Laser HD Digital STB with PVR $49 @ Good Guys
High Def STB and PVR to external USB 2.0 drives, 7 day EPG.
Looks like it plays DivX files too.
Laser HD Digital STB with PVR $49 @ Good Guys
High Def STB and PVR to external USB 2.0 drives, 7 day EPG.
Looks like it plays DivX files too.
Might give it a miss then, bad remotes = frustrating
if you have a universal remote it could help, however, the receiver on maya DVDs is the problem, you have to be on a certain angle to get it to read right…
Avoid the Tivo then… most frustratingly bullshit design ever.
Make me want to through it through the cabinet every time i use it.
I have a TiVo and really like the remote, so there you go :)
i just set up the Strong Box i got a few weeks ago from Clive Peters for $48…
Very happy with that…
I got the Strong Set Top Box/Media Player from Domayne Online a while ago for $48, had to return it, had trouble getting channels 7 and 10 and their other channels :(
most likely a reception problem…
we set up ours down the peninsula and had to put in a masthead amplifier… i think it tuned in 30 tv channels and 4 radio channels…
tried the media player… AVI played really well… MKV got voice out of sync after playing for 5-10 mins though :(
Nope I also have a HDTV with a built-in tuner which picks up all channels perfectly fine. There's a chance i got a dud, but yeah it also had problems playing MKV files (it also wouldn't show subtitles in MKVs), so instead just got a WDTV for media playing. Still looking for a good set top box :(
does your WDTV show MKV subtitles ??? mine doesn't and neither does my popcorn hour… :S
my WDTV plays MKV files perfectly, well most of them, and it also shows the subtitles
hmmm… i must be encoding them wrong then…
Its probably the source jv, if not encoding try putting it on another usb stick / drive
jv, do you remember the model number of the Strong? Might check it out.
should have tried the Lennox then, almost the same as the Strong, and same price, my one picked up all channels first time, worked fine for like 4 days, and then wouldn't pickup any channels without rebooting but i got a dud
I think this is an average price for a PVR
They free 4gb thumb drive as well.
Bad pvr functionality - Killed 2 of my USB drives.
Good for a basic pvr & media player, does need firmware update to make it useable…… remote isnt very good