Seeking Feedback on Website Pay Later Finder

Hi Ozbargainers,

I have been building this website as a side project for a couple of months, and launched a BETA a couple of weeks ago.

The website is called Pay Later Finder. It was designed to make it easy for fans of Afterpay, Zip etc to be able to search for products and brands, and easily locate retailers who sell those lines.

It would be great to get some feedback. It's a work in progress, so any feedback will help me know what to focus on when I start it's next stage of improvements.

Why I created it:
I noticed that there were a lot of people posting on 'PayLater' Facebook Groups to ask where they can particular products from Stores who offer Afterpay. I also noticed that are large volumes of search-engine queries done for 'paylater' related keywords, but the results are often quite poor. So I created Pay Later Finder to try and fill this void.

I've currently introduced about 125 retailers onto the site (mainly focusing on the large ones initially). So far I have category/brand based keyword data for those. And I have individual product data for about 30 retailers so far, and am bringing in more product data each day. The individual product data is what makes this really useful.

I'd love to know your thoughts on it so far, and also if you have any ideas to improve it. I'm primarily focusing on Online Retailers for the time being, but hope to introduce In-Store locations some time in the new year.

Many thanks,


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  • +4

    I noticed that there were a lot of people posting on 'PayLater' Facebook Groups to ask where they can particular products from Stores who offer Afterpay.

    I feel like it'd be far more useful to link those people to:…

    (Caveat: I'm assuming that people who need to ask Facebook these questions are not people using these services for productive/efficient cashflow reasons).

  • One of your CSS rules makes the footer look a bit wonky, should be:

    "#footer ul.padtop {
    padding-top: 21px;

    Ignore quotation marks (markup messed up otherwise)

    • Thanks,
      Good pick up.

  • It would be great to get some feedback.

    I've searched for a few things, all it seems to do is return a list of retailers that MAY sell that product.

    I'm not seeing the point of this website. Doesn't afterpay website list retailers as well?

    So back to your site, if I search for lego, your site shows me 7 stores that might stock lego. But I still need to go to each site and search for the lego and look at the results.

    Otherwise site looks good ;)

    • Hi Jimmy,

      The sites it presents do stock Lego. It is matching their current product inventory to the search. And the search can be much more detailed. So for example, lets say you wanted 'Harry Potter Lego', then it will match stores who offer exactly that.

      Afterpays directory doesn't do this. If you typed in 'Lego' into the Afterpay directory, it would present results that have a similar sounding business name to lego. Give it a try, and you'll see that there are zero helpful results.

      • So for example, lets say you wanted 'Harry Potter Lego', then it will match stores who offer exactly that.

        Ok, but still not that 'helpful' as I then need to go to each of the sites and then so another search and compare the prices etc.

        The 'killer' feature for this site for me would be that when I search for 'Harry Potter Lego' it returns a list of results including the price for me to compare.

        While I get what you're doing, it just doesn't wow me. Ok 7 sites sell lego and do afterpay. Thanks….. But what I really want to know are the prices.

        • Appreciate the feedback.

          That is actually something I plan to do if the website hits some benchmarks I've set. But handling pricing opens up a new set of challenges. For example there could be 100 different products for 'Harry Potter Lego' (so I'd probably just show about a dozen results based on the best pricing, in a slider underneath the stores listed). It gets tricky when dealing with product pricing. Keeping prices accurate and up-to-date at all times is impossible. I've attempted this for another website in the past and it required a lot of time invested into each individual retailer, and was incredibly server intensive.

          To be honest I was unsure whether it would be useful. I suspected it could be but I don't like to make assumptions. So this first version is to gauge whether the idea has any potential. So far it looks like shoppers are finding it useful. I've had quite a lot of traffic in it's first couple of weeks, and growing each day. The site has an incredibly low bounce rate, thousands of searches are being done and its resulting in 1-1 click-throughs to retailers (e.g every thousand visits returns at least a thousand click-throughs to retailers). I'm still improving the data to better the results, but so far all my metrics are looking really strong. It's giving me the confidence to invest more time and resources into it.

          • @NinjaiShopper:

            So this first version is to gauge whether the idea has any potential. So far it looks like shoppers are finding it useful. I've had quite a lot of traffic in it's first couple of weeks, and growing each day.

            Excellent news on the traffic. Are these repeat visitors coming back doing more searches or new visitors trying and moving on?

            The site has an incredibly low bounce rate, thousands of searches are being done and its resulting in 1-1 click-throughs to retailers

            Thats more website UI design I think. When I did a search, I searched for lego, got a list of retailers and then clicked on the retailer thinking the site would show me results from that retailer, instead I got tossed at the retailers website wondering what just happened.

            Again not knocking you work, just giving you my viewpoint from my usage as you asked.

            I feel this site should be more a staticice for afterpay, but thats just me.

            • @JimmyF:

              Are these repeat visitors coming back doing more searches or new visitors trying and moving on?

              Both, new visitors and return visitors. My repeat visitor rate seems to be pretty reasonable so far which is promising. It's still early days though. I'll have a better idea when I have a few months data to analyse it properly. At the moment all my data is from the last two weeks.

              clicked on the retailer thinking the site would show me results from that retailer, instead I got tossed at the retailers website wondering what just happened.

              That's interesting. What I could possibly do is take you to the search results on the retailers site. That would at least cut out the step of having to then input the search yourself.

              • @NinjaiShopper:

                That's interesting. What I could possibly do is take you to the search results on the retailers site. That would at least cut out the step of having to then input the search yourself.

                That would be better for sure.

                As I said above, was more expecting a 'staticice' result when I searched for an item, not a store directory taking me to the front page.

                All good, I understand what you're trying to do and yes the website does that and looks good etc!

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