TODAY ONLY! Save $150 off Anki Vector, this year's most advanced robot.
A great deal on Australian Geographic Shop today!
TODAY ONLY! Save $150 off Anki Vector, this year's most advanced robot.
A great deal on Australian Geographic Shop today!
Don't get me wrong, I love robots and this would be an awesome toy, but the most advanced robot of the year would certainly cost in the tens of millions, not $300.
Sorry, was more replying to your "Yeah, nah!"
"this years most advanced desk toy robot" may be more fitting?
That sucks. They don’t have any….
Doesn't let me check out. Seems it's out of stock @tesa12345: ?
Thanks. Got one I store. Not available online or click n collect
It's USD$199 on Amazon, plus USD$10 shipping, plus $21 GST, works out to be something like AUD$321, if you are desperate for one. If you're buying this as a present for a child, suggest getting Cozmo instead at USD$149.
This seems to have been fixed now you can order online :)
Can we price match this with JB?
Oh,, back to full price now :(
Have been looking at Vector SDK, but apparently not open to public yet.
ok., will wait for the next sale then, hopefully by then the SDK will be available.
Buy one of these, or wait for Boston Dynamics to have a Sale? Hmmm…
"this year's most advanced robot."
Yeah, nah!