Everyone's fav snack $1 large fries is back!
Available via the mymaccas app, expires in 2 days.
Saw this when fetching my cuppa joe this morning.
Not sure if targetted.
Everyone's fav snack $1 large fries is back!
Available via the mymaccas app, expires in 2 days.
Saw this when fetching my cuppa joe this morning.
Not sure if targetted.
As a fast food connoisseur I was surprised to see that it was ever available in Australia without me being aware.
Now all they need to do is bring the McGriddle here. Hands down best breakfast item at any fast food place.
Then bring the McSpicy here… But the Asian style. Don't (profanity) with it and Westernise it.
I was surprised to see that it was ever available in Australia
It's made the front page…
I meant I was surprised it was available in 2012. I don't remember ever hearing about it back then.
@stillsinking: It's come and gone multiple times. The first time it came out was in the late 1990's.
They will never bring anything here that is actually spicy. But the standard fried chicken in SEASIAN McDonald's is amazing and should be brought here and would probably do well. I prefer it to KFC. So crunchy and juicy.
what! I did not know that McDonald has fried chicken…okay i need to book a flight to Malaysia and try their Ayam Goreng…
Just had one…. Definitely as shit as I remember from when I had one in the states. The rib patty has no flavour. Relies heavily on being drenched in sauce. Was hoping it would be a but more like the pork riblet rolls from highschool.
Wish they'd listen and bring the McGriddle to Australia.
expires in 2 days.
Wow, those fries must have a lot of preservatives !!!
Is there a $5 small meal lunch special to replace the McOz which expired last month?
McRib is made with pork
I wonder if the Punchbowl, Bankstown, and Fawkner stores will sell this?
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Fairfield/Liverpool too.
It looks like pork eaters have less rights than non-pork eaters in this country…
$1 hamburgers + $1 fries + $1 frozen coke + $? Mcrib = easy lunch?
"Australia asked and we listened. It's one of our most requested menu items, so we knew we had to bring the famous McRib back," Jo Feeney, marketing director at McDonald's Australia, said.
Hooray for Macca's for listening. Pity it took 6+ years to take action.
Doesn't look like it's targeted. I also have this one.
Gotta say their fries are still good after all these years lol
After that 30 day promo I don't know what a day is. It seems 1 day meant that same day or maybe 4 am the next morning…who knows?!
Also, the McRib is BACK!!!!!!!!!