Edit - $6 cashback on the the month subs. Brings the price down to $5.95!
(Thanks crazyas)
Good price.
As an Xbox Live Gold Member, you get the most advanced multiplayer, bonus games and exclusive member discounts in the Microsoft Store.
Edit - $6 cashback on the the month subs. Brings the price down to $5.95!
(Thanks crazyas)
Good price.
As an Xbox Live Gold Member, you get the most advanced multiplayer, bonus games and exclusive member discounts in the Microsoft Store.
I think this might be for new members. Comes up as $29.95 for me.
Thanks mate, updated.
Might be for new & returning members. I'm currently unsubbed and it's $11.95 for me.
I think it may also be for members whose subscription has expired and they want to resubscribe.
Yes. I just re subscribed for 3 months with $11.95
I'm currently subbed and Im getting $11.95
edit: while It said I was signed in when I clicked join now and logged in again the price changed back to the normal price so you're probably right
Damn, I just got my xbox and am on the 14 day trial. Even that is not good enough it seems. Comes up at 29.95 for me
Set a reminder for 14 days, it's got 18 days left xD
Any way to cancel the current 14 days trial and get this deal?
Can't you just wait until the 14 days trial has ended and then resubscribe using this deal?. After all this deal is good for sale for another 19 days. Just set a reminder for when the trial ends.
Would buying it as a gift work for those who are already subbed?
Bloody annoying - I bought the $1 for 1 month as part of the black friday deals, and am now excluded from this. I think it is a bit of a dog act excluding current customers from deals - telcos are certainly the worst for this.
"telcos are certainly the worst for this."
Don't forget insurance companies also
As OZBer, we can still find a way to take advantage of it. By setting your XBox One as your Home Console, you can share XBox Live Gold across all accounts on that console.
Therefore, in about 17 days time, if you REALLY want this deal, create a brand new account and buy this. There is a down side to this though, the XB Live Gold free games collected during those 3 months go towards that account (and you have to login to that account to download those free games). You really will need to play those free games quickly.
And that is what makes this even worse - you can game the system and still take advantage of it, but doing things the standard way and having an up to date subscription is penalised.
Edit: Which is also why it is impossible to find a decent username on xbox live - so many dead accounts because it is always cheaper to discard an old account and start a new one!
I understand the frustration as these deals designed to entice new or inactive customers do seem unfair to loyal / existing customers. Fundamentally, Microsoft started this money grabbing practice that you need to pay to play online for consoles.
Don't be so negative about people creating new accounts. It doesn't make sense to waste time to come up / hold a good username for zombie accounts. The purpose of those zombie accounts is to make quick purchases.
Given that you passed on this deal and waited for the $1 deal, I am cynical that you are that serious about this deal. That deal, being a proper voucher, was unrestricted and stackable (and it doesn't have to be used right away). Now the price for that deal has gone up.
@netsurfer: I didn't have an xbox one then!
I purchased a 12 month through G2A for just over $50, and that isn't my point. Like I said there are workarounds, but it is more straightforward going through Microsoft.
it is more straightforward going through Microsoft
It's not. Microsoft shows these deals and after you login, depending on the situation, you may or may not get it. It is also inconsistent that some people on occasions get a glitch to allow their "existing" primary accounts to get it (which Microsoft would then fix a day or two later - causing more confusion for people).
These deals pretty much must be activated right away so if you are busy during this time period, you still have to start it. It's like the $1 XBLG deal, I had to start at Dec 1 (last day) even though I am still lagging behind on RDR2 and won't be playing RDR online right away.
So you are upset because you already paid $1 for a product that is normally $10?, how can you be mad when you already got an amazing deal. Some people want it all.
People who have been paying for it for years are also excluded. It isn't a massive drama, like I said there are workarounds and you can buy it online for < $5 a month from multiple sites. I'm not upset, I just think that offering deals to attract new customers at the expense of existing customers is not a very nice practice.
There is no need to blow this out of proportion then. These 3 months discount deals happen regularly from Microsoft and there are other ways to get cheap XBLG (you know yourself). The November and December $1 deals are more like Xmas specials so people who generally don't get GamePass or XBLG can get one around Christmas / New Year.
The Nov 23 deal from CDKey was about $1.50 more than this, but completely unrestricted. That was posted on OZB. Thus, a proper solution was available simply by following OZB deals. You've got to allow people to post deals for new comers or casual players.
There is nothing wrong for other people to enjoy OZB deals you cannot benefit from.
I bought the $1 for 1 month as part of the black friday deals
It wasn't for just for Black Friday. It was for a number of weeks and ended December 1st. That's why I bought it on Dec 1st.
I didn't have an xbox one then!
So please don't panic. The Nov/Dec $1 deal happened last year and I wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft did another one in December. GamePass $1 is still running. The CDKey type of deals also happen regularly and just because you missed out last time, it doesn't mean it won't happen again. Those deals are so common I don't see why you get so upset about it. You can often by multiple when the other merchants/retailers offer discounted deals.
Targeted. $11.95 on the site but when clicking "Buy Now" it requests confirmation to charge $29.95 and turn on auto recurring.
If the account currently has an active XBLG subscription, you don't get this deal. For accounts without active XBLG subscription only.
Yeah it's targeted.
anyone successful in getting one? I wouldn't mind paying an extra $2 if someone can purchase for me. :p
Easier to create a new account?
if you have an xbox you will be needing gold, so this deal is great for people who just got them during the sales period, so you are covered over christmas and new year school holidays with the 3 mths deal.
the rest of us ….. i wait until another deal pops us and stack until there is a full 3 years again.
game pass is the expensive one and harder to get deals for …..the last $32 for 6 mths was rare treat.
This deal came in because the $1 for 1 month XBLG deal ended yesterday (I bought the $1 deal yesterday). With this deal ending in about 18 days, I won't be able to take advantage of this on my main account. I could use my secondary account and get this in 18 days (but will probably wait for a deal next year).
GamePass, there were deals throughout the years as well. 3 months for $11 back in July and a similar deal (but costed a bit more in September) are good, but cannot beat the current $1 for a month deal (which can be used twice since it started in November. There were a couple of deals in the first half of 2018. Hopefully, this trend continues next year.
GamePass is great, but for people like me with a long list of pile of shame, I am happy to wait for a decent GamePass deal. I have an active GamePass currently, but for the last few weeks, I've been playing RDR2, which means GamePass wasn't being used for the last 2-3 weeks (but for $1, it is fine). The free GamePass codes in two old OZB deals, the best way to use them is create a new account and use 1 and get the 1 extra bonus for keeping auto subscribe on (then turn it off).
Friendly reminder: For all these deals, remember to turn off auto-renew after you purchased it, especially if you purchased via a Web browser.
If you weren't given an option to turn it off during purchase, best to assume auto-renew is on (so after the purchase, turn it off).
For those people that have game pass on their account.
I have a question, I have a free three months game pass and let's just say if activate the code and download the games onto my xbox, can I still play those games offline when my subscription expire?
Was $11.95 for me this morning. Came back on to buy it now, back to $29.95 :(
Comes up as $11.95 without logging in to my Xbox account (on a pc). Has the option to “buy as a gift”
Anyone tried to purchase as a gift, from a new account and “gifting it” to their account that’s already subscribed?
That is a good question.
From memory as soon as u make it a gift the price jumps to full…easily checkef
The gift voucher option is at the regular price - no discount (otherwise OP wouldn't put the restriction on the title and you wouldn't have people complaining about this being for new subscriptions only).
Good to note that you can get $6 cashbsck on these at the moment.
Buy through this link to get 1000 V-Bucks as well
You might get it anyway without using the link though.