Hey all, has anyone ever been refunded the cost to ship the item out when they refunded their items? E.g. I buy an item which charges me $12.95 shipping, how likely am I to be refunded that $12.95 I paid to ship the item out? Or has anyone been successful in doing so? I think the odds are low but I thought I'd ask the community
Returning an online order and being refunded shipping

Last edited 26/11/2018 - 22:44
Read T&C. Varies store-by-store. Some of them will eat the cost of shipping, and others will make you cover it.
if it is DOA, they may.
Paypal lets you do this on eligible returns.
Have to activate it in your account, bit otherwise it's free.
Global Shop Direct doesn't refund postage. It's clearly shown in it's ads "refund of product cost only".
That's how they make their money, charge a bomb to post rubbish which isn't worth the cost of return postage let alone the original postage cost.
But that's me having a whinge.
IMO the return postage is usually covered by decent companies but the initial postage is only morally refunded. With a widespread issue it could send them broke. Claimable by tax might help them cover it.
Depends. Have you read their terms and conditions?