Self-Publish eBooks (or even Paperbacks) to create Income Streams, eg: Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)

So, every1 "has some books inside"

All they have to is:

  1. write 'em down,
  2. publish 'em
  3. promote 'em
  4. see how many folks buy 'em &
  5. profit - enjoy watching your royalties roll in
  6. repeat

Amazon's KDP lets you choose Kindle eBook OR Paperback format

(Re "costly" ISBN(s) for your book: You don't need one for eBooks. &
I understand, that Amazon supplies a Free ISBN for each Paperback)

(Note: I don't cover Paperbacks here, is the source)

So, how to publish a Kindle-format eBook?

Beyond setting yourself up with Amazom (same site tells how; it's EZ!)
you'll ultimately need to create a Kindle-format version of your book, &
check it, & upload it to Amazon.

Some start with, eg, Word & later convert their book to one of the Kindle
formats available.

(Tip: It's Not as easy as making a matching PDF from a Word file)

Speaking of PDF, if you can get folks to buy your book direct from you,
& you don't mind publishing with No Copy Protection, make a crisp PDF
& want to save paying Amazom a percentage, do so.

The same is true of your book, in Kindle format. You can sell that.

You'd want to have grown a reasonably large following of folks, likely to
buy - & hopefully recommend - your book's PDF or Kindle version.

Others use some flavour of "authorware" (free or paid, eg, Scrivener,
if you have the time to learn it… Seriously, lotsa others have.

There are free Scrivener tutorial videos on YouTube to help.

Scrivener can make a Kindle format version of your book, when you're
happy with it.

(Word files need to be converted, using a Free tool from Amazon. After
comparing the 2 versions (& making a few changes to make them look
almost the same), publish the Kindle file or upload it to Amazon & share
the profits with them.)

As your eBook's content "ages" (or if you spot a glaring typo, after
you've sent it to Amazon & sold a few), you can publish Updated versions, that
your readers can get [free] from you (or Amazon).

What have I forgotten or got wrong, above…?

Any1 here self-published some books? What other options are there
- besides Amazon - worth considering? Let us know…

In minutes (or longer, for International lists), your eBook will be visible
on Amazon's list(s) = in their stores, for purchase.

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Amazon US
Amazon US


  • 5 profit - enjoy watching your royalties roll in

    Even for published authors with the PR support of the publishing houses, this step is not necessarily as sexy as it sounds. Unless you write another Harry Potter or 7 Habits, or have a surname ending in O, where publishers bid for your story with huge advances, the royalties are good but not that great, and if you're self published, you might struggle.

    How about writing a book or course on how to do it, you might make more that way, … oh hang on, there are heaps of these already.

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