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Win 1 of 24 Daily Cashback Prizes from Cashrewards



Closing Date 24/12/2018
Multi-draw Yes


Description Cashback Prize x 24; Cashback Prize (Remainder of Money in Pool on Day 25).
No. of Prizes 25
Total Prize Pool $1,000.00

Entry Requirements

Open To Australia-wide
Entry Limit Once per day
Entry Methods Website
Prerequisites Account/Membership

Guess the value of the cashback amount for each day. The first entrant who guesses the correct amount (or closest) will win the cashback amount for that day.

On day 25 an electronic draw will be conducted and one entrant will win the rest of the money in the prize pool.

Referral Links

Referral: random (3767)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Day 1 - $50
    Day 2 - $20

  • +1

    Day 3 - $5

  • Day 4 - $10
    Day 5 - $90
    Day 6 - $33

  • +6

    I a winner. Thank you

    • Well done lou, congratulations :)

      • +1

        thank you, i was surprised to win given how many people would be entering

  • +7

    I won $110! Neato!

    • Nice one

  • +3

    I won a day! thanks gnv9

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