Origin Sharp 1.5kw Solar Panel System

@ mtaing or anyone else that can help

I am looking at getting the Origin Sharp 1.5kw system but the best I have been quoted is $3240.00

I have read some people got the same system (SHARP) for $2990. If so or cheaper can someone post a quote they got so I can try get the same price with Origin.



  • Mmmm twisties….

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    oh, one last thing, i paid $4500 for my system about 8-9 weeks ago on a payment plan, after it was installed i complained because they are now selling for $2990 ($1500 will make a big difference on my ROI calculations!) and i just got an email today saying they will reduce the price to $2990 for me, sweet!

    although, the $2990 could be a deal that they had

  • Thanks
    Anyone else got a good price?

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