Hi everyone, can someone please give me some advice on how to find direction in life. I feel lost, unmotivated and currently unhappy.
I'm usually the type that can pick myself up but this time round I feel like I'm stuck in a rut or going through a mid life crisis!
I am 40 years old, own no home, dont have alot of savings, no kids and not married. Currently in a relationship but don't feel supported or encouraged and probably has no understanding how I'm feeling.
Currently not working but have been appyling for jobs in retail, admin and call centres.
Was thinking of completing a Cert III in Individual Support and become a Home Carer. Not all passionate about it but then I think in life you have to do some things you don't like doing. I figured I'm more likely to get a job in the future.
I don't have many friends due to me shutting people off when I don't feel my best or cancelling catch-ups. That's my fault.
The other issue is I need more positive people in my life. People I can look up to or successful role models. My partner is fairly negative and its always me boosting him up. It gets tiring!
Should I try and find a life coach? Maybe that might help me? I don't know what to do arghh. I feel like a loser..a no one someone that could have done something with her life..but due to not believing in herself has made wrong choices in love and career.
Appreciate any advice and thank you for reading.
action is the key.
excellent idea with the course.
it is definitely a starting point.
if you don't change your position then nobody is going to change it for you.
and it is very easy to change your own position.
especially by doing something and doing it with the view to completing it - which you will do because it's easy to complete something…by doing it.
I think it is great that you can see and acknowledge that you are dissatisfied with where your life is. many people don't see that and live their entire lives dissatisfied.
it's a good counter point when considering your future choices.
e.g. is studying going to remove me from a life of dissatisfaction? yes, then I should study
would eating an entire bucket of KFC remove me from a life of dissatisfaction? no, don't eat it.
would exercising assist in removing me from a life of dissatisfaction? yes, I'll feel fitter and more motivated. I'll look better and feel better about myself.