Well, I decided to take a chance on this deal. So I just received mine today. Guess what I got? 720g of Expired Chupa Chups from Vietnam!! It expired on 10 March 2011. Another thing I got was Loreal Mens expert face wash.
Can they even sell expired stuffs? I'll never buy this bag of craps ever again.
1-day Bag of Craps. Anybody bought and receive their craps?
yeh i reckon too. freakin ripoff.
10 march 2011 expired and loaded with sugar.
I think you will have no trouble eating these. Its not like Milk with which expiry dates are more crucial.
But that said, these types of deals are for suckers……
well, i hv no problem eating it as well. but can they sell expired products anyway?
i think they can sell these but only if they notify the customers. I bought some vitamins from them which turned out to be expired and some about to expire in maybe a month and it was meant to be 60 days supply. I got them refunded after complaining to ACCC.
Its ilegal to sell food products past their "use by" day
"Food with a use-by date cannot be sold after that date"
Contact them and get your money back if you dont want to eat them.
Bizarrely, if it says "best before" there is a different law, and some grey area about whether it can be sold or not.
It's not bizarre at all. Best before and use by are different concepts. Use by is for products with a high natural food:low preservatives ratio, such as dairy & meat products. Best before is the opposite, and most food with a best before date will never go 'off' to the point where eating it will actually do you any harm - they just lose their flavour.
yeah, but chupachups aren't food.
these types of deals are for suckers
Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk !!!!!
Best laugh ever Hyuk hyuk hyuk~
I think they can still sell them if it's a 'Best Before' date… Not sure though, I haven't bought one of these bag of crap deals before… not game enough to try my luck haha
damn its actually best before date.
yep that's all legit then
you can stores can sell best before but not expired/use by itemsyea happens in alot of sweet shops too if you look hard in shopping centers. some even label out that its passed best before date but condition is perfect! lool
Best before you can sell at a discounted price, a lot of people do it i.e. 711 and sometimes NQR, IGA etc. However use by you cant…
I think so.
how much did u paid for this bag of craps?
paid 11+5.99 shipping. =.=
what a friggin rip off
well u got waht u paid for
a bag of crap….but i can usually get better craps for 11 bucks.
lol I got the chuppa chups as well, a cheap bluetooth headset, and a cheap breathalyzer which might actually be useful if it doesn't fall apart or read the wrong alcohol %
LOL to the breathalyzer. If the police started using them, I am sure they would make a lot of money out of the roadside breath test stations.
The trouble is, it is based on $30 of RRP stuff, but they always way over exagerated the RRP… I bet you could walk into any supermarket and get the same stuff for the same as what you paid, especially with the $6 postage.
Try Cheap & Chips.
Last year I got a Jack and the Beanstalk DVD - such a waste of time.
I reckon they make a bit of $ on these deals.