Hi everyone,
I am having a problem with my iPhone 7. The problem started when I updated my iPhone to the newest firmware. The speaker and mic stopped working, they greyed out (one of the common problem with iPhone 7). Now apple refusing to help me because I had the screen replaced with a 3rd party one. They are telling me I need to pay for a new screen before they replace the phone for me. As they just assumed the 3rd party screen may be the cause of the problem but they don't want to test that at all.
here their statement
Proposed Resolution: Device replacement at display cost,
due to third party modifications.
I am happy to pay for the screen if its the main cause of the problem but it doesn't make sense to pay for the screen to get a replacement phone without testing the cause of the problem.
any help will appreciate it.
I get the hate that Apple gets around repairs, etc, and I'm not an Apple fan myself - but this makes sense. You have a piece of hardware on your phone that they didn't approve, haven't certified, and have no reason to assume will operate in the same way as the original hardware. If I was Apple, I also wouldn't want to risk performing repairs, only for those repairs not to have their intended effect because the third party hardware has any kind of unknown incompatibility.
I'll note that this is valid here because it's not as if the speaker and mic are completely independent of the screen - they're basically built and fits into the screen.