it than mine, and at this price, it's pretty cheap.
Added a link to the Access Tools website(accesstoolsusa.com) because the photos on Locksmiths Toolbox are garbage.
InB4: "illegal!!!" No, no they are not. These are not even restricted tools. And anyway, this is a listing for trade tools. If you are not a locksmith and you are caught with these in your boot, you may have some explaining to do. But even security guys deserve deals on specialist tools. Handy even for an automotive workshop to have on the shelf for idiot apprentices that lock keys in cars. (Like ours does on a regular basis.)
I keep seeing Locksmith Stool Box and internally giggling.