Anybody else having issues with their USB-C Phones not charging properly? I have bought about 4 genuine chargers and none of them work anymore. I can barely get my blitzwolf ones to charge it now. Is my only option getting the charging port changed? I was quoted around $500 for this seems easier to get a different phone and not have the problem. I have a HTC U 11
USB-C Phone Charging port

Roofus on 26/11/2018 - 10:12
I have bought about 4 genuine chargers and none of them work anymore.
Yeah that sounds like a problem with your phone, not with 4 different, unrelated, chargers. Easy way to check is just seeing if they charge other stuff properly.
Phone issue - is your phone under warranty? What is the HTC equivalent of the Apple Genius bar (I have been Apple for years now - not sure how to get repairs done for other brands?
It should still be under warranty. I got it off a deal from here I will message them and see if they can sort it out. Overseas model unfortunately. I had an Apple once never again
Sounds like a warranty issue to me
Return it to where u bought it from and get it fixed.