Family Member Being Scammed by Their Home Builder

My sibling is in the process of their house being built and is a first time home buyer, this is in Western Australia. Before the house plans were finalised they visited the builders display home and asked for several changes to the base house so that it matched the build and style of the display home. When they asked for certain features to be modified the builders said the feature would cost however many thousands of dollars and then later charge extra so the final cost for the change would usually be double what was told to them. They asked for several features to match the display home for example the ceiling or roof design, when they did this they said how much it would cost and said the ceiling design was called X design and wrote X design on the building plans.

However they are now saying that X design is not the same as the one in the display home, when they specifically asked for “the same as the display home” and wrote X design after they asked for the design showed to them. This happened for several features of the house and it is currently being built, it seems to me they charged extra and then even more after saying the features would cost more and then are using jargon unknown to someone outside the house building industry in an attempt to not provide the features paid for.

As the house is being built now, several features were already built with the inferior basic version and they are trying as hard as they can to not provide the features paid for. The house that is supposed to be being built cost approximately double of what the base house plan cost and it seems intent they are intent in not providing the upgrades paid for as several of them are already missing, wrong or are using the inferior options.

What can I do to help them, is there any steps they can take and is the home builders conduct illegal?

Edit: I should add that this is taking place in Western Australia


  • +2

    What does the contract say? I think you're not getting the full story, while builders can be dodgy, this doesn't sound right

    • +5

      Ohh nono , this is normal story when building with project/volume builder while opting for custom this custom that.

      Lesson here is if you build with project/volume builder, just go with their cookie-cutter house and don't change anything, else you'll be flooded with variations plus failed expectations.

      • But OP is saying they only selected the upgrades the builder had advertised. You are right on the custom comment, but upgrades they have advertised is different.

  • What is the state of this building being done by the builder is registered in ?
    And also of the plan is too ?

  • -1

    Name and shame.

    • +4

      Yeah, curious to know the siblings name if they're so indecisive

      • I meant the builder.

        • +3

          I didn't.

          We don't have the full story here. We don't even have half.

          Pitchforks down.

          • +1

            @spackbace: I think there should be L and P badges for Forum posting too.

  • +2

    I generally don't like working on second hand information. Especially passed through someone who doesn't, in the first place, seem to fully understand what's going on and so really can't pass on the full story to begin with. All I can say is:

    1. Check what the contract says,

    2. When it comes time to make a progress payment, if it hasn't been completed to the specification in the contract, don't pay until it has.

  • Who tf makes changes as it's being built?! You spend so much time talking to a salesperson, and then pre-start that you have everything sorted and signed for by then.

    Difficult client much?!

    • Weren't the changes requested before the building began?

      I might be reading this wrongly though, or not understanding the timeline correctly as I've never had a house built before.

  • From the perspective of the builder, it is very difficult to agree to something when the goal line keeps changing, it is also very difficult to come to an agreement when the client doesnt have a basic understanding of what they want, just saying i want this, and they give you jargon describing what you think it is you specified doesnt work, its on you to get everything in writing and specifications in the contract. If they did this, and arent getting what they paid for, its time to get solictors involved.

    • Solicitors? Settle down there, mate. We don't even know if bikies have been consulted yet.

  • +1


  • +1

    Next time, buy the display home.

  • Do they have something in writing on agreed changes paid and agreed to? Take it to a concilation court in western Australia like we have in victoria called vcat.

  • Did client take images of the options that they wanted and get the builder to initial them?

  • As above variations are EXPENSIVE. My first home - I had an irregular block and the study wouldnt fit. To REMOVE a room would cost 2K. I didnt like the driveway included (I wanted the coloured type, not plain cement) - ended up with a refund of $800………

    I guess the closest analogy would be budget airlines? Its really cheap up front, start adding the "extras" and it rapidly adds up

    The basic price you see these days is literally that - basic and nothing like the display home with all the "premium" add ons

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