This was posted 13 years 11 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Sold Out - On Fire No More!!] - Zavvi: NBA JAM PS3 Only $17AUD Delivered

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Dont get RE-JECTED a second time!

Different to last time cause its only Ps3 on sale not xbox.

Get in quick cause sold out in less than 6 hours last time.

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Referrer gets £5, referee gets £5 off first ZBOX

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I can't see Australia as an option for the country, either via paypal or credit card…

    • +1

      There was some info written in the previous ozbargain post on NBA JAM which I think fixed this issue. I've bought with zavvi heaps of times so my details were already saved

      You bring the peanut butter, I'll bring the JAM

    • +1

      for paypal: your doing it wrong
      for credit: you need to have to enter your address into an address book first

      • when i go to address book at add an address, australia is not there for countries

        • if you search for old zavvi deals, im sure there is already someone asking the same question, but i paid paypal and has no issues…

        • if you search for old zavvi deals, im sure there is already someone asking the same question, but i paid paypal and has no issues…

        • +2

          Can't get it working, so I've given up

        • Okay so I got it to work using Internet Explorer instead of firefox, and changing the currency to euro's. Once I did that, I went to the address book and Australia magically appeared. Weird but worked

  • This is outstanding. It's amazing what you find when searching ozbargain just prior to hitting the sack. I got one. He's on FIRE

  • Same can't get it to work.
    Paypal doesn't let you.
    Credit doesn't let you.
    Adding in an address to the address book doesn't let you.

    Don't know how ppl are managing to order it

    • have you ordered with zavvi before?

  • +1

    I managed to add an Australian address in the account address book section before checking out. never ordered from zavvi before, created account from scratch.

  • +1

    First time order here and no problems adding Australia either. It was in the drop down list. Great deal, thanks.

  • Missed out on the previous deal but ordered one now, amazing party game for the price of a fancy maccas lunch.

  • No problems with getting Australia as the shipping address here

  • Zavvi is on FIRE!

  • Yeh, you need to add your address to the address book..
    great deal!

  • +1

    Thanks OP, I missed this last time. $17 delivered is kick ass.

  • Worked fine for me, thanks. After I purchased I saw a msg about getting 10GBP back by joining the Rewards First membership program. You get a trial month free, then pay after that. Anyone tried out this trial?

    • Don't bother, it's rubbish.

      • k thanks

  • +1

    i boguht this when it came out for 70 and returned it. wasnt worth it cos it didnt have create a player option like hang time….. but for 17 bux this is major value :D

  • Thanks OP, brings back childhood memories :)

  • +1

    Worked for me, thanks OP. Money hasn't been taken out of my account yet, but suggests that it will cost me $15.27. AUD! Clap clap clap!

  • Can't get Australia in the drop list no matter what I try!!

  • +2

    I just bought one. I chose Paypal and had no problem getting Australia in the drop down box.

  • +1

    Trying to purchase.. as with others.. no "Australia" listed in the list as shipping option.. =[

    Tried Credit Card, Paypal and Address Book.. no good.

    Edit: Hmmm.. seems to be a problem with Firefox! Just tried loading the page with Internet Explorer and "Australia" shows up.. That or Zavvi fixed itself.. Either way, I'm happy!

    • Mine wasn't showing a very big list of available countries using Firefox either. Switched to Internet Explorer and it worked :) thanks for the tip!

    • I still cant get the Australia listed in both browsers. Its killing me….

  • +2

    Had no problem, first time at Zavvi and payed by paypal. Thanks OP

  • +1

    This game isn't worth more than 17 bucks.

    • -1

      Yeah I was iffy when it was $80 RRP or whatever it came out at, especially since it was originally created as a Xbox Live Arcade title, and even more so especially since I already have NBA Hangtime from wayback.

      But for $20 I think it's a steal.

      Things are heating up!

  • +1

    Managed to work for me - I paid with Paypal, and it automatically had my address pre-filled. Took less than a minute.

    Thankyou once again OzBargain, for making me $20 poorer. Boomshakalaka! Is it the shoes?

  • +1

    Played this a while back….Was thinkign it would be like NBA Hangtime that was in the arcades/N64….to be honest this game sucks compared to Hangtime!

  • Worked fine for me with credit card no problems, Australia showed up fine.
    Can't wait to catch fire!

  • serious? which browser did u guys use?

    • I used Firefox 3.6

      This was paying through Paypal.

      • can u try to do a dummy checkout again n see if "Australia" still pops up for you when you do the checkout.

        Will be great if you could do a screenshot for me.

        Kind Regards

        • Ok - I figured out how I managed it.

          I had made an order with Zavvi in the past, and chose "use an existing logon"

          My address details were already in the system, so I was able to select it from there.

          I tried to "add a new address" and, as everyone else is experiencing, I was unable to add Australia from the drop down list.

          I wonder if Zavvi has purposefully removed it, due to too many international orders taking advantage of free shipping?

  • FYI, had the same problem when I was using chrome, used IE8 and it works! Great game, but definitely not worth the AU RRP!! Thanks again OzBargain!!

    • chrome worked a treat the first time for me

    • chrome worked a treat the first time for me

  • Thanks :)

  • Thanks bargrin. For all the others having the issue where you can't choose Australia, keep trying other browsers as i tried firefox - didn't work. IE8 - didn't work. Chrome - worked!

    • neither of the browsers worked for me..
      damn, i've just tried installing Chrome and i still cant choose Australia. This is so BS!!

  • Here from another bargain there is a tip to add Australia, I used it back then and it worked

    • same error, no australia in drop down menu under address book..

  • Both Chrome and IE didn't work for me at first.

    What I did do to get it working;
    - Start with IE
    - Switch to Euros
    - Copy paste 'add to address book' url to chrome, and 'Australia' magically appeared in the drop down box

    May or may not work for others…

  • At having the correct list of countries:
    Firefox 3.5.2 failed.
    IE8 worked.

    I had that same problem at thehut the other day. Would have been handy to know the solution back then. Got sent a support response saying "we are fixing the problem". What a useless response. (thehut = zavvi)

  • Had 2 use safari, not work in firfox or ie?

  • Why is the wii version left out again?!!!

    • They were probably smart enough not to order much stock on wii

  • +1

    BOOM-Shakalaka…… finally on a different PC it worked!!! (IE8)

    • +5

      Looks like a fix has been discussed numerous times within this post

      Must be jealous cause zavvi is "heating up"

    • +1

      The neg I am about to inflict on your post is because you could muster up the brain power to click the address book tab and enter your mailing address there.
      If brains were dynamite you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose.
      I thank you for entertaining us locals.

      • Beaker, if you read, you'll see that he can't add an address because it wont let him select Australia as a country from the drop down menu.

        For some reason the drop down menu works in some browsers and not others.. everyone is getting different results even with the same browser it seems.

        Although he could use a different browser, I've got to admit thats one of the biggest 'balls ups' I've seen in website design… considering it's a business and it needs customers to survive, yet its locking its own clientele out by accident.

        • Fair enough but there are posts imforming users of how to fix this, regardless this is a great deal and he is an attention seeker.

    • Are you really a doctor?

      Cause your track record doesn't indicate a high UAI

      • +1

        Dude… its an Astroboy reference :p

        • try Monsutā

    • -1

      Went out bought another computer then instaled chromefox 8, now able to to send the game to Australia

  • man that sucks i just moved so my australian address is there but i cant use it :(

    i want to heat up

  • Google Chrome worked for me. Tried IE8 and firefox with no luck

  • OH MY! REJECTED! ….sold out

  • incredibly cheap. can't believe the free shipping from UK! Worked out to just over $16 for me with currency conversion.

    Zavvi's a great website too - ordered from here several times with no problems.

  • I finally worked out the problem with it.
    After 12 hours of fidgeting around, finally managed to key in my address in the userbook using an older backdated firefox.
    Only EU countries appears in the drop box should you use the latest IE8 and Firefox 3.6 upwards browser.
    My gf's comp firefox is 3.5 and Australia and a whole list of other countries appears in the drop box.
    Hope it helps

  • couldnt pay by paypal to an australian address, so just paid by card - thanks OP

  • I had no problem. Set up account with Australian address. Paid with Paypal. Now if the post can fulfill their end of the bargain.

  • how long does zavvi usually take to deliver games to perth?

  • Normally 5-8 working days to east coast, can't be much longer to perth

  • Guys, dont expect this anytime soon, I just checked my order status, awaiting stock pick, est dispatch 12/4/11 :(

    • Lol, I can just imagine a few hundred "dude where's my game" might get annoying

  • +1

    I ordered 2 copies one for me and one for a friend so we can play online and they cancelled 1 copy. WHY!!!! ?

    • same here actually, i only have 1 in my order, although originally according to my confirmation email i ordered 2. also they haven't charged my card yet, i suppose they must do it when stock comes in.

  • I guess the cancelled one of my 2 as it was meant to be a limit of 1 only?

  • i only ordered one, confirmation email only listed 1 - and it got cancelled…sad panda… =(

  • i got in quick too

  • Thanks for placing your order with us at zavvi, order number 15414631.
    We're sorry that your order for the product(s) below has not yet been sent.
    • NBA Jam

    We're sorry this has happened. We're continuously looking for ways to improve the service we offer to you and we really hope you'll give us a chance to do better next time.
    We're still following this up with our suppliers and we'll keep you updated on the status of your order.

    so…. still waiting :{

  • I'm still waiting too :/

  • Yeah mine still says waiting on stock pick. I'll be waiting, not gonna cancel, perhaps they might offer a substitute deal if they can't get stock.

  • Also waiting on stock pick for this one, still shows est. date as 6 days ago.

  • removed dupe comment

  • +1

    REJECT-ED! :(

    'We are sorry to advise that your order for NBA Jam is no longer available at our suppliers. Please be assured that we have contacted alternative sources and regrettably we were unable to obtain your item.

    Your order has been cancelled and no payment has been taken for the cancelled items.'

  • yep Your order has been cancelled and no payment has been taken for the cancelled items.


  • +1

    I received the same email.


  • Just got the cancelled email, this is crap. Did anyone receive a copy? Says they are removing it from their catalogue.

  • Cancelled too :( Sad, was getting it for my fiance as part of his anniversary present


  • Ozbargainer's worst nightmare: Thinking you have snapped up an awesome bargain… patiently waiting for it to arrive (cos it was such a bargain you don't stress about it)…. then finding out you're not getting it after all….

  • Cancelled my order tooooooooo Boom-SHOOKA-F**KA!!

    Disappointed on this one guys, was really looking forward to playing co-op

  • yeah quite disappointed, they did a good job of sucking me in to make an account though, since i ended up ordering something else, which is also on "stock pick" status whatever that is. hopefully this actually goes through.

  • My order hasn't been cancelled yet * fingers crossed*

  • I cancelled my copy a moment ago, sick of waiting so i ordered portal 2 instead

  • Stupid website any other crap anyone else post i will happily neg

  • Nooooooooooooo! Been checking my mailbox everyday for daaaaysss. Guess I can stop now :(

  • -2

    Got in near the start of this, and my order was cancelled. I call shenannigans… baiting consumers with stock they knew they couldn't get (given this is the second run of NBA jam's. I wonder how many orders were cancelled first time? I'll bet you it wasn't zero…)

    Negged because of zavvi. If stock was received it would have been a great bargain.

    • Negged because it's zavvi? More like you negged because you wanted to a bad ass keyboard warrior and didn't even have the fortitude to send an angry email, so you neg'd this deal. Hope it comforts you to know my order hasn't been cancelled still:d

      • Actually i believe its an oversight mate. Mine wasn't cancelled by them either but a couple of days before i did cancel i sent a query regarding the eta. I cancelled yesterday and last night received a reply from the initial query, they said that they had tried to source an alternate supplier but could not and were sorry but my order was supposed to have been cancelled already by zavvi. Hopefully I'm wrong but i reckon like myself you slipped through the cracks.

        • in all honesty, i tend to agree, but im still holding out some faint hope lol

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