My first post was nine years ago in 2009. Most people that commented on that post have been online on OzBargain in the last 24 hours. Whoa. Extra points if one of them comments on this post.
OzBargain Is a Hell of a Drug

The cure to OzBargain, no more bargains?
That would just make me hit F5 more furiously I think.
Like drugs, it drains the finances and you'll need the product more because of your financial situation.
Getting in early for 10/11/2027… :+)
it's not a drug, it's a mental illness.
This user needs 10cc of eneloop, stat!
What happened to Loopylou
gone loopy
Not a comment, but does voting on that deal count?
Yep we have a winner lol
This was posted 9 years 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.
Am I the only one who understands the point of this thread is to discuss how users of this site stay here?
Anyway yeah I can't not use OzBargain after finding the underworld of better prices on practically everything I spend money on.
Who knows what you will miss out on if you don't check the deals.Extreme FOMO here
The 2nd commenter in that post is ONLINE NOW!
someone please shoot me if I ever post something like this sure signal life is at an end.
Before I found Ozbargain, (which I used for a long while before becoming a member) I used Pirate Pete’s Aussie Freebies, anyone here old enough to remember that website?
tbh I hardly buy anything but I refresh so often…
Thanks for reminding me I need to get off this site for good permanently..I think I have overstayed my stay.
to soon.. you celebrate the 10th anniversary not the 9th.. the faq?
now you just screwed up and made the 10th irrelevant…