I was looking to buy a monitor for my XB1 X and came across this.
Looks like a good and cheap 4k monitor for Xbox One X and PS4 Pro owners.
4 out of 5 stars rating on Amazon US.
I was looking to buy a monitor for my XB1 X and came across this.
Looks like a good and cheap 4k monitor for Xbox One X and PS4 Pro owners.
4 out of 5 stars rating on Amazon US.
60hz for gaming?
Got myself one from the shoppingexpress ebay store, same price. Can't wait to get my hands on it :) Apparently they don't come with display port cables though.
is there an IPS version of this?
I bought this monitor about a month ago for the same price during the sale. I'm definitely not someone that knows much about monitors but for me it's great. I use it for my pc as well as my xbox one and they look amazing on this. Definitely didn't come with a display port cable. Using freesync at 4k through hdmi with the xbox one and games like forza horizon 4 at 4k looks crazy good.
Out of curiosity, do you use a HDMI switch? If so, which one? I need to buy one along with this monitor but I'm unsure of wether Freesync will work with it.
Nah mate just use the hdmi straight from the xbox to the monitor. Only one of the hdmi ports can do 4k60 with freesync so if you plan on having two things connected you'll need a switch i'd say. Can't help you out with that one though sorry.
Futu online is pretty reputable retailer, explain why u think we will get a dud from this reputable retailer?
trolling? I didn't suggest the retailer was a dud. The panel though if DOA would be a pain to return.
Thanks bought one, going to be used for work and Xbox One X - can't find any reference to the freesync range but hopefully it's 35-60 not 40-60 like most.
Used same make but QLED model and it's over 40hz.
Just add a curve and IPS and I'm in.
Oh, wait.. that's a whole new monitor :(
4k VA 60hz Freesync