This is on sale for 25% discount, and if you're one of the lucky ones who received the $10 credit then you can get this for $28.61, less than half the price of the similar rotary tool deal posted here about a day ago, and with more accessories.
Rockwell Shopseries 130W 230pc Rotary Tool $38.61 + Delivery (or Free C&C) @ Supercheap Auto

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"Thanks Supercheap for enabling me to still be a man while cleaning and getting back to my tinny and TV in record time."
LMAO! That's a win in my book. And to answer your question, I am in a similar predicament. Although I didn't get the $10 credit, I have spent quite some time contemplating whether I have to buy this or not, and deep down I know I'll add it to the pile of unopened and unused stuff clattering around my unit from deals posted here. It's definitely a handy tool for anyone who has a use for it, and got the $10 credit. Had I got the $10 credit then I would very likely get it, but I am struggling to justify spending $38.61 on this, knowing I'll probably never use it. Ah, the curse of being an OzBargain member. lol
@ franco cozzo coo so you paid full retail instore?
…for the beer or tool?
the beer: im drinking now and bought yesterday for $40 a case (praga czech pils) so not rrp
the tool: still thinking about it…:P
Hasn't he just de-surfaced the grout? Probably should follow up with a sealer or it will be worse next time .. and that is drinking time gone.
im inclined to believe you as sound like you know your grout…and your drinking too.
I was really keen to try it on some stubborn grout stains in the shower.
I guess it was a really good thing I read your comment.
I'll have to pick up some grout sealer.
Grabbed one with the credit. Thanks op.
Thanks Op, perfect timing for getting my sons Xmas present, pity I didn’t have the $10 credit in my account.
The unit itself look identical to the Sydney Tools one linked as the previous. At half the price. Yay OzBargain
BTW, just bought. Thanks OP
good find OP, bought one.
Bought one. Then afterwards I receive an email from sca with a $10 voucher. Plus I used cr. So nice little discount all round.
I only need it for one job & didn’t want to fork out for a dremel.
Thanks just bought one.
Also saw this impact drill on clearance for $20 but scanned in at 18.75 as per the website. Good enough to do basic work around the house once in a while. (used $10 credit after the rotary so it was pretty much $8.75)…
Does anyone know if the dremel accessories fit this unit?
Thanks OP, the post and the grout mould removal tips got me in.
reviews are promising…and i have credit burning a hole in my account
i like the idea of drinking sooner…but will i end up using it???