I am looking for a good quality beer - 6 (350ml+) can/bottle - under 15AUD ?
Do we have offer going on anywhere? Which one would you suggest?
Good quality beer - 6 (350ml+) cans/bottles - under 15AUD ?
Australian Local preferably -vb, XXX, Toohey something like that?
Try this, http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/41887. Not sure if there are any your way.
Discounts are usually to be found on slabs of beer and generally not 6 packs. I would just walk in to a bottle shop and see what you can find. If the beer you like is vb,XXXX (I assume thats what you meant) and Toohey's then you'll have no trouble getting those for $15 or less.
If you're after something similar to VB you'll have no trouble under $15 for 6
Remember to use Boozle or Wine-Searcher to find the cheapest
Thanks all.
There seems to be a problem in Boozle search.When I goto 'Beer' section :
Select the brand of beer to search for…
Brand: 'Any'Size:
There is no option for 6 bottles/cans (350ml+) in 'Size' drop down list :
and wine-searcher.com does not show beers :(
6 cans for $15 is the same as $60 for 24 pack. You'll get GREAT beer for that price.
But you need to buy in bulk. Why would anybody buy a 6 pack when for about double the price, you can get 4 times the amount? ;-/
Any particular kind of beer that you like? Bitter, dark, ale, fruity, etc.?