Cheapest iPhone to Buy


Hey everyone, I'm trying to find the best price for an iPhone (preferably 8 plus or above) for my dad. Right now I'm looking at Officework's price for the 8 but I would appreciate the help if anyone finds a cheaper price or cheap prices for models above the 8 :)

Here is the Officework's link:…

I would also appreciate if anyone is able to find a price online that Officeworks would price beat.

Hopefully this thread helps other people as well as I'm sure people will be buying iPhones this Christmas.

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  • +5

    How about you look for it yourself rather than expecting people to do your work?

    • +4

      Hopefully this response helps other people as well as I'm sure people will be asking for others to do all the work in looking for things this Christmas.

  • +1

    Try <edit>

  • +3

    Top right hand corner is a search bar, given the popularity of the iPhone, if there was a deal it wouldn't take long to find its way onto OzBargain.

  • +2

    Should we all ignore these kind of posts from now on? If someone is too lazy to even use the search in this website, do they really deserve the deal?

    • +2

      Should be a report option: “belongs on airtasker”

  • welcome to ozbargain. How may we help google things for you and recommend you buy something cheaper.

    thank you for distracting us from real bargains

  • +15

    Whats with all the negative comments?

    A person is asking for help and its quite possible that someone else may know something the OP doesn't know. It sounds like OP has already had a look around on the internet. I know i've looked for good bargains online, but it was from people that posted responses in the posts, that have lead me to good bargains.

    There could be other people out here in Ozbargain who are just better finding deals than others. At the end of the day, isn't ozbargain a community where people help other people find bargains? I was pretty surprised the first post was a passive aggressive jab at OP.

    I thought this was a legitimate question, considering there might be many people wondering the same thing considering the time of year.

    • +6

      I wish I could upvote you more then once


      These guys are selling ex-demo ones for around $700. They seemed to be EDIT generally okay overall:

      I haven't personally used them though.

      Iphone prices are usually pretty stable and consistent across stores, so I guess second hand or ex-demo is the best alternatives to cheaper pricing.

    • +4

      negative comments come because
      1. Its seen that the OP has joined ozbargain to ask a help question, and this is common. They receive negative votes because there is initiative in joining and asking a question, but no, or little initiative in helping themselves.
      2. There is limited research submitted by the OP. taken there is 1 source for a price, theres nothing to indicate the OP will do better research than one price, and is relying on the community for an answer to follow.
      3. 'cheapest' and 'iphone' doesnt sit well with a bargain community. Seems that 'lolz' have been replaced by negative comments.
      4. You cant really help these questions. You cant teach initiative.
      5. These help questions from people who join to ask rarely get solved by the OP, who dont contribute much past the help request. If they do, then theyre helping the bargain community.

      NewbiefromVic has done the right thing, everyone else is passively dealing with the expectations of others, and actively providing unsupportive comments.

  • PM me about an iPhone 8

  • Why an iPhone? On a bargain site? True, the iPhones have better raw performance than any other Qualcomm/Kirin/Exynos based smart phone, and they are also supported for longer. But if you get him a Samsung A5(2017), you can install LineageOS on it for free and get a longer life out of a good enough device that beats the iPhone when all those performance metrics are divided by price. Just sayin'…

    • I can just see OP's Dad, who needs his son to help him buy a phone, to be pouring over the Geekbanch results to determine whether to go with an A8 or Qualcomm or other chip maker. "Look here dear, the new BangMong 823589YGT has slightly higher performance when playing Fortnite! But I'm not sure if it will support LineageOS, and I so want that bad! Hang on, there's a new one out, ChickenChops A45Alpha, which is running a slightly higher battery output and a Sony camera sensor too, which the BangMong has. I better hold off another couple of weeks to see what the FlyByNight Poppyseeds can do."

      The iPhones are supported for longer, updates are easy and regular, the App Store is perfect for the non-tech savvy, and I find iPhones much less intrusive compared with Androids. If OP's Dad likes tinkering with tech, he would have bought his own. If OP is looking for a hassle free experience with low to no tech support required from him, an iPhone is the way to go. That is a big factor as far as I'm concerned.

      • I agree with your positive views on Apple compared to the other manufacturers. However, my understanding is not that Dad would be self-supporting, but that OP would be supporting Dad, and that OP is here looking for support.

        You can make fun of the performance argument — without knowing the motivation of the OP I just put it out there as an argument in favor of the iPhone. If performance is as important as you deem it to be, that is another point for the Samsung A5(2017), thank you.

        With regard to LineageOS, I profoundly disagree with you. I have set a few elderly people on LineageOS and previously CyanogenMod. Updates are easy and regular. I have no experience with iPhones, so I cannot say whether they are easier or more difficult — all I can say is that the LineageOS phones in the hands of the elderly just work, without need for further support.

        In terms of longevity… let's check. Nexus 5, released October 2013, just received an OTA update to the latest LineageOS last week. Apple released September 2013 the iPhone 5C and 5S. Support for the 5C ended a year ago. Granted, it was a lower cost model and the 5S, still supported, is more comparable to the Nexus 5. So the jury is still out on that. LineageOS still support the OnePlus One (April 2014) and a number of other models. As long as there is enough interest, support is kept alive. Seems like a preferable model to me.

        As far as the App Store goes, it is probably better protected than the Play store, but I personally dislike most apps on both. I just can't befriend a business model that is built on spyware and tracking. Plus, 99% of the Apps are unnecessary. I side-load the phones with the few apps that my friends need and save them from the risk of installing malaware or falling to in-app purchases.

        I have no doubt that the iPhones are better value for money than most phones, but they are definitely no bargain. If somebody, like the OP, is looking for a bargain, in my view a new Android that is properly supported (LineageOS) is a better proposition than a half-life iPhone 8.

  • Kogan?

    Combine with the AMEX offer and you'll save more.

  • +1

    I just bought an iPhone 6s from this ebay store for $380 ($350 with a coupon)
    They're either used or ex-demos but their phones are graded very well. I bought one which was sold 'as new' and it came in perfect condition, no complaints. Only minor issue is that the phone is a grey import so consumer warranty doesn't apply.

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